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MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

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    MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

    RJ, correct me if I'm wrong... but I thought I saw that MYO is a happy, bouncing two years old today?

    THAT's something to celebrate!

    I would love to invite everyone to describe... what a difference MYO has made to their lives since they joined.

    We love you, RJ!

    Kate x
    Free since 26th February 2012

    MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

    Hi Kate.
    Good idea.
    I'll have to think about that for a while.


      MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

      Thank you so much RJ for all of your hard work and sharing this program with all of us. It has been a lifesaver for me. So many positive changes have taken place in my life since finding this site and this great group of people. Happy Anniversary!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?


        Yes, that's right. We released the book two years ago today/tomorrow (depending on where you are on the planet). It's been an exciting journey and I am deeply grateful for the support of so many people, especially here in our forum.

        It's funny, at the end of the "Journal" chapter of my book I wrote this:

        "Author's note: It can be immensely helpful to find someone with whom to communicate and who is starting this journey...visit the discussion board at for more information."

        To be honest, I had no discussion board before we went to press--or any idea about how to create one. But I knew how much the support of a friend who had fought the same battle had meant to me.

        Fast forward two years and here we are, all of us. It's really something.

        Thank you all for this.


        Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


          MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

          Popeye how do you get that AF-day counter thingy?

          The one that you use as your signature? Very cool!
          Over 4 months AF :h


            MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY MWO!!!
            My life has done a major turn around from my first post to today. I wake up remembering last night and feeling better and ready to take on the day rather than dreading it. I have found a group of supportive people that I know I can count on and enjoy talking too.
            Thanks RJ!!!!
            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


              MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

              Oh and Happy 2 years to RJ and this wonderful site! I just wanted to say that this site has made a tremendous difference in my life as well. Thank you so much for everything you have done for us
              Love always,
              Over 4 months AF :h


                MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                Happy Birthday MWO!! and a huge thank you to RJ!!!

                I am stronger, healthier, have more self esteem, and drink a heck of a lot less, and have a ton of new friends that I look forward to catching up with everyday!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                  Thanks RJ!!! This program has given me my life back. Before coming here...I was very close to losing just about everything near & dear to me.

                  I couldn't make it to work on a regular basis (I'm sure I would've lost my job, if I'd kept on the way I was)
                  My Hubby was totally sick of my crap, and ready to move on without me.
                  I wasn't doing any of the things I love, like kayaking, hiking, going to the beach...
                  Just hiding @ home drinking....

                  If I hadn't found this place, I'd probably be dead or in jail today.

                  So thanks again...and I DO MEAN THAT!:h to everyone here.
                  :l Judie

                  Happy B-Day to us ALL!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                    RJ, WOW!!! You are the most amazing and innovative woman!!

                    Loved the part where you said, you had the book written and the thought of the discussion boards at hand but not processed!! Can you believe your growth?? !!!

                    When you look back on your life, you will know that you have made a huge difference in hundreds of peoples lives. What a lovely legacy!!!:thanks:

                    MWO changes most everyone who comes to here seriously looking to get their life back.

                    Happy 2 Years!!

                    Love and HUGE hugs!


                      MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                      Dear RJ,

                      To see the efforts of one person make so much difference to the lives of so many is just amazing and I personally can't thank you enough for sharing your own journey with us and, through your hard work, commitment and belief, give us a program to help turn our own lives around.

                      From the moment I read the book I knew I'd found the possibility of making the long sought after changes needed in my life to enable me to step off the sidelines after having wasted many years of going through the motions, acting, hiding, covering up, avoiding, lying - and start fully participating in life again! I just can't put into words how it feels to come out of the shadows and into the light - it's just something I can't let go again so I'm here to stay to continue this journey started by MWO

                      Whilst you have given me the tools, I have to say that it is the people here that have given me the strength, motivation, inspiration, support, encouragement that was necessary to move forward, and it is to all of you
                      that I also want to say thank you so much - I couldn't have got so far without you (only 30 days AF but counting...!). I feel I don't have just one person to help me along, but this whole amazing, wonderful community!:heart:

                      So I look forward to being part of MWO's years to come - and wish everyone everything your hearts and souls desire!

                      A final quote:
                      "The journey of a thousand miles must begin
                      with a single step"
                      (Lao Tzu) - Chinese philosopher

                      Mine, as with many of yours, started here so thank you RJ for making it possible.:h
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                        Thank You RJ, not only have you changed my life with this wonderful program. you have changed the life of everyone that is connected to me. My husband, mother, daughter, grandchildren, sisters and friends. I actually am very proud to tell people about MWO when they comment that I seem different. I feel shame no longer.
                        Lots of Smiles


                          MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                          Happy Birthday MWO! I am so grateful for you RJ and this site.
                          Gabby :flower:


                            MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                            RJ and everyone here,

                            A thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you ....

                            Without this place ..... well I wouldn't still have a loving husband and a daughter, or even a job probably, or my self esteem, my confidence, my memory, need I go on .... I have moved on so much.....

                            I certainly wouldn't have friends all over the world who are closer than some of my friends in the same village ......

                            My biggest three thankyou's go to Popeye, we joined the same day and really helped each other, Mitch96, you stalk the stalker love, and of course RJ.... without you the two thousand & odd members here wouldn't have a chance ....

                            Love you all xx


                              MYO Two Years Old Today! - How Have I Changed In the Last Two Years?

                              Thank you so much RJ!

                              Wishing all the blessing you can stand!
                              Control the Mind

