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Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

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    Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

    Hiya Pingu! Funnily enough I know that app of which you speak. What ages are your kids? Maybe I can come over to play Tom with them sometime?! :H Gawd...

    Mollers... it's actually just now (as in since I've been back home today) that I'm starting to feel chillaxed. IOP is done and dusted this Tuesday... I'll get pinned and certified in that order :H and will become official alumni of a great source of support for women, whether they have addiction, alcoholism, money or none. I am rather quite proud to be a part of it all. :h

    Also, my rehab roomie goes home at the end of this month, so my time is going to be divvied up differently and I'll soon be looking for new adventures. )

    I'll still have aftercare Tuesday evenings and therapy Thursday arvo. And I'll do a couple of meetings but, like you, I'm not all into AA like that. I do want to work the steps though and intend on doing it once IOP is over.

    It's just fucking good to have my life back! If I could say "wheeeeee!" and you could hear me... I would.


      Army Thread Saturday 23rd March


      Evening all. Zennymoo - looking for new adventures? Excellent! Let's get an old jallopy of a van and get the army touring the globe in search of adventures - Indiana Jones style!

      Just back from work....


        Army Thread Saturday 23rd March


        Can we get one of those hippie style vans! The VW thingo thingy? pleeeeeeeeze???? I can paint it in pink and hang beaded curtains and we can all say "maaaan" a lot and it will be ************squeak************* Reality just ground that train of thought to a halt! :H


          Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

          Zenstyle;1482103 wrote: Dear,

          Can we get one of those hippie style vans! The VW thingo thingy? pleeeeeeeeze???? I can paint it in pink and hang beaded curtains and we can all say "maaaan" a lot and it will be ************squeak************* Reality just ground that train of thought to a halt! :H
          :H:H Darn... I was so on that train of thought :H


            Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

            Here's our little friend peeking in to say hallo :hallo:


              Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

              Howya Zennerooney :wavin:
              Nope will not give in to 'creaking old age' Zenners. Has to be a deadly disease
              Look at Ms A - n'eer a bother on her - ran 22 miles in the snow yesterday. NO :no: age is but a number .
              Jesus RC you are some one to jabber eh? 3000+ posts and you only a wet day in the place :H


                Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                mollyka;1482106 wrote:
                I'll pass on the hippy van tho - tanks very much:H
                Hi Arsey!! I woz one of the original hippies --- once was enough - mind you it was wonderful at the time!!
                Are you moving to the cottage soon?
                Hey d'ya reckon Hippyman has a spare VW we could appropriate?!

                Move in on 2nd April Molls


                  Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                  satz123;1482108 wrote:
                  Nope will not give in to 'creaking old age' Zenners. Has to be a deadly disease

                  Aye, yep... that was me pounding away on the dreadmill till I almost combusted! Ach, I can train my way back there... but for now it's "training light" for this couch potato. Carting all this lard around impedes the gym work...

                  Was in the Doc's yesterday and fecked if my weight isn't in the "green zone"... dead normal and proper BMI. I'm, like, "What about them lumpy bits then?!!!" I reckon their chart is for couch potatoes like myself...


                    Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                    YEAH BABY !!!


                      Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                      RunningCourage;1482109 wrote: Hey d'ya reckon Hippyman has a spare VW we could appropriate?!
                      Bet he has and all. We can call him Father Hippyman and he can be in charge of our commune-slash-road trip. I'll call him Daddy for short. He'll like that! :new:


                        Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                        time for zzzzzzzzzzz :bedtime:
                        'Amorrow folks


                          Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                          PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINKKKKKKKKKKKKK! :waving: (Thank you for your co-operation...) :H


                            Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                            satz123;1482108 wrote: Howya Zennerooney :wavin:
                            Nope will not give in to 'creaking old age' Zenners. Has to be a deadly disease
                            Look at Ms A - n'eer a bother on her - ran 22 miles in the snow yesterday. NO :no: age is but a number .
                            Jesus RC you are some one to jabber eh? 3000+ posts and you only a wet day in the place :H
                            Mrsa is like a goddess cos she can so far and stuff. she is like the embodiment of such phrases as "fuck me, is she like jesus or summat?!" and "I'd never fucking believe it" and "pigs might... pigs DO fly!" and also questions like "does superman have a granny?" (answer, aye, she's called superwhizzy).

                            Me jabber?!
                            Not me?...
                            Like me?
                            Wee me?...
                            Well... are you sure?...


                              Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                              Nighty night Satz... sleep tight and see you on the morrow... xxx


                                Army Thread Saturday 23rd March

                                Zenstyle;1482113 wrote: Bet he has and all. We can call him Father Hippyman and he can be in charge of our commune-slash-road trip. I'll call him Daddy for short. He'll like that! :new:
                                And I'll call him Reverend Dude :H

