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Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

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    Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

    Hi, I’m thinking about AB. I’m extremely nervous about it so I value thoughts for and against. I can see it creates some unrest but have to say I’m grateful for all opinions.


      Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

      Hey Wobble

      There is or should be no "unrest" about antabuse. It is simply a drug that makes alcohol,when ingested, create unpleasant physical symptoms.

      I do not presume to give advice to people, as in "grow the fuck up", but that being said-I take it and it has helped me tremendously. I don't think I'll be taking it much longer, except maybe if I feel like I am thinking about drinking in a way that seems dangerous.

      Actually studies have shown (contrary to a previous post) that antabuse can be very effective in stopping/limiting drinking. More extensive studies have been done in the UK tthan here.


        Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

        Hi Ann and thanks for the reply. I'm curious about people who have taken it to 'stop the habit'. That's what I want to do - take it for a bit to get over the hump. How long have you taken it? Do you feel you could look at why you drank etc while on it? I think I'm being a big fat pain in the arse asking so many questions on MWO about it but it kinda freaks me out. I would be ordering online and that scares me too but no way I want it on my record. Thanks for any response.


          Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

          I take antabuse and I don't see it as a crutch. It is a tool in my arsenal of weapons to fight my addiction.
          If I could "grow the fuck up" and "just quit" I would not need a website to discuss such semantics.
          Day 1 again 11/5/19
          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

          One day at a time.


            Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

            Well said Nursie

            We've been told to "face our addiction head-on". Well gee, I thought that is what we are doing. Or am I delusional?


              Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

              Scand, aren't you thinking of drinking soon? So maybe Antabuse doesn't work that well.
              I've never tried it not such a big thing in uk x
              AF since 2nd Oct 2012
              Day by day


                Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                martye;1487784 wrote:
                If you dont take blood pressure meds you may die!
                If you dont install your pace maker you will die!

                People need to work out WHY they drink, WHAT their triggers are and Grow the fuck up and tackle their addication head on.
                If I keep drinking I will die! Therefore, Antabuse = TOOL!!

                And since you're such a fan of the dictionary...please use it, although it won't help your attitude.
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                  martye;1487146 wrote: There are other better drugs is my view. There is also will power and getting to the root cause of why you drink it the first place. Not using a crutch like medication.
                  But using a crutch like MWO is ok. Presumably because it was your crutch of choice? As, apparently, was Naltrexone.
                  There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                  You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                  I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                    Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?



                      Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                      Hey Wobble

                      What is confusing you?


                        Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                        The angsty bitchy stuff.


                          Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                          I have friends who are ALIVE today due to meds ensuring/facilitating their sobriety. Whatever you wanna call it: crutch~tool~gift~miracle, I am SO grateful they have found their WAY OUT. Isn't that what this site promotes, after all? Unfortunately, this disease is progressive & often debilitating and requires different measures for different folks, some drastic. If they need meds to stay away from alcohol for the Rest of their lives, so be it. I think it's terribly unfortunate that there is ANY judgement surrounding this & I hope that people reading this who are desperate for help do not get discouraged from doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to free themselves from the grips of alcoholism. There is NO SHAME in that!

                          Scandinavian ~ not on Antabuse currently as I am not at risk of drinking. Wouldn't hesitate if I were...sorry this whole thing got away from your original post.

                          This thread made me super sad. :l P.
                          "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                            Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                            Wow what a scandal I have started LOL, it does make me laugh!

                            & Ann Caronlina, if it makes you happy to make direct personal comments go ahead, I am a big strong lad with plenty of life experience I can take it. Bring it if you so desire LOL , the studies you sight do you care to share them? The drug is as only as good as the person taking it. It we rely on a drug to become AF, yes it is good you are AF but we have just swapped one thing for another.

                            K9Lover – what ever helps you sleep at night and helps you remain AF – go for it. As for my attitude it is strong and positive. Maybe you can learn something from others here.

                            @Glass Half Empty – Naltrexone for me was a crutch – I have worked over the past 90 days to get to the root cause of my drinking so I know longer need a crutch. I just learn more about myself – that is all.

                            If you remain AF because of AB then good for you, I am very happy for anyone that can remain AF using whatever means possible. Although there are deep seeded issues that need to be sorted with alcohol addiction. My taking a pill each day you are not dealing with those issues you are just placing them to one side and allowing a pill to keep you strong.

                            Everyone just take a chill pill and AB what ever suits. If you choose to replace one addiction with an easy way out and not diving deep into yourself then so be it.

                            Peace and love to you all no matter how you choose to live your AF journey. Some take pills, some find the root causes and no longer need crutches. Either way you are AF so get of your high horses and relax.

                            Love Marty!
                            If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.


                              Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                              Would it noe be logical to take AB to get the sober time necessary to do the self-analyis, the self-examination etc to regain mental health? For some people AB use is the key to the beginning, at least,of that sobriety. I understand your point completely, but using AB to get there is not to be judged IMO


                                Antabuse: are you on it right now? And if not, why not?

                                Ann Carolina;1488767 wrote: Would it noe be logical to take AB to get the sober time necessary to do the self-analyis, the self-examination etc to regain mental health? For some people AB use is the key to the beginning, at least,of that sobriety. I understand your point completely, but using AB to get there is not to be judged IMO
                                Take, do, refuse, insist, piss people off, love people, gain friends, loose friends, stay strong, become strong, do fitness, cry, dance, take AB. Do what ever you need to do to stay AF.

                                Nothing sways the stupid more than arguments they can't understand, when an argument flares up, the wise man quenches it with silence. I choose to be that wise man.

                                Night and love to all
                                If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.

