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The house that G built.

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    The house that G built.

    Hey Mr. G,
    Just checking in from the trail (completed 104 miles of the 500 mile adventure). All's well (posted On Becoming Joyfully AF). So glad to hear that you're loving yoga. It has been such a positive influence for me. Sending lots of positive energy your way.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      The house that G built.

      G'day Cori, Guapo, Byrdy, FAL, Ava and y'all. Hope all's well!

      Glad that doco was of interest.

      Happy trails FAL.

      Ava, no graduation from booze school. I did 3 weeks (out of the 6) which was interesting and came away with a big CBT and other workbook for future reference. Combination of end of year uni assignment hand in's/final class presentation bang in the middle of booze school that proved too tricky for me to do both physically, plus i'm not a big fan of social worker types even though the folks there were very good.

      In summary? I'm pretty good, finished uni, and starting to relax from a busy and self inflicted stressful last few months. All ok here, and reaching for the stars. Take care all.


      By Frosty Wooldridge
      March 13, 2014

      Every week, you read stories of amazing moments where ordinary people triumphed over failure. You may watch the “Biggest Loser” where a man or woman cut 150 pounds off his or her body to walk on stage looking fantastic in a suit or dress. Most suffered failure and depression for years concerning their obesity. In life, people from all walks of life suffer failure on many levels.

      Back in 1947, Twentieth Century Fox dropped Marilyn Monroe because producer Daryl Zanuck felt she lacked the “attraction factor” to make her a star. Dr. Seuss’ first book suffered 27 rejections. Richard Bach’s book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, faced 44 rejections from publishers. Barbara Streisand gave her Broadway debut in 1961, but the house closed after one show.

      Frank Sinatra suffered expulsion from school for rowdy behavior. Singer Johnny Cash sold appliances before his songwriting and guitar playing catapulted him to fame. Walt Disney’s first cartoon company suffered bankruptcy. Decca Records executive Dick Rowe rejected the Beatles in favor of “The Tremeloes” a band that soon failed. Martin Luther King suffered jail and name calling in his quest to bring equality to people of color.

      Her boss fired Oprah Winfrey from her first job as an anchor at a Baltimore, Maryland television station. She faced sexism and harassment. Oprah rebounded to become the number one television talk-show host in America.

      Film academics rejected Steven Spielberg from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts multiple times. They said, “He lacked basic abilities to comprehend the cinematic arts.” Spielberg struggled until he directed such movies as “ET” that made him world famous.

      At his first screen test, dancer Fred Astaire suffered the words of the director: "He can't sing. Can't act. Slightly balding. Can dance a little." He became the greatest film and dance star of his age.

      Struggling author and single mom J.K. Rowling lived off welfare when she began writing the first "Harry Potter" book. She now commands the title of the richest working woman in the United Kingdom.

      Stephen King spent 13 years living in a trailer with his wife and kids while he took two hours out every night to work on his writing craft. He rewrote “Carrie” after his wife pulled it back out of the wastebasket because he threw it away in total futility. The book became an instant best seller that led to 350 million copies of his books published worldwide including the famous movie, “The Shawshank Redemption”.

      As you know, every one of the above people continued their quests until they became world famous. Their legacies continue to this day in literature, the arts, cinema, music and equal rights. Ironically, they continued following their calling no matter what the failure rate.

      Unbeknownst to most people who look at famous names, stars or political leaders—they share one thing in common: they experienced multiple failures on their way toward their success.

      Many people who faced failure didn’t realize how close to success they were when they quit. They allowed their frustrations, obstacles and choices to defeat them.

      Where does that leave you? How do you feel about failure? What can you do about your failures? What can drive you to your ultimate success?

      First of all, you must appreciate your own worth and the worth of your quest.

      Polly Letofsky at 42, from Vail, Colorado, faced enormous challenges before becoming the first woman to walk around the world, 14,000 miles across four continents in five years to bring attention to breast cancer. She raised over a quarter of a million dollars and enjoyed 2,000 interviews from newspapers around the world.

      In the past year October 3, 2013, 64 year old Diana Nayad, a world class swimmer, took her fifth and final attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida, a distance of 90 miles over treacherous ocean waters filled with sharks, jellyfish, waves and winds. After 35 years of trying, she succeeded. She said, “You can choose to live your dreams at any age.”

      No matter what your age, lot in life or past failures, you enjoy every chance to succeed at your chosen-destiny by your decisions to overcome heartache, turmoil and failure.

      In your life time, every moment leads to your epic life because there are no ordinary moments. Each moment makes your extraordinary life by your choices. Give every moment of every day to your personal quest. Use your heart, your mind, your energy and your passion to follow your dreams.

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        The house that G built.

        G'day Cori, Guapo, Byrdy, FAL, Ava and y'all. Hope all's well!

        Glad that doco was of interest.

        Happy trails FAL.

        Ava, no graduation from booze school. I did 3 weeks (out of the 6) which was interesting and came away with a big CBT and other workbook for future reference. Combination of end of year uni assignment hand in's/final class presentation bang in the middle of booze school that proved too tricky for me to do both physically, plus i'm not a big fan of social worker types even though the folks there were very good.

        In summary? I'm pretty good, finished uni, and starting to relax from a busy and self inflicted stressful last few months. All ok here, and reaching for the stars. Take care all.


        By Frosty Wooldridge
        March 13, 2014

        Every week, you read stories of amazing moments where ordinary people triumphed over failure. You may watch the ?Biggest Loser? where a man or woman cut 150 pounds off his or her body to walk on stage looking fantastic in a suit or dress. Most suffered failure and depression for years concerning their obesity. In life, people from all walks of life suffer failure on many levels.

        Back in 1947, Twentieth Century Fox dropped Marilyn Monroe because producer Daryl Zanuck felt she lacked the ?attraction factor? to make her a star. Dr. Seuss? first book suffered 27 rejections. Richard Bach?s book, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, faced 44 rejections from publishers. Barbara Streisand gave her Broadway debut in 1961, but the house closed after one show.

        Frank Sinatra suffered expulsion from school for rowdy behavior. Singer Johnny Cash sold appliances before his songwriting and guitar playing catapulted him to fame. Walt Disney?s first cartoon company suffered bankruptcy. Decca Records executive Dick Rowe rejected the Beatles in favor of ?The Tremeloes? a band that soon failed. Martin Luther King suffered jail and name calling in his quest to bring equality to people of color.

        Her boss fired Oprah Winfrey from her first job as an anchor at a Baltimore, Maryland television station. She faced sexism and harassment. Oprah rebounded to become the number one television talk-show host in America.

        Film academics rejected Steven Spielberg from the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts multiple times. They said, ?He lacked basic abilities to comprehend the cinematic arts.? Spielberg struggled until he directed such movies as ?ET? that made him world famous.

        At his first screen test, dancer Fred Astaire suffered the words of the director: "He can't sing. Can't act. Slightly balding. Can dance a little." He became the greatest film and dance star of his age.

        Struggling author and single mom J.K. Rowling lived off welfare when she began writing the first "Harry Potter" book. She now commands the title of the richest working woman in the United Kingdom.

        Stephen King spent 13 years living in a trailer with his wife and kids while he took two hours out every night to work on his writing craft. He rewrote ?Carrie? after his wife pulled it back out of the wastebasket because he threw it away in total futility. The book became an instant best seller that led to 350 million copies of his books published worldwide including the famous movie, ?The Shawshank Redemption?.

        As you know, every one of the above people continued their quests until they became world famous. Their legacies continue to this day in literature, the arts, cinema, music and equal rights. Ironically, they continued following their calling no matter what the failure rate.

        Unbeknownst to most people who look at famous names, stars or political leaders?they share one thing in common: they experienced multiple failures on their way toward their success.

        Many people who faced failure didn?t realize how close to success they were when they quit. They allowed their frustrations, obstacles and choices to defeat them.

        Where does that leave you? How do you feel about failure? What can you do about your failures? What can drive you to your ultimate success?

        First of all, you must appreciate your own worth and the worth of your quest.

        Polly Letofsky at 42, from Vail, Colorado, faced enormous challenges before becoming the first woman to walk around the world, 14,000 miles across four continents in five years to bring attention to breast cancer. She raised over a quarter of a million dollars and enjoyed 2,000 interviews from newspapers around the world.

        In the past year October 3, 2013, 64 year old Diana Nayad, a world class swimmer, took her fifth and final attempt to swim from Cuba to Florida, a distance of 90 miles over treacherous ocean waters filled with sharks, jellyfish, waves and winds. After 35 years of trying, she succeeded. She said, ?You can choose to live your dreams at any age.?

        No matter what your age, lot in life or past failures, you enjoy every chance to succeed at your chosen-destiny by your decisions to overcome heartache, turmoil and failure.

        In your life time, every moment leads to your epic life because there are no ordinary moments. Each moment makes your extraordinary life by your choices. Give every moment of every day to your personal quest. Use your heart, your mind, your energy and your passion to follow your dreams.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          The house that G built.

          Ok g bloke that WAS good enough to post twice! NOICE !
          You inspired me to use capitals!
          I had some good things happen to me today, but rather than rabbit on, i will wave hello to all the housemates .


            The house that G built.

            Yo y'all near and not so far,

            Good stuff Cori. Hope you're having a peaceful evening.

            A close call today, but i sat with the craving and let it be and put myself on PAUSE. A nice tip from rehab. Then i fast forwarded the tape, and agreed it wasn't a good idea, nor did i really want that state of mind. I'm going to make some hard and fast rules for myself when al comes a' knockin.

            1. Put on my running shoes and shorts and just get out there for a minimum of 30 minutes regardless if i've had a workout that day already.

            2. Post here and stay for a minimum of 30 minutes.

            The only way out for me right now in early sobriety is THROUGH. I know i need to do the hard yards for now until my body/mind repair, and then it's on to the maintenance phase. 30 days target. Day 8 done and dusted.

            Don't forget, all are welcome here. Drinking or not as long as AF is the goal. Take it easy out there.


            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The house that G built.

              Looking forward to shouting out when you reach your goal G!
              Almost half way thru my first AF holiday, and sticking close here is one of the wats I am succeeding. I made a promise a ways back to post BEFORE taking a drink, and waiting long enough to get a/some responses and if has saved my quit a couple of times! Looks as if you have that plan up your sleeve!
              “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                The house that G built.

                Indeed i do SL. Something constructive to change the headspace. I think Allankay had this as a hard and fast rule, and something No sugar tries to drum into my thick head. Makes good sense to me. Hope you're having a great time.

                A grey cool gloomy looking thursday morning here in Oz. But it ain't grey and gloomy in my heart. I sure do not regret not drinking last night as i sit here feeling relaxed and mellow. It's gonna be a great day.

                Have a ripper out there.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  The house that G built.

                  Morning g and all housemates .
                  Too true too true. I am on day 4 here today. Easy does it.


                    The house that G built.

                    Morning Cori!

                    Good job on day 4!

                    Here's a random clip i came across just now by an Aussie bloke who's given up the sauce. Relatable and inspiring. Well done tiger! 20mins long.


                    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                      The house that G built.

                      Musician Moby on his sobriety. 4mins.


                      One more fella's story randomly found. 4 mins.


                      5 things that will improve when you stop drinking.


                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        The house that G built.

                        I like this. 20mins.

                        'How do you make the final decision to quit drinking'


                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          The house that G built.

                          Run Ronnie run!

                          A Reason To Run

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            The house that G built.

                            Welcome to Alcohol Mastery - The Thursday Tally #1 - Alcohol Mastery

                            Julia from the u.k. at 10 months sober.


                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              The house that G built.

                              Good links g bloke. Couldn't open a few, but that's not unusual. Did you see Robin Williams' interview? Very good. And his stand up at the Met was very very clever and vintage Robin W.
                              A productive day today, got some gardening done (yuck) , rode, walked. Made the best carbonara for lunch.
                              Hope all housemates are doing good.


                                The house that G built.

                                Sounds noice Cori.

                                This is brill


                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

