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thankyou for being so kind

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    thankyou for being so kind

    Who needs counselling when I have all of you! I've never known such kindness. After I posted last night I decided to continue with my mural painting I'm doing. But I stopped as I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I went quietly to bed. That was good because in the past I have stayed up alone and drank until day-light. I am not back at square one. i had a blip. I have learnt something I needed to know. I have found out my trigger. It's whenever I'm in a situation where my husband is not there to watch over me- like a father keeping his eye on a naughty child.

    Yesterday when my friends came over we had been drinking tea quite happily. Then my friend asked if I had any wine. I said they could have some but I didn't fancy it, (lie-lie) They are un-aware of my problem with it - I'm too ashamed for them to know my complete lack of control. That makes me angry again, like I might aswell ring the bells shouting "Un-clean, un-clean!" My friend said why not just have one. So I thought I would test myself and try one. It was lovely and I chinked my glass saying to myself here's 41 days clean. The funny thing was I stopped enjoying myself from that moment on. I kept a close eye on my friends' levels of wine in their glasses. I made sure I kept at their pace and thought how painfully slow they were sipping and how restrained I was trying to be. How could I possibly enjoy the conversation with all this going on inside me. I just wanted to down it and top up. Then my husband came home. He noticed my glass and gave me a look; he said how well I HAD done and what a shame. That made me feel like I'd done wrong, let him down. So I topped up out of defiance. He was disappointed and initially i wanted to prove to him that I could control this. Clearly I can not and he knows that. I have also got to learn that I am doing this sobriety thing for me not him. But i am always looking for approval like a child and want to please him. So when I feel like I'm letting him down, I think well what the hell, he's right I am a loser and so i might aswell give in, just like a child would do, act how you are perceived; Stupid is as Stupid does! But, no- I know thats not right. I think i'm learning again through this incident. I had got a bit cocky and was beginning to think perhaps I didn't have a problem anymore- naivley. Just because I didn't have a drink for 41 days doesn't mean the problem's gone away, it's just waiting in the wings urging me to slip up. I am aware now and I will be waiting for IT next time and do you know what? - I'm going to punch it's lights out and i'm not a violent person.

    Thankyou for all your tremendously helpful words you wrote and... just for me! That makes me feel so special and good. I'm on my own tonight so I am going to stay on line for a while.

    There we are.....I've been really honest here and hopefully honest with myself. Bellaxxx

    thankyou for being so kind

    Bella, what a great post. It sure sounds like you did learn a lot from that incident. I am glad you are in the mindset that you have to do this for YOU and not for anyone else. Do not let anyone make you feel small or childish. You are making great strides and I really applaud you.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      thankyou for being so kind

      Bella, Right from the start I had you picked out as a winner... You haven't let me down yet... What happened with the wine was probably a good thing in a way... It just reinforced the thougth in your brain of how devious and stealthy old Mr Alcohol can be.... As you so rightly said, he is there, waiting in the shadows for you to show your weakness, then he pounces...

      Its still the same with me, sometimes I can feel him watching me, but I won't even give him the time of day... I can relax more now, but I am so aware of his tricks, I know just one glass of wine and BOOM, I'm right back in his clutches..

      You are still doing well, but after what happened you are now better armed and informed than before..

      Keep it up,
      Love, Louise xx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        thankyou for being so kind

        Good job Bella - you sound as though you have come out of this with a good fight and you are in great spirits! Well done!
        Over 4 months AF :h


          thankyou for being so kind

          Bella, Look back to when you first came here .... If you had read that from a more established member what would you have said??? You would have said "wow wish I could do 41 days AF" YOU are now that member, you are fabulous, we all love and admire you, you are still on track.

          I'm so very very proud of you xx


            thankyou for being so kind

            Boy do I know that look. My husband's eyes practically bug out and it makes me want to drink more and more just to spite him.


              thankyou for being so kind

              That was really a great post. I know that defiance feeling well. It's like that little kids comes out says I can do whatever I want to do so there. Then you realize you are only hurting yourself.
              Thanks for sharing and I am so glad you're here. You have come so far and I am really glad you let us come along with you.
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                thankyou for being so kind

                Way to go Bella!!! A step at a time. I'm very proud of you.

                Thanks for sharing, very learning for all of us.

                bless you.
                Control the Mind

