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The house that G built.

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    The house that G built.

    Date number 4?! You floozy....

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      The house that G built.

      That is a great pic G man, rock on! Love the tats

      Date number 4?! You floozy....
      I'll have you know I am as pure as the driven... erm...

      Nigh night Gman, have an awesome day!
      Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


        The house that G built.

        broken halo;1585992 wrote: That is a great pic G man, rock on! Love the tats

        I'll have you know I am as pure as the driven... erm...

        Nigh night Gman, have an awesome day!
        Yes, and your dates are lucky to meet you.


        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          The house that G built.

          Fourth date with the same guy I get the 'floozy' comment! Night!
          Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


            The house that G built.

            broken halo;1585998 wrote: Fourth date with the same guy I get the 'floozy' comment! Night!
            Ooooooooops! Presumptuous eeedgit i am. My apologies BH. Well, one things for sure. He's a lucky guy.

            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


              The house that G built.

              G'day GMan! (Do you like my Aussie accent?),

              I love the things you write .... I had to say Beeeeeewdy outloud to realise what you were typing :-)

              I hope all is well with you. X
              AF since Halloween 2016

              Trying to kill my Wine Witch! :smileyb:


                The house that G built.

                Well, one things for sure. He's a lucky guy.
                So I keep telling him! :H
                Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it! ~ Goethe


                  The house that G built.

                  Wine-no!;1586157 wrote: G'day GMan! (Do you like my Aussie accent?),

                  I love the things you write .... I had to say Beeeeeewdy outloud to realise what you were typing :-)

                  I hope all is well with you. X
                  Hiya Wine-no! Yes, you sound like the sheila up the road. All very good here thanks. Hope you had a bonza weekend.

                  broken halo;1586551 wrote:
                  So I keep telling him! :H
                  Let's hope he get's the message soon! :H

                  A maaarvellous monday morning here. Blue sky's, and i can't complain about anything at all. I am a lucky guy. Who got the power?....You do baby!

                  L8tr, Yo!

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    The house that G built.

                    Good morning to all! Looks to be a nice warmish late fall day here. Off to the gym for spin class in a moment but wanted to pop in and say hi.

                    Today should be day one for me (I know, I always say that but today feels good). I had a great weekend - only a few drinks here and there as w/d symptoms required. Only one beer yesterday, so hopefully that awful shakiness will be gone, as I had to suffer all weekend. Not that I don't deserve it though.

                    The only way out is through.

                    Have a great day and evening!
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      The house that G built.

                      Good to see you Siren.

                      Hope you had a cruisey day my friend.

                      My only way out in the early days is through.

                      Off to sleep for me. Take care y'all.

                      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                        The house that G built.

                        Hi Mr. G,
                        Back among the internet connected and wanted to pop in to say howdy. You are sounding good.

                        Siren, great to see you posting.

                        I'm back on a plane tomorrow for an unscheduled work trip. Hopefully, this trip will be uneventful, as last gig was difficult to say the least.
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          The house that G built.

                          free at last;1586771 wrote: Hi Mr. G,
                          Back among the internet connected and wanted to pop in to say howdy. You are sounding good.

                          Siren, great to see you posting.

                          I'm back on a plane tomorrow for an unscheduled work trip. Hopefully, this trip will be uneventful, as last gig was difficult to say the least.
                          Hiya FAL. Great to see you.

                          Safe travels friend. Hope to catch up upon your return. All good here.

                          A beautiful sunny spring morning here. Noice. How are you doing Siren?

                          Take care everyone.

                          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                            The house that G built.

                            How's the running going Mr. G?

                            Did a half marathon over the weekend in the foothills of appalachian Kentucky USA. The course was magnificent. I wish I could run something as beautiful as that every weekend. I know you mentioned you might run a half next year.

                            Take care everyone.
                            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                              The house that G built.

                              allswell;1586912 wrote: How's the running going Mr. G?

                              Did a half marathon over the weekend in the foothills of appalachian Kentucky USA. The course was magnificent. I wish I could run something as beautiful as that every weekend. I know you mentioned you might run a half next year.

                              Take care everyone.
                              Hiya A Dub.

                              That half M sounds great. I'm running of course. I had a couple of weeks off recently, and back into it last 2 weeks so, i missed a 14k 'city to beach' run here last sunday as i knew my joints weren't prepared enough, even though i could've run it. Yes, a half is on the cards next year, but a couple of 10k races first to prepare. Maybe midway through next year i'll pick a race and go for it. Rest day today, and back into it tomorrow where i'll start to increase distance. How are you?

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                The house that G built.

                                I'm doing alright Mr. G.

                                Autumn here and it's the time I always reflect on the past 3/4 of the year. It's been bittersweet in many respects. I ran two marathons and a handful of 10k's and halfs, seen some really beautiful country, been stiffed by several clients for some significant amounts (I'm self employed) and my relationship of a year and a half ended but I ran for public office and won, have my health and spirit and go about my day with positive attitudes. In other words living life. Things are good here, hope all is well with you and everyone else that visits the thread.
                                2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.

