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Mother's Day

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    Mother's Day

    With Mother's day approaching, I thought we might share stories about our Moms those of us blessed to have had good ones. My Mom is selfless, God knows she is nosy and somewhat a gossip. But would do anything for anyone without question. Has a spirit of giving that was Heaven sent . Mistreated in her childhood, but holds her parents in high esteem and never talks about it in anything but a positive way. In my lifetime i have known her to have a major thyroid operation, a near fatal car crash 3 heart attacks, a radical massectomy, radiation, chemotherapy and triple bypass and a stroke which left her blind in her right eye. Still spunky at 73. Curses except the GD or F words those are a BIG NO NO!!! My Dad died 7 years ago I never realised how much she was held back by him. They fought he drank not a good marriage.She is enjoying the rest of her life now. she sits in the courtyard and heckles her neigbors and knows everyones business. Much to my chagrin. But everyone loves her. I would love to hear about your Moms if you want to share. I could go on, but I think I could keep on forever.

    Mother's Day

    My mother was wonderful, except when she was drunk. I used to wonder why she wanted the bottle more than me. When she was drunk, nothing I did was right or good enough
    This is hard. I have never shared this with anyone, even my brother,who my husband says I am closer to than him.
    And here I am, just like her.
    As a late onset alcoholic, I am thankful that my children were not raised in an alcoholic environment.
    And I make darn sure I do not say one thing negative to them when I have had anything to drink. And I tell them that I love them more than life itself every day.
    But, unfortunately, not more than booze.


      Mother's Day

      My Mom was an incredible lady. She had many unfortunate events happen in her life, more than most people, but you would have never known it. She was the most positive, loving person I ever knew. She had a laugh that was incredibly infectious. Sadly she passed away a year-and-a-half ago so Mother's Day is sort of a tough day for me.

      Your mom sounds like a hoot Mary.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Mother's Day


        I feel for your loss. Remeber all the good times!!

        Don't know how I will deal with it when my mum is no longer here. She too has been through so much but that is her story - suffice to say she lost a baby 12 hrs after he was born and has never really recovered - there is so much more that she has been through - SHE was the one with alcoholic parents and then she ends up with 2 alcoholic daughters - tough break eh!!!

        I try everyday to make my mum feel special because she is - she would give you the last coin in her purse and always feels other peoples suffering.She always makes me smile.
        She is seeing a counsellor at 60 yrs - so its never to late - hope she can get some peace.
        I don't deserve her. But love her dearly.

        Love S


          Mother's Day

          I hope my children feel the same way as you. My mother was a strong woman, she survived Cancer, tuberculosis, my own disease, and so many other things. But the lack of pain medication, and understanding, made her journey the same as mine. And I am sorry if I was judgemental in my last post. I understand completely how she got to where she was. But I lost her just the same.


            Mother's Day

            My mom too is great. She watches my kids everyday for me while I go to work. She suffers from arthritis so some days are not so good but she troops along.

            I am so sorry for all that have lost their moms because I can't imagine the day when I do. Much hugs to you all.
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              Mother's Day

              Lushy, I am so sorry for you loss and know you feel that pain every day. She sounded wonderful.

              Mary, yes your mom sounds like the most positive lively role model!

              My mom is a tiny little lady that until a couple years ago had pretty great health. She is always a lady, never a swear word crossed her lips. She counts on me as the one to go to if she is happy or upset. Not a great cook she nearly starved the five kids . . tee hee, just kidding . . . sort of!! She is so warm, sweet and affectionate offering such a loving presence to her children, grand children and great grandbabies. I am always thankful she is still here in my life and try to call her daily. I am sad when I watch this steady decline in her health.

              Thanks for the thread Mary!

              Hugs and Love,


                Mother's Day

                I'm lucky in many ways in that I've had 2 mums. My step mum was the real mum for me. Walked into my life when I was five. Mixed up and without a thread of self esteem she walked up to me and said Hi, giving me one of her wonderful smiles with her caring blue eyes that could light up a life . Life changed over night and my sis & I quit living with our uncle & aunt (a situation that was not good for me). Mum made us & Dad into a family and gave me the bro I had always prayed for. She was my closest ally, protector, adviser, motivator, soul mate and dearest friend. When it came time to fly from the nest it was Mum that encouraged me to persue my dreams and stood behind my choices. I returned to Kenya (having finished uni and having gained work experience in the UK) with a strength Mum's upbringing had given me. 9 months later I raced back after getting a call that Mum was dieing of cancer. I was ready to give my soul up as long as the plane landed before Mum died and I had the chance to say goodbye to her and hug her once more. I made it and we spent the next couple of days filling them with enough "talk to last the rest of my life" (Mum's words). Mum died shortly afterwards, a week before my 21 birthday. I'm now 48 but she has remained the most solid influence in my life, her strength and love still the blanket that protects me.

                Just as Mum said I would, I got to know & love my maternal mother too and met a new little sister who I love & makes me laugh. We've had our ups and downs but she too is an amazing person. Dynamic and oh so very different she is a gypsy with the heart of a lion. I am proud I have had the honour of loving them both. She too is now fighting cancer and does not have long to go - but she has the guts and strength of a Cape Buffallo and is living life to the full, right to the end.
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  Mother's Day

                  My mom had a a baby (me) with a married man, who could not leave his wife...she lived in a little fishing village in a succession of rental holiday homes struugling to feed and clothe us both.
                  She then met an alcoholic pig from hell who made her life REALLY tough with his drinking and a catalogue of abusive behaviours that went with it...
                  Then I turned into a teenager, and was an alky, drugged up selfish cow who got pregnant very young and made her life even more of a misery....

                  She has worked her BUTT off for her entire life just to get enough money to pay the basic bills, one stage, she had about 4 or 5 jobs on the go!!!
                  She also (no surprise) suffers from chronic depression...

                  And yet she is the most loving, caring, funny, dear mommy that a melon could have.....
                  I LOVE my Mutti....she really is one of a kind bless her:h:h:h


                    Mother's Day

                    What a beautiful post.

                    Thank you.

                    I have joyous goosebumps.

                    My good thoughts are gliding your way.


                      Mother's Day

                      Indeed, what a wonderful thread....:h

                      I'm sorry for all who have lost their Moms, I can't imagine not having mine here...

                      I'm so blessed to have the best Mom on the planet! She got pregnant with my brother @ age 17, got married to my Dad, and had 3 kids by the time she was 21. They've now been married for 50 years. I'm sure that's due to my Mom's incredible patience, love & forgiveness. My Dad isn't the easiest person to live with!
                      My Mom is a total nut! She has a wonderful sense of humor that pops out when ya least expect it... she's full of suprises & embarrases herself by just popping out what's on her mind at the least likely times! (guess I inherited that... )
                      She's also one of the kindest, most caring & genuine people I've met. She was born in a little cabin up Euchre creek, where our family homesteaded in the early 1850's. She now lives about 5 mi. from there. She went back & got her GED about 4 years ago, in her early 60's.
                      Everyone says I look just like her... but I only wish I could be that nice & together!
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Mother's Day

                        It is nice reading all your posts. I have had to move past a lot with my Mom. She doesn't belive that I was molested as a child. She tells me she belives me, but tells my sisters otherwise. I decided to let this go because she would take on the guilt. She has had enough do deal with in her lifetime. 4 daughters 1 illigitimate and taken away from her by her parents and raised as her sister. Something you did in the 50's I guess. I was 13 when I discovered she was my sister and not my Aunt. Not having a close relationship with her hurts Mom a great deal. I thank God for her as she listens to my troubles and woes with my own child. Because my relationship with my daughter is awful! No matter how hard I try! Just having a blue day where my daughter is concerned. Please continue with your stories.
                        All The best


                          Mother's Day

                          Hi Mar, sometimes we can try too hard with relationships. Some times we need to redirrect that energy. Usually that which we tried so hard to have then comes quite unexpectedly. If not, well you're energy will have been well spent elsewhere. Talking of which, how did your outing with your grandson go.:l
                          A BushBaby with Attitude

