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Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

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    Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

    Good morning, folksies

    Time to 'fess up: WHO stole the sleep fairy? Huh? Huh? Been awake since fecking 4.30 am.

    Nothing much planned for today, except making a start on the exercise regime proposed by the "ruk-en-pluk" doctor (Afrikaans for chiropractor, so regard this as LESSON #2, Bhoggo). Mrs. A & Arsey puts me to shame. I reckon I'll take Jasmine for a stroll around the neighbourhood.

    I must say that it's sometimes nice to observe the world waking up. I won't make a habit of it, but I've enjoyed watching the cats waking from their slumber (nocturnal animals, my foot), Jasmine going for an early-morning pee (the relief in her eyes was obvious), hearing the newspaper delivery guy doing his rounds (his exhaust needs fixing), the hadedahs starting to graze (the early bird catching the worm taken literally), Mrs. T's gentle snores (a euphemism if you ever heard one) emanating from the bedroom...

    Anyhoo, have a lovely Saturday, whatever it is you have planned. I suspect an early nanna nap will be on the agenda for me.
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

    Morning Tipps :hallo:

    Your waking up and observations of the world waking up is music to me ears. Early bird is me... my favourite times of day are the points of transition - dawn and dusk - watching it all wake up and all return to rest after work.

    Right, yet another long day here in Arsey world: Teaching kids all morning and arvo... then gotta hang out at work until performances in the evening. So... have a good day all, and I'll see you laters...


      Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

      Morning tips and all to come

      I plead not guilty to stealing the sleep fairy tips...been up all night, so I can tell you it's been snowing all night here and it still is. Got to go to the supermarket in a minute, not looking forward to the drive. And it's perishing cold yet agaiin. Will this winter never end? :upset:

      Loved your your early morning should become a writer!

      Have a great day/weekend everyone.


        Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

        Xpost - morning arsey


          Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

          morning reccie


            Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

            Good morning Tips, RC and Reccie

            Yes I love the early mornings too:goodjob:

            Still bloody snowing but going to take a chance on the roads being bleared as the grandchildren are so excited about their holiday on Holy Island.

            Going to pack the car and get some food and drink for the journey.
            Aldi has lovely dark chocolate for about 40p a bar


              Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

              the sleep fairy forgot me too,.I' to teach all morning then a concert....
              I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

              They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                The sleep fairy has spent the night chez Sylv, I had an early night because it was freezing and barely saw the credits on the film I planned to watch.

                Woken up upto an ominous silence, six inches of bloody snow deadening the road noise - live on a busy road too.
                Hope you all have a fantastic Saturday!!

                Love the Afrikaans lessons Tipps
                AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                  Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                  Morning all. Sorry for the disappearing act last night. No t'internet chez Satz.
                  Off for a read back


                    Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                    tiptronic_ct;1481811 wrote: Good morning, folksies

                    Time to 'fess up: WHO stole the sleep fairy? Huh? Huh? Been awake since fecking 4.30 am.

                    Nothing much planned for today, except making a start on the exercise regime proposed by the "ruk-en-pluk" doctor (Afrikaans for chiropractor, so regard this as LESSON #2, Bhoggo). Mrs. A & Arsey puts me to shame. I reckon I'll take Jasmine for a stroll around the neighbourhood.

                    I must say that it's sometimes nice to observe the world waking up. I won't make a habit of it, but I've enjoyed watching the cats waking from their slumber (nocturnal animals, my foot), Jasmine going for an early-morning pee (the relief in her eyes was obvious), hearing the newspaper delivery guy doing his rounds (his exhaust needs fixing), the hadedahs starting to graze (the early bird catching the worm taken literally), Mrs. T's gentle snores (a euphemism if you ever heard one) emanating from the bedroom...

                    Anyhoo, have a lovely Saturday, whatever it is you have planned. I suspect an early nanna nap will be on the agenda for me.
                    That is lovely Tipps :l
                    The difference in you when you are not working is amazing. Makes you wonder why we give SO much of our time (limited) to work. I know all the answers BUT if we REALLY pondered it ?? Just sayin'.
                    Now what is a hadedah ?
                    You being there and us off over here - it's just great to get an insight into life in a different world.
                    And with my new lessons from you I can regale my trainer with my increased vocab :H ( he's from your neck of the woods)
                    Now if I could be arsed , i'd get outta leaba and tell you about my world. Much later maybe


                      Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                      MOAN ALERT

                      mollyka;1481840 wrote: Mornin Benjy - are you 'couching' today? Feck - why am I still ON the shaggin couch -- coooofffffeeee needed!
                      Mornin' Mollers.
                      No couch - I'm a sit in the leaba girl - have brekkie and decide on the day !
                      Feeling a bit blah today.
                      Body aching - this is now a daily thing. Not related to exercise 'cos haven't been since Thursday.
                      it's a strange one ! Whole body / muscles sore & aching - even my hands & feet
                      Any ideas?
                      Am I still de-toxing ? I hope so and that it's not summit sinister


                        Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                        Was mildly entertained by the snow when I first woke up, then I realised there if eff all in the house to eat and just discovered all bus services are suspended, hope to God the local Tosco Useless has had a delivery of something.
                        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                          Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                          Meet -up :
                          Sorry I' m not much help in the transport dept - but I'z still a 'learner' in the driving stakes. Know my own rat runs can get to town no prob & will find Malahide Castle .....but nothng fancy like airports & the like.
                          ***** Just got a text from my sister in Glasgow - she is flying in on April 5th too !! to surprise my mother .
                          I will need to add her into the equation that weekend.

                          I DEFFO want to go to Malahide & then hang out with yiz all afternoon - so I think that's what I'll do. Saturday night may have to be with family (

                          But I can look at going / doing something Sunday ?


                            Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                            Good morning Tipperooo,Runners, Reccybear, Our Whizzy, Pinguuuuuuu, Mollymoo, Spiderwoooooooooman, Satzuma.

                            I had the sleep fairy as well.

                            That was just lovely to read, Tips. :l

                            Ach bring your sister to the meet up, she'll get a bit of a surprise when we're all on the water.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                              mollyka;1481848 wrote: No way could ya still be de-toxing imo - back to my question of yesterday - have you had things like thyroid checked etc? AND - not to sound like a broken record and prolly utterly useless cos I know you're into your vitamins and shite - but when my B12 was low I had aches EVERYWHERE - and funny you mention your hands and feet -- they were the worst. Mind you, could be just aches from gym work? Back in the day when I actually did move my arse a bit it was usually 3 days later that the aches and pains kicked in??
                              Thanks Molls - if it doesn't improve - I'll go doc -you are prolly right. I tend to think I know it all - clearly I don't when I can't even drag myself out of bed this morning :upset:

                              Yoooooooooo hooooooooooo JC :wavin:

