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Army Thread 11th April

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    Army Thread 11th April

    Recluse;1490708 wrote: You must be serious about losing weight if you're having salad at Maccy Ds, pingu. Actually, I thought you were a very nice shape, and I'm not just being polite. Sadly, I've reached an age where I have to watch my weight too. Never used to be a problem.

    Thanks for the suggestion re the drinks. I'll give them a try. Ideally, I'd like to find a low calorie drink that doesn't contain artificial sweeteners, but there don't seem to be any about.
    ah now there's my issue too Reccie, most of the low cal drinks are filled with Aspartame which I do not chose to poison my body with. I did find some pomegranate drink with Stevia sweetner in, and I think more people are trying to find asp alternatives
    A nice one to try is sparkling water with a slice of fresh lime in....
    let me know what else you find, it is a mystery how low calorie stuff has to be filled with such deadly crap!
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread 11th April

      Sparkling water is actually what I have been drinking mostly (apart from the whisky of course ). Good idea about the lime.


        Army Thread 11th April

        whisky is shite reccie...

        get some fresh limes and lemons, lovely in soda water or sparkling water
        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


          Army Thread 11th April

          :hallo: Army
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Army Thread 11th April

            hi mr T, where is everyone?

            I;m about to order a shamrock Navel bar, need a souvenier of IReland apart from the stabbing I got..
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread 11th April

              Howyiz. They made me work today :upset:
              Pile of shite - tbh - what they go on with.
              want to retire & work in a nice job - a chemist I think
              Yesh - that's what I want. :thumbsup:


                Army Thread 11th April

                one highpoint today - taught a Dutch guy in Amsterdam office how to say FECK today.
                He's delighted - gone off saying 'feckin' this feckin' that ! :H
                just hope he uses it in the right places not to his boss :H:H


                  Army Thread 11th April

                  satz123;1490745 wrote: one highpoint today - taught a Dutch guy in Amsterdam office how to say FECK today.
                  He's delighted - gone off saying 'feckin' this feckin' that ! :H
                  just hope he uses it in the right places not to his boss :H:H

                  Dutch is very close to Afrikaans. You could try bliksem on him and see if you get a reaction.

                  Just don't bliksem him. That is, hit / assault him. Unless you really don't want to work there any more, of course.
                  I'll do whatever it takes
                  AF 21/08/2009


                    Army Thread 11th April

                    Doh... you would need to travel all the way to Amsterdam to bliksem him... My levels of blondeness are sometimes astounding.
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread 11th April

                      tiptronic_ct;1490749 wrote: Doh... you would need to travel all the way to Amsterdam to bliksem him... My levels of blondeness are sometimes astounding.
                      You is not blonde Tipster - you is ORANGE :H


                        Army Thread 11th April

                        I was teaching my kids about

                        TURD... and they found it very funny!!!
                        I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                        They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


                          Army Thread 11th April

                          mollyka;1490740 wrote: Righters - sittin down at last. Dunno where I got that water Reccie - think it may have been Aldi cos it looks sort of foreign - not tesco'ish it's called Aqua-Fruta - doesn't even say what the flavourings are - just pictures of lemons and limes on the bottle. I do know tho Tesco have loads of naturally flavoured waters, like ye - I hate artificial flavours and sweeteners - but there are loads - sorry, I know that's not much help!!
                          Jaysus, when are my CV days with teenagers gonna be over - spent 2 hours - at his request, and now he's got a puss on him --- think HE'S tired --- latherin heart!! Must go get food now - sorry - not much fun!!!!
                          Thanks, molly. I did actually manage to find it on the Tesco website and yeah, the ingredients do look a bit dodgy. Naturally flavoured waters are exactly what I want. I'll investigate and report back if I find anything good.

                          Glad to hear your infection is sorting itself out (I hope).

                          Evening satzy. :hallo:

                          Edit: Oops...and tips!


                            Army Thread 11th April

                            pingu1997;1490753 wrote: I was teaching my kids about

                            TURD... and they found it very funny!!!
                            Turty tree and a turd :H:H


                              Army Thread 11th April

                              :waving: RECCIE !!


                                Army Thread 11th April

                                satz123;1490755 wrote: Turty tree and a turd :H:H
                                Turd in the hole...

