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At risk of being shot down in smoke

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    At risk of being shot down in smoke

    Some here talked about how great Prohibition of alcohol would be.

    Well on the risk of being shot down in smoke can I say that I think that the idea is a load of bollocks!

    Because of our weakness do you really believe that alcohol should be banned totally??!!? There are millions and millions of people who drink sensibly and who are we to suggest that they should not be able to continue to do just that. There are a teem load of substances that are bad for our bodies if taken in excess. Should they be prohibited as well! What ever happened to personnal freedom? Its something most of us are lucky enough to take for granted. I think that generations to come will be regulated far more strickly in many ways, watched closely by Big Brother. I for one am dam glad I won't be around to see it.
    A BushBaby with Attitude

    At risk of being shot down in smoke

    No should not be prhibited by any means - just health warnings would be good, and adverts showing the harm it can do - like they do with smoking.

    That's what I think - no shooting down!!

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      At risk of being shot down in smoke

      I"m for a change in its advertising... its sold as sophisticated and almost the only way to celebrate which i think is a lie.. but then when an ad comes on the tv, i say to my kids.. its an ad its a lie.. so i have a problem with advertising full stop!!!!!

      get me off this soap box


        At risk of being shot down in smoke

        Yes, I agree, they shouldn't ban alcohol.. A banned substance becomes a desirable one..... The advertising of alcohol on TV and in papers and magazines should be banned... Also, here in the UK, in all the soap operas on TV most of the action seems to take place in the pub, a lot of children watch these and I'm sure they grow up equating alcohol with having a good time...
        A few weeks ago on one of the soaps, we saw a young woman drink glass after glass of wine in a pub, next thing she is outside being violently sick on the pavement... Now in real life she would have staggered home, collapsed into bed and woken up the next morning feeling like crap with no memory of the night before, but no, within half an hour of leaving the pub she is able to sit and have an intelligent and coherent conversation with one of the other characters.. What kind of message does that send out to young people?? I just despair at times...

        Going to cheer myself up,
        Louise xx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          At risk of being shot down in smoke

          I agree with brigid
          Gabby :flower:


            At risk of being shot down in smoke

            hey irish, have you noticed how often the "drinks are on the house" on eastenders,corrie and the like?


              At risk of being shot down in smoke

              Yes brightfield I have.. Have you noticed as well, how the factory girls in Corrie go to the pub for lunch, drink, THEN go back to work on their machines...
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                At risk of being shot down in smoke

                yes, then after work its over to the rovers again.


                  At risk of being shot down in smoke

                  not saying ban it....

                  no sure many people drink sensibly...

                  who knows what impact alcohol has on lives, decisions, relationships etc of folks who "drink sensibly" Who really knows...
                  Control the Mind


                    At risk of being shot down in smoke

                    As a social libertarian I'm definately not for more laws. it would be nice if we spent some tax payer money instead on cost-effective detox/rehab centers, and education on the subject. Elizabeth, I too dread the day when we have a camera on every street corner, then one in the bedroom etc.
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      At risk of being shot down in smoke

                      My ma used to run her own pub before she retired and always maintained that folks 'spent more' ie 'drank more' when she offered 'after time' than they spent the whole evening, therefore the 'illegal' drinking was more sought after than the 'legal' which is what would happen if alcohol was ever prohibibited.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        At risk of being shot down in smoke

                        i come from a large Irish catholic family...many have taken the pledge and never touched a drop!! A few have a sherry at Xmas only!

                        Then there are any number of us in the family who drink daily..too often or watever the pattern is.

                        How i wish i had taken the pledge as a teenager and been relieved of th e horrors of was not to i accept that and plod on trying to make some changes in what was a very unhealthy lifestyle!

                        Alcohol these days is everywhere, ...cinema, theatre, church functions, school events, bar b ques,,,,i cant think of many social occasions where it isnt available.i know we are adults but sometimes i struggle to act like one and show some self control.

                        My kids are adults and the shame i feel that they drink alcohol "for pleasure" with friends is linked to my guilt. how i wish i hadnt set a poor example to them...i hope they dont go down the road of addiction.

                        We have alcoholics on both sides of the the odds are high...still the power of never know they might get wise??

                        alcohol is available everywhere hope is that i can decline the least for today.

                        hope you all have a sober or moderating good day



                          At risk of being shot down in smoke

                          "everything bad in my family has happened beacuse of booze" mojo's baby girl quote. i almost lost my mind. scary it does not stop me from being an arse. what does that sa;y about me??????????????????


                            At risk of being shot down in smoke

                   too, me too and EVERY time is the last. Why? After making such arses of ourselves to we continue? Ho hum, on we go eh?
                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

