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My sitch: Update

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    My sitch: Update

    When I came here I was one day after a horrible binge/blackout with burs in my hair, bruises and cuts all over my body and a WICKED hangover. I've successfully stopped drinking during the week, I have craving after a hard day at work and I have pressures from friends... But since I came here I have been drinking moderately on the weekends, had five beers on saturday but was not drunk, i ate and they were spaced.. however I did black out one night .. had a slip up.. a friend came over and i hadnt eaten anything at all. the next morning my boyfriend told me I was ranting like a lunatic and apparently my friend had saved my upstairs neighbours dick pics to my computer.... then since then i only had two beers on the weekend.... I dont know if its progress, i know i havent committed to quitting and that makes me feel bad but Im feeling like I am becoming incredibly astute to my triggers, and ways to moderate. as long as I eat I dont have to try too hard to moderate. Also dont mind not drinking during the week.....Avoiding large parties but the more I think about trying to go AF at one I relize those parties arent anywhere I'd want to be sober, which means I just dont want to go...

    My sitch: Update


    I guess you will have to decide (when you feel compelled to ) what is most important to you , and how you want to live.

    Is fun synonymous with drinking? If so then some serious thought and evaluation are in order/ Are the parties worth it?

    I have a feeling you are way younger than I, but I can just say that I've been to enough parties. Had enough hangovers, blackouts etc. Eventually you will probably just get sick and tired of it all.


      My sitch: Update

      I've decided even if I do moderate/ quit drinking, I don't want to go to those parties, everyone gets wasted and spills bodily fluids on eachother, the only reason i liked them before was the booze. I've stopped accepting invitations and havent been hassled tooo much. But when Im at home, with my man, I can have one or two beers, and end up switching to juice or water naturally, relaxing and chatting and enjoying eachother. I think the next step in my personal program is to eliminate drinking while I'm out around a lot of people. in Intimate settings I dont feel the urge to consume mindlessly, but as soon as theres a group i cant stop...


        My sitch: Update

        If thats your mod plan and you can stick to it great! Moderating takes a lot of willpower and a plan and when to know when modding is not working for you. A few people here can moderate their drinking but most choose to not moderate/can't moderate.
        I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

        Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

        Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


          My sitch: Update

          I've found moderating doesnt work for a lot of situations. Like during the week after work I cant do it, too many one more, you had a hard day 's and also going out with groups, too much ah you know when everyones drinking... yada yada... but in intimate settings where I can set a limit it works, mainly because I dont have to think about it... trying to cut it out entirely everywhere I have to think about it cause thats too much work lol

