Time to 'fess up: WHO stole the sleep fairy? Huh? Huh? Been awake since fecking 4.30 am.
Nothing much planned for today, except making a start on the exercise regime proposed by the "ruk-en-pluk" doctor (Afrikaans for chiropractor, so regard this as LESSON #2, Bhoggo). Mrs. A & Arsey puts me to shame. I reckon I'll take Jasmine for a stroll around the neighbourhood.
I must say that it's sometimes nice to observe the world waking up. I won't make a habit of it, but I've enjoyed watching the cats waking from their slumber (nocturnal animals, my foot), Jasmine going for an early-morning pee (the relief in her eyes was obvious), hearing the newspaper delivery guy doing his rounds (his exhaust needs fixing), the hadedahs starting to graze (the early bird catching the worm taken literally), Mrs. T's gentle snores (a euphemism if you ever heard one) emanating from the bedroom...
Anyhoo, have a lovely Saturday, whatever it is you have planned. I suspect an early nanna nap will be on the agenda for me.