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Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

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    Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

    Good marnin' troops!

    Is it Palm Sunday or summat today? I'm a tad ignorant of what's what in that regard... I know it's Easter next weekend, right?!

    I was hoping Tipps had regaled us with more tales of dawn breaking in Saffa. It's really neat to read the different stories and snippets from life in other countries, especially when you know the person in question. What's mundane to one is extremely interesting to another.

    I could share more about my feeding of cats and buying of bras (went to Victoria's Secret on Friday!) but I reckon I'd bore yis stiff before I even got properly started!!! :H

    Have a LEKKER Sunday peeps... xxx

    Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

    Good evening Zennie and good morning to all the sleepyheads to come

    I suspect the Cape Epic riders had an uncomfortable night - there was quite a bit of wind. They set off again at 8. The eldest cub has just left to go and do his bit. My English is failing me this morning. To pitch a tent in Afrikaans: opslaan (literally: hit up). Similarly, to take it down: afslaan (hit down). What is the correct English word?

    The lovely long weekend feeling is coming to an end. Have to go and do the weekly shop, which will be quite a big one. I'll also get some of the supplies we'll need for our holiday. At least I'm only working for three days.

    Have a lekker Sunday, folksies. I now need to feed the furry horde. Jasmine is looking at me pleadingly. The 4 cats have a more murderous look: feed us or else...
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread, Sunday 24th March


      130Am and,we read the,riot act for the last time....go to sleep girls...

      Tigger will be vile later, she doesn't do tired
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

        Morning troops.

        Aye, today is Palm Sunday. Always know this cos I was born the Saturday before Palm Sunday... which is the week afore Easter. Think that's when some churches give out Palm crosses. Here endeth my knowledge on the ecclesiastical year.

        Hmmm... the wind appears to have died down.... will be out shortly to run

        Tipps, at scouts we'd see "pit it up" and "yank it down" These are not technical terms, but broadly understood by most


          Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

          I'm pretty sure today is Palm Sunday, if I could be bothered to move I would look on the calendar but its still freezing so it will be a quick trip to the park with the hound and that"ll be me done. Will have to either bake bread or go out in it neither of which appeall.
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

            Morning army after not such a great night's sleep. 2nd coffee on the way already. Yep Zenner's your right it is palm sunday. No rain or wind here but still baltic cold. Have a good sunday. Have to go fed me animals.:catroll::cupajoe:


              Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

              Oops neversaid good morning
              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                mornin' all from
                What the feck has yiz all up so early :egad:
                It's a day of rest FFS :H


                  Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                  Good morning Pingu, Molly, Arsey, Foxy and Spidey.

                  I guess there isn't a technical term for taking down a tent, then :H

                  I've decided to give the weekly shop a miss. I'll do it on Thursday after seeing the chiro. We intend leaving early in the afternoon, as soon as the cubs get out of school. It's luckily not a very long drive - about three hours.

                  Off to the local Spar now for some basics, like my Sunday paper. Lamb neck and knuckle curry with roti and basmati for lunch.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                    X-post. :wavin: Satzuma
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                      Lamb is dead cheap here at the moment, Mollers. R50 a kilo. That's what? About €4.50?
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                        Feeding the 5 Thousand again Molls.:H

                        The highlight of my day is going up to my Mother's - she's great but getting bit deaf & doddery. time will come when my visits will be more frequent.
                        She's still very active but that will prob change.
                        She drives, goes ballroom dancing - day trips with her sister who is 90
                        I have a horrible feeling when the sis goes she will start to deterioriate.
                        Could be wrong & as I said yesterday - age is a number and my Mam is more active than some 50 year olds I work with :H


                          Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                          Good morning Zennifer, Tippers, Pinguuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Mollymoo, Runners, Spiderwooooooooman, Satzuma

                          I'z here, I'z here.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                            Lamb in the oven. More or less 2 hours at 180C and it'll be falling off the bone.

                            Mollers, to give you an idea: we happen to employ a librarian / assistant in our dept. She takes home about R12000 a month, I'd guess (based on what her job grade is and if she has a degree. No degree would mean about 2/3ds of that). Minimum wage is around R2000, depending on the industry.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread, Sunday 24th March

                              :wavin: JC
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009

