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Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

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    Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

    Evening troops

    and ma-husive waves :waving: to Peapants and Questyroo...

    Peapants - good job on staying strong, as Molls says certainly sounds like one of them "feck it" moments that could knock you for six and affa the wagon.

    Questy - again as Molls says (OK, you don't need to say it troops, Arsey sounds like an effin feckin echo. I know.) we're not here to judge, and without a shadow of a doubt we are THE best army to help you on your quest. I fink you know where the key is, just got at it and use it :l

    Went to gym this morning - first time in prolly 4 months... My upper body is a bit of a scrawnny pathetic attempt at being an upper body. So went to gym, lifted my water bottle 3 times in each hand to my mouth, had a shower and went to work. Not long now before I will be SuperArse!

    Did a workshop this arvo for trainee teachers - their lecturer game me a bottle of champers to say thank you ARGGHHHH... that's like the second bottle in the past week I've been given as a thank you. What about a box of chocs? A hat for the cold? A pic for my cottage? Catfood for the cat I imagine owning one day? Socks, what about them? Eh? A book - a voucher for a book even? No... it's just more wine...

    Right - away to do some reading again...


      Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

      Zenstyle;1483353 wrote: p.s. This was me earlier... that damn desktop will be the end of me!

      ooohh... yer pretty damn hot when you're mad, zenny


        Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

        JackieClaire;1483358 wrote: Acupuncture, boxing, SMART recovery, counselling.
        Hmmm.... All I'm doing from that lot is the counselling. I wonder does the acupuncture work well. Isn't SMART one of the other addiction websites, or do they have face-to-face meetings also? Oh, right, yeah I think they do... I guess that's an alternative to AA?

        Hiya Pingu! :wavin:


          Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

          RunningCourage;1483363 wrote: ooohh... yer pretty damn hot when you're mad, zenny
          Ha ha ha!!! Ya don't know the half of it. I gotz red hair and all...

          How is yerself this fine evenink?

          (I've done ONE window!) Gawd...


            Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

            Zenstyle;1483365 wrote: Ha ha ha!!! Ya don't know the half of it. I gotz red hair and all...

            How is yerself this fine evenink?

            (I've done ONE window!) Gawd...

            Och, I'm fine. Just in and fed and now orf to study for a bit once i can prise my eyes away from compuder screen :H

            Have you had final IOP, or is that later tonight?


              Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

              It's later tonight... and there will be cake! Two of us are graduating (myself and the 18 year old)...

              I'm hoping there will be no tears... lol


                Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                pingu1997;1483359 wrote: I ate four hot cross buns today. No wonder I feel bleurgh tonight....
                4 or just 4 halves.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                  mollyka;1483369 wrote:
                  Oh gawd - was laughing at that!! I 'outed' myself to a workmate recently (well, I THOUGHT I did) - she was having major problems with her son with alcohol and depression - so I just dove in and told her I sorta knew what she was talking about. Chatted for the whole of lunch hour about it --- 5pm we are heading home and I told her I was knackered - and her very words were 'get yourself home and have a nice glass of wine with your dinner - that'll sort you' --- I mean FFS - WHAT had I been saying??
                  I know that feeling.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                    mollyka;1483369 wrote: I 'outed' myself to a workmate recently (well, I THOUGHT I did) - she was having major problems with her son with alcohol and depression - so I just dove in and told her I sorta knew what she was talking about. Chatted for the whole of lunch hour about it --- 5pm we are heading home and I told her I was knackered - and her very words were 'get yourself home and have a nice glass of wine with your dinner - that'll sort you' --- I mean FFS - WHAT had I been saying??
                    She was listening attentively then? I think it's a knee jerk reaction as well as a sign of the times... "get yersel a nice wee glass of wine"...

                    I'll be seeing them all at Aftercare so I'm not too sad about it being over. Things get a bit teary though, as we've bared our souls to each other in IOP. I'm looking forward to Aftercare tbh... it'll be Tuesday nights now. One of our techs from rehab will be there and all the IOP girls, the ones that finished before, and the rest will follow. It's my therapist that runs it, I found out...

                    THREE windows! be contd. I'm writing my own window cleaning book called "She's Not That Into You"


                      Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                      I :h cleaning winders.

                      I am sooooooooo tired tonight. If I'm not careful I'm going to swallow me own heid when I yawn.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                        That's the insides done. Still can't see out on account of the outsides. They're a feckin nuisance Jacks... dunno how you can enjoy it... moving all the shite to get the shutters open to get to them and all... gah!!!

                        Righty ho... orf to the shower and then IOP. Catch yiz on the morrow... XXX


                          Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                          Enjoy,Zennifer, you've earned it.
                          Orff for a bowl of chilli and a couple of CSIs.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                            anybody about?
                            I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                            To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                              Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                              Hey Inchy :hallo: how's you?


                                Army Thread Tuesday 26th March

                                Hey sweetpea, I'm alright thanks, having a little sleep trouble, you?
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


