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Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

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    Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

    Hi all

    Heard this on the news last night......

    The locals have no off-licence and no pubs within the area and they even rejected plans for a Tesco's to be opened as they want it to stay that way.

    Was talking to my hubby whether he wanted to move there......

    Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town can be the MWO Abbsville!!!!!!!
    Moving in right next to you Mandy......ha ha...melon neighbour from hell!!!!


      Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

      Sounds good - bit far away though. I doubt you'd find that in Oz, unless it was an indigenous community where the authorities have stepped in or the locals have decided to have a "dry town".

      Adelaide's called the "city of Churches" but there are more pubs than churches - one on every corner just about!

      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

        I read that in the paper this morning too Mandy - sounds just the place for me I reckon !



          Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

          Could become the MWO retreat? See you all there.

          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

            We won't need a MWO bar now...we'll have a whole town...I am running for Mayor!!!!


              Living in Bournville-the non-alcoholic town

              hi I know bournville well as was brought up nearby.. Its as pretty as a picture!

              On the subject of Retreats................I find it useful to spiritually recharge my batteries from time to time and have used Christian retreat Centres for quiet days or weekends! i recommend this as it offers a time to be still and ALCOHOL free for a few days(However i did nip out to the local with a lady who was entering the enclosed order of nuns...we had a few wines together...always wondered how she faired out in the convent)

              If there is a spiritual director...better still for me. Last saturday I went on a mini retreat at the catholic church i go was fab.. jusy 6 hours to be quiet, share when i felt like it. meditate and finally...CONFESSION/ Sacrament of Reconciliation.

              Not trying to push faith/ religion but for me its a way of life(cradle catholic)and I know it has helped me over the years to moderate my booze(some of the time) and great comfort to know in Gods eyes "I am good enough and loved as me, weaknesses and all"

              So maybe going on a a retreat is something some of us gain from...a chance to stand still . alone in solitude and an oasis is what often is a chaotic lifestyle...i see this as part of my continued healing process

              i have to deal with my alcohol weakness from a mental health, spiritual wellbeing, perspective adding in to that stategies to do practically to keep me from seeing alcohol as offering anything positive to my life!!

              No i havent cracked the booze as yet...but boy do i feel better having a break from it..Day 37..yipeeeeeeeeeeeee

              We all need dome space from people...being on the run or on the go is for me avoidance(I,m expert at not looking at the issue and keeping busy)

              Always willing to learn from you guys on any other strategies that work...keeping an open mind.

              talking of avoidance... I have a day off today to do a specific work related task...oh dear i keep hopping on here....another form of addiction i guess!!!!!

              good luck on your journey away from the booze...(or moderating?) regards Cassy

