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Just Starting out

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    Just Starting out

    like all of you trying to make baby steps toward a better life - very tight on cash right now - what has been the most helpful for you to get it under control? :new:

    Just Starting out

    Hi cjam.
    I can honestly say that coming here hes been the most helpful thing.
    I take some of the suppliments...kudzu, L-glutamine, vitamin B complex and Milk thistle.
    It takes will-power of course, but I'd stay with it a while if I were you.
    Have you read the book?
    Give it a try.


      Just Starting out

      I agree exactly with Popeye. Oh, and come back here and post. Good luck. And 'Welcome'
      Reach deep, find your will power.


        Just Starting out

        I take the kudzu and l-glut and all my vitamins. Also, purchased Cds for hypnotherapy. Got 2 books and read here everyday. I give myself affirmations and pray. I also called a friend who is AA advicate and I am waiting for his call. I'm ready to spill my guts!

        Hope this helps and good luck to you and keep posting and reading!


          Just Starting out

          Welcome aboard!

          Hi CJam,

          Welcome to MWO - good to have you with us :welcome:

          I agree with Popeye - this place is free, available 24/7 and incredibly inspitational to help set you on your way and help keep you on track! I also take supplements as I feel it helps the sense of well-being, I have the kudzu for emergencies, though to be honest I haven't needed it yet. I have also found that having a game plan has helped give focus and look beyond the drink - something needs to replace all that additional productive time you're going to have - so work out something that you've been putting off because of drinking, some goals to achieve in this new life of yours and it may help keep you going through the tougher times.

          Stick with us and we'll help in any way we can - at the bargain price of zero! :H

          Good luck and look forward to seeing you around.
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
          Days 1-7 DONE
          Days 8-14 DONE
          Days 15-21 DONE
          30 days DONE
          60 days
          100 days


            Just Starting out

            Welcome. Coming here has been the most helpful to me. My game plan is to stay here and this makes me stay focused. Readings everyones daily posts and posting my thoughts is a therapy in itself. So give it a go. I think, if you are honest with yourself you will learn alot here. All the best to you Cjam21. Bella xx

