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April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

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    April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

    Morning army

    It's been a starry night and it's still cloudless, so we might even get a spot of sunshine later, and gawd do we need it.

    Only 4 days to go! :yay:

    Off to replenish the fridge in a few mins.

    Have a great Tuesday folks.

    April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

    Morning Reccie and the rest of you snooze-hoarders :hallo:

    I may not have tinternet connection for the next few days :no: until all set up and running at the cottage... will be on the shagginphone however

    Have a lovely day ... oh and Molls, the zooooooooo!:[/video]]GOING TO THE ZOO TOMORROW - with Lyrics - YouTube


      April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

      Morning all getting my hair cut then taking my niece ice skating.....

      And the sun shineth, even if it is freezing outside....
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

        Morning all, time to get out of the pit and get on with the day. Not very enthusiastic about this I have to admit. Back to work tomorrow, not keen on that either

        Hoping you all have a great day.
        AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


          April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

          Good morning Reccybear, Runners, Mollymoo, Spidey, Pinguuuu

          Oh my goodness me only 3 more sleeps. It's only yesterday I was dithering about booking the flights.

          Orff to get my eyebrows threaded later this morning.

          At least I managed to get out of bed this side of 10am although me brain's still on the pillow.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

            :wavin: Army

            I'm turning an unflattering shade of green here at the thought of youse lot foing to the meetup :upset:

            Good luck with the move, Arsey!

            Off to the neighbouring town again. We' re expecting visitors this afternoon and they'll be staying over. It's Mrs. T's bezzie mate back home from London for two weeks and her Belgian boyfriend. She's asked for a proper braai with all the trimmings. Will even be making roosterkoek (griddle cakes) - yeasty bread prepared over the open coals.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

              Morning Tippers,
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                Morning all! So excited for you guys - and I am with Tip...GREEN GREEN GREEN with envy!

                Back to work after being off a few days. Eldest is back at school. Felt very off last night. My 19 year old nephew suffered a very bad seizure and they don't know what is going on. We lost his Dad suddently three years ago if you remember. My sister-in-law has never recovered from this. I guess I am just very worried about him. He sees a neurologist today I believe. Too early in life for these things to happen. He is a wonderful young man. Off you get ready for the day.

                Hope everyone has a beautiful Tuesday

                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                  good morning all, just thot id say hi keep forgetting to come here 1st thing in the morning but eventually it will click hahah oh what is in 3 days curious


                    April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                    Got a throwing up bug
                    Back later I hope


                      April 2nd 2013 Army Thread


                      Whizzy, I'm with you on the not feeling well stakes... been up half the night with some kind of bug myself. Me tummy is in tatters... ( I've been cleaning etc. as usual but think I'm going to go back to bed for a bit. Can't even face the thought of coffee... yeuch!

                      You lucky buggers though... three more sleeps. Yiz had better make sure to provide me with plenty of photos!!! Living vicariously here! )


                        April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                        Morning to the ARMY (Bugles blowing in the background)
                        Also green with envy. wonder if I can get a sick day out of being so green?
                        My wonderful upper management team made changes to our two major programs, Database and CMS last night, now nothing works. (There will be a post on the swear thread.)
                        Rained last night, still raining this am, which is good, we need the water. And this means I don't have yard work tonight!
                        Best to all,
                        Stay Strong!

                        ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                          April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                          Upper management at its finest, eh?!

                          I didn't realize there was a lack of rain up there. Things seem to have bloomed early this end... my mango tree is ahead of schedule this year and the orchids have been going full throttle too. It will soon be time to go to battle to try and grab some mangoes before the yard guys pinch them all... feckers!


                            April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                            Zen, we are a desert; but the natives don't know it. A lot of water goes to waste; conservation is not popular. Our snowpack this winter was below normal, again, so that means less water to divide up between farmers and drinking water.
                            And then the politicians get involved, and every bit of common sense goes out the window.

                            ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                              April 2nd 2013 Army Thread

                              RunningCourage;1486456 wrote: Morning Reccie and the rest of you snooze-hoarders :hallo:

                              I may not have tinternet connection for the next few days :no: until all set up and running at the cottage... will be on the shagginphone however

                              Have a lovely day ... oh and Molls, the zooooooooo!:[/video]]GOING TO THE ZOO TOMORROW - with Lyrics - YouTube
                              NEW HOUSE :yay:
                              4 Months sober :yay:
                              All good in Arseyland !!!

