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Army Thread Friday 12th April

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    Army Thread Friday 12th April

    Morning / Afternoon :waving:

    Right, very quick pop in troops. You all ok?

    Inchy - good going on 3 days - that is fricking awesome. As whizzy says, get past the weekend, and you'll be running on the next gear.

    Golf... YAWN...

    Diet drinks.... um... i drink um... tho trying to cut out fizzy pop cos it is full of shoite.

    What else has been going down... um... whizzy, i see you're tapering, that'll be a 30mile jog, as opposed to a 40mile run , eh? Was telling a colleague about this wonderful lady i met who had beaten AL, fags, and weight to run marathons at whizzy-tizzying speeds. He was gobsmacked.

    Yo Molls :waving: and Reccie!! :waving: and Doc SatzooOOOOOooomma :waving: and Chickpea, Inchy, P3, Waggie, Pinkie, BHOG, Tipps, Tabbers, Zennifer, Mama, Mario, Limers, Starty and oor Jacs in Lauder :waving: (not enough emoticons allowed) and a'body else i forgot (sorry). Right times up in the cafe...

    HOPEFULLY back on online to cook youse all brekkie sometime next week

    Arsey McBroonface
    Lil' Cottage
    Back o' beyond
    Auld Scotia


      Army Thread Friday 12th April

      pingu1997;1491054 wrote: yeah I do, the kids had some yesterday and I was like please..... I want some !!

      But then I feel the same when I see a nice pint of cider and black...

      I am still gobsmacked about a story I read last night about a woman who fed her 4 yr old daughter chemo drugs in order to get publicity on facebook.... apparently its a mental illness called Munchausen syndrome but OMG who would do that to a child, who has been left very sick in hospital and the mother banged up awaiting trial..
      Yes I read your post re Munchausen syndrome. It is a broad spectrum personality disorder and has been around for a long time. Mainly an attention seeking behaviour for the parent or sometimes nurses like beverley Allitt (sp).

      Hi Army
      How are you Molly? No UTI???:goodjob:


        Army Thread Friday 12th April

        xpost Arsey. I hope you have tapered!!!


          Army Thread Friday 12th April

          but fancy poisoning your child with chemo drugs.. the page has been taken down now so I've no idea whether the child survived or not, apparently the doctors were bemused which is one of the signs that all is not as it seems

          My new skates are here, and they are super awesome, pic on farce book

          Hi Mrs A, I really want to run again but I need to find some inner inspiration to get off my arse!!
          I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

          They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


            Army Thread Friday 12th April

            we are battling with Lego friends which Lucy got for her birthday, she don't have the patience to follow the instructions LOL

            best get off to Frigginasda to get the lord and master something for tea
            I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

            They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


              Army Thread Friday 12th April

              A fast fly by this morning. SIL gets sentanced this AM. I hope the Judge is harsh. He is such a dirt bag.
              A very special CONGRATS to Inchy on three days! You ROCK, Inchy!

              Other than that, weather is fair here, supposed to be snow again on Sunday. going bowling with my work-mates this afternoon. Been about a year since I last threw any, so this might be funny.
              Best to all, i hope to catch up later!
              Stay Strong

              ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                Army Thread Friday 12th April

                :hallo: Army

                I must have been inattentive. What is Bhoggo's SIL being sentenced for?
                I'll do whatever it takes
                AF 21/08/2009


                  Army Thread Friday 12th April


                  After all that faffing around decided to come home today. The cold weather beat us.

                  All very well romanticising how wonderful country life is in front of a roaring log fire and how we don't want to leave but fast forward 'til you need a pee at 4 in the morning at that sharp goes out the window. The thought not the pee.

                  Please leave many messages of how glad you are to have me back (cos I know I've missed you) in the quick response box below while I go and have a steaming hot shower.

                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Friday 12th April

                    I will say it right here in the open JC. IT IS AWESOME TO HAVE YOU BACK AND WE HAVE MISSED YOU TERRIBLY!!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                      Army Thread Friday 12th April

                      Hello hello!!!

                      I read a book called Sickened, written by a girl who's mother had Munchausen by Proxy. She'd had a terrible childhood. It's a very good read if you like that kind of thing.

                      Lovely day here today. I think I'm going to get the hose out and wash the windows like I've been threatening for weeks, nay months!

                      I shall be baaaaack.......


                        Army Thread Friday 12th April

                        Hey, didn't "see" yous there... I'd left the post half typed and went orf to find that book!

                        Welcome back Jacks!


                          Army Thread Friday 12th April

                          JackieClaire;1491196 wrote: :hallo:

                          After all that faffing around decided to come home today. The cold weather beat us.

                          All very well romanticising how wonderful country life is in front of a roaring log fire and how we don't want to leave but fast forward 'til you need a pee at 4 in the morning at that sharp goes out the window. The thought not the pee.

                          Please leave many messages of how glad you are to have me back (cos I know I've missed you) in the quick response box below while I go and have a steaming hot shower.

                          Super duper to have you back JC. Sorry it was so cold

                          In my cold cottage in Lindisfarne I was saved from the 4 o'clock pee by having the bladder of a camel:H

                          Hiya Zens,Tips et al (or without al)

                          Off for a gentle run with my blind friend.

                          Pingu you might be best to join a running club. Where every level is welcome


                            Army Thread Friday 12th April

                            xpost Waggy and Boggy--Hello over there!!


                              Army Thread Friday 12th April

                              Evening guys
                              I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it's the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It's probably the most important thing in a person.
                              Audrey Hepburn


                                Army Thread Friday 12th April

                                I'm gonna brave a two mile run tomorrow, watch this space..
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

