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Army Fred 8th April, 2013

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    Army Fred 8th April, 2013

    Late check in here.
    Thank you all so much for a great weekend, so great to share with people who know and understand more about us than our close families.

    Special thanks to Molly who has the true gift of hospitality amongst other talents
    Journey home once back in the UK was a problem due to missing a train and then taking hours to get home.

    I enjoyed my run on Saturday morning and not only came 1st in my category I broke their course record for the age group. I bet they hate me :H
    Best bit was seeing Satz,Molly and JC as I ran in to the finish:new:

    Hello to all my Army friends


      Army Fred 8th April, 2013

      I was just gonna log out there.

      Bless yer heart, Whizzy. :l Defo your gaff next time.

      I must go and get a bit of shut eye. I was doing that half hour jerk awake all night thinking the the alarm won't go off thing and I'm jiggered.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Fred 8th April, 2013

        I'll join yis for a nap. Dog tired today, even though I had a wee nap on the flight.

        Anon I'm sorry your journey was crap. Thanks for having breakfast with me on sun....even if they didn't have the right yoghurts and the bacon was hard....
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Fred 8th April, 2013

          Hey Army! It has been a while......had a major problem with my computer. think it was either hacked or a virus. computer was white-light only for weeks. Left me so worried about anything I had written online. I tried to have my posts here taken down but got no response from MWO. Gave me a scare....
          glad to hear you all had a great time at your meet-up at the weekend.
          Been laid up since Easter with the flu. self-medicating with alcohol is not helping so I am gonna give it a go today. On a good note, I will be off smoking 2 weeks tomorrow.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            Army Fred 8th April, 2013

            Pings...Molls wrote kiss my ass in the gael..mine wis enjoy your day..bit more considerate would you say?

            Molls so far the money is on Menorca..last time I was there was 14 yr ago and got serious pneumonia!!! methinks madams upped the ante on the insurance policy!!!! mind you it was October freezing and Iwas in the pool all the time!!

            This is 10 day all inclusive 5star hotel ,sea views one side ,pine forest on the other..plenty of walks too.pretty good walking too
            af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


              Army Fred 8th April, 2013

              thanks Molly. I am still in bed. get breathless even when talking, so I am gonna give myself the best chance at getting better. I just do not get sick and this is the second flu in 2 months.....think it may be stress-related.
              gonna make it my goal to be AF and go to your next meet-up. Sounds like you all had a ball.
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                Molls: yeah uni and work are grand. i start me new job with the NHS on the 29th April and I am specialising in mental health: personality disorders and Uni is okay and my job as a researcher at uni is going dead well, each piece of written work I have submitted they say is really good, though everytime i give them a piece of work I think there gonna say its crap and sack me , lol
                I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                Audrey Hepburn


                  Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                  Well, I am officially jealous of the great time it seems you all had. My best to each of you in yor recovery from the weekend. It appears that sleep and less jaw-work probably are in order for all of you over the next few days.
                  Quiet weekend-NOT- for me. I had granddaughers on Friday, Saturday, and again on Sunday afternoon. We did silk-screening, geocaching, cooking....drying tears and listening to anger.
                  So maybe I am glad to be back at work so I can rest! LOL

                  ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                    Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                    Ah, it sounds like a totally luverly weekend that some of my favourite peeps had there! It's really therapeutic to be able to chat about our similarities as addicts... and with all the senses of humour, I can only imagine how good yis felt after. :h And there's our Whizzy racing to the finish line to boot. Just.plain.luverly.!!!

                    And it's great to see you Daisy! Glad you're getting to grips with it. Join me on the bus... I'm on Day Two of quitting the fags... in the early days, it's pretty much the same thing whether it's fags, booze or drugs. We just need to hang in there and wait for it to get better. And it will!

                    Now, serious matters... pog ma thoin... I have taught loads of Americans how to say that. Laboriously, I might add... I made sure the accent was perfect. And once they got it down pat, and I knew they'd not forget it in a hurry... I told them "no it doesn't mean it's nice to meet you"... *major sniggering!* :H:H:H


                      Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                      Aye Mollers... and the weekend you had is one step better than AA. These people really REALLY get you! )

                      Sorry about the work thing. I really NEED to get a JOB! Yis'll all be laughing at me when I do. Payback is a bitch!

                      I haven't googled it yet. Did Margaret Thatcher really pass?


                        Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                        Oh NO!!! She did! I must call me Mam now... she'll be all upset. Gawd, I want a FAG!


                          Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                          Oh Mollers!!! :H:H:H

                          Now, get this. I had NO CLUE that my mother stopped smoking 16 years ago yesterday. The same fecking day as me? Out of 365? How weird is that? I suppose I have to make it stick! Feck.

                          She is highly supportive at the same time as being tongue in cheek and when we were hanging up she sez "Now have a nice day!!!" Cowbag! :H I'm as grumpy as can be. lol


                            Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                            I want a fag! Badly!

                            Right.... rehab 101. Sit down, calm down... look within. Then look without. Big world out there without cigarettes to ruin my health. OMG... it's KEELING me today! I'm not sure what is harder any more, the fags or the booze.


                              Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                              I'm going to buy something! Feck it. Been needing a new toaster oven and I reckon I'll go get one.

                              I look like Godzilla. My hair is up in a pin and it's sticking out all over the place! OMG... I'm laughing. OK... I can do this. I'm not buying smokes. I'm done with it. For good this time.

                              I know this is not a smoking forum, but it's really the same principals that apply for both at the start.

                              Is Reccy home yet? And Starty?


                                Army Fred 8th April, 2013

                                It's...... Zenny!

