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Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

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    Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

    Hahaha... there's a smart Alec in every group Arsey!!! )

    Just read about your weird student. I was a TA for AutoCAD when I was sitting my Bachelors and some of those feckers frightened the bejaysus outta me... :wow:

    My uncle got his teachers degree many moons ago... he lasted about a year before he couldn't stand the heat from the kids. One of my cousins is a teacher too... she's become very resilient over the years...


      Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

      See PM Zennifer.

      Yep we'd better keep it quiet, Runners, we know Zens doesn't like a fuss.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

        congrats on 3 months zenny

        I felt sorry for teachers at my school, one lasted just 2 lessons before throwing a chair at a student and being fired. Ahh what lovely people I went to school with...
        I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

        To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



          Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

          That is absolutely brilliant zenny. I didn't realise it was that long (as the actress said to the bishop).


            Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

            Yis are feckin cracking me up!!! PERFECT congrats!!! XXX


              Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

              Speaking of difficult kids, my brother teaches at a school where the intake consists of kids who've been expelled from mainstream schools. I use the word "teaches" loosely. Apparently it's really an exercise in crowd control. Not the kind of job I would like to have, but it seems to be well paid.


                Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                InChains;1483792 wrote:
                I felt sorry for teachers at my school, one lasted just 2 lessons before throwing a chair at a student and being fired. Ahh what lovely people I went to school with...
                Och now that's just wrong. Don't get into the kitchen if ya can't handle the heat Mr Teacher...

                The Headmaster in my primary school dragged a pupil out of his chair to the front of the room, with the feckin desk still in tow... then he got even more frustrated cos he had done that and went to slam a window closed and broke the glass in it. Needless to say, his classes were very well behaved after that... our eyes were bugging out!


                  Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                  One of my teachers had a nervous breakdown cos he couldn't control his classes. The kids would do things like pinch his briefcase and pass it round the classroom and he would be chasing after it to try and get it back. It's not a job for the faint-hearted.


                    Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                    Recluse;1483803 wrote: One of my teachers had a nervous breakdown cos he couldn't control his classes. The kids would do things like pinch his briefcase and pass it round the classroom and he would be chasing after it to try and get it back. It's not a job for the faint-hearted.
                    OMG.... but..... :H

                    The geography teacher we locked in the supply room quit his job after. Yeah, it's not for the faint of heart AT all....

                    Having said that, some of the teachers were right buggers themselves. I remember getting whacked across the back with a metre stick in Class 3 FFS. I thought me Ma was going to savage her! lol


                      Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                      mollyka;1483805 wrote: Xpost Recster! Oh we were a cruel bunch to our teachers too --- the bird with the hairy legs got the worst of it really :-)
                      What was her nickname? (She must have had one!)


                        Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                        Just dropping in : Internet at home not working. Too tired to grapple with shagginphone for too long.
                        Will catch up when back up on wireless


                          Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                          In a similar vein to the teacher, one of our teachers left when a student threw a desk at her.
                          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                            Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                            mollyka;1483805 wrote: Xpost Recster! Oh we were a cruel bunch to our teachers too --- the bird with the hairy legs got the worst of it really :-)
                            Evening mollers Good day at work?

                            satz123;1483810 wrote: Just dropping in : Internet at home not working. Too tired to grapple with shagginphone for too long.
                            Will catch up when back up on wireless

                            InChains;1483811 wrote:
                            In a similar vein to the teacher, one of our teachers left when a student threw a desk at her.
                            That must have been a rough school Inchy!


                              Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                              Evening all! In a bit earlier tonight thanks goodness.

                              No more work until next Wednesday, love my new job but its been a tough 3 weeks. Hope you've all stayed warm.
                              AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                                Army Thread Wednesday 27th March

                                state comprehensive with 2000 students, mixed ability and backgrounds. Alot of pot heads there haha
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


