Really happy you all had a great time, Techie. Ski pics are stunning.
Bit reflective today and I remembered one of my fave TS Eliot quotes:
?April is the cruelest month, breeding
lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
memory and desire, stirring
dull roots with spring rain.?
Geographically, I suppose that only applies to the Ovaries but it's still rather beautiul. Had a good gibber with Nige this arvo and he reckons if he's still around in six months time, he wants to go to Palm Cove to watch the Nippers do their stuff on the foreshore and to eat Moreton Bay Bugs. And cray. Lots of cray. I'll shall do my best to facilitate same.
Have the 'roo trough filled with fresh water and will await tonight's photo opportunity.