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Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

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    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

    I really don't have a dog in this fight but here's my two cents.

    I've been drunk and made a complete ass of myself on this board before. It's par for the course on a website for struggling drunks. But, I'm came back, swallowed my pride and owned up to it. I made apologies if they were needed, and I was always welcomed with open arms. We are a forgiving group because we have all messed up at some point.

    I think what is stinging so bad for some is that Evie came on here taking on a completely different persona. Maybe, if she would have spoke up sooner things wouldn't be so bad. Instead she kept up this charade on for months.

    Anyway- Welcome back Evie. Maybe you can tell us a little about yourself?


      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

      wow, amazing how just one person can absolutely ruin what felt like a safe haven full of people who I thought cared. This one person has destroyed any and all trust I had in this site.
      I am so turned off by MWO right now.
      Thanks whoever the f you are. I guess that is what you were hoping for? You won!! Don't you feel great?
      I just won't anymore


        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

        Again WOW!

        I have only been on MWO sober, I have no 'drunk' persona to apologise and be ashamed of.

        Many people come back here with changed names, claiming they have 'forgotten' their passwords etc. No one cares.

        What is the point of this forum if radical change is not accepted? If people go from falling down drunks, DUIs and a cell mate named Diablo to sober decent people ......then why can't Evie go from divisive drunk to happy sober hippy?

        For those of you who claim to believe in all that......where is your christianity? SHAME on you!

        I found out, through the grapevine, months ago that Hippyman was a banned member who was a what. If Hippyman had behaved badly I would have outed 'him' but he did not, he was loved, and supportive and people were uplifted.

        WIILDFLOWERS ....... Not for the first time do I find that forgiveness, kindness and understanding are attributes of the individual, unrelated to religious belief. You are a kind woman.


          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

          jenniech;1492501 wrote: wow, amazing how just one person can absolutely ruin what felt like a safe haven full of people who I thought cared. This one person has destroyed any and all trust I had in this site.
          I am so turned off by MWO right now.
          Thanks whoever the f you are. I guess that is what you were hoping for? You won!! Don't you feel great?
          Jenni.......the catharsis of MWO is the anonymity ........ But let us not delude ourselves.......we are spilling our guts to a potential audience of BILLIONS of people......this is an emotional stage, and we are all players.

          I have NO WAY of checking your authenticity any more than you mine. Hippy has not changed anything.......


            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

            posted, but deleted
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

              live and let live
              Psalms 119:45

              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

              St. Francis of Assisi

              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                I don't think it really matters, Hippyman was kind, considerate, uplifting etc. I think the only thing that sad here is that whoever this person is/was/ wishes to be!! Couldn't just come back apologise and move on. Everyone on here could be anyone but if we give each other the desired sounding boards and virtual hugs ;0) then what's does it matter x
                AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                Day by day


                  Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                  kuya;1492540 wrote: What is the point of this forum if radical change is not accepted? If people go from falling down drunks, DUIs and a cell mate named Diablo to sober decent people ......then why can't Evie go from divisive drunk to happy sober hippy?
                  True...but most of us have never intentionally DECEIVED anybody along the way. We come here, we are what we are...we make mistakes, we admit it, we move on. Forgiveness would have overflowed if only the truth had been told. I have yet to see a simple "I'm Sorry"....
                  :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                  Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                    RingingCedars;1492552 wrote: live and let live


                      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                      In my short time here I have been met with nothing but kindness and support,that is what this place is for me.From my reading of the "Hippyman "characters post's he/she also offered nothing but kindness and support.Now that it seems that "hippy" is back on the sauce, people are turning their back and while I do understand why some may feel that way(especially those who have had a bad experience with "Evie")is not helping and supporting people with alcohol and any other problems why we are all here?We have all done stupid things when drunk, lets be charitable and help out a person in obvious need if we can.If we can't, at least we have tried.
                      AF since october 8th 2012:new

                      How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


                        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                        you are absolutely right Kuya. I was very upset before.....felt manipulated. I have worked through that. It is true, there is no reason for me to believe that what I say can't be read by billions. I am also pretty sad to find out that this person has such a huge problem.....more than alcohol IMO.

                        Thanks for responding to my post. I was on a bit of a rant before and I hereby retract it.
                        I just won't anymore


                          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                          Patrick - cross post
                          Yes, now that I have calmed down, I agree. this person needs help.
                          I just won't anymore


                            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                            RingingCedars;1492552 wrote: live and let live
                            funnily enough, you actually reminded me of Evie Lou at times, if I was to pick out a member here who was Evie LOu in disguise it would have been you!!


                              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                              limers;1492633 wrote: funnily enough, you actually reminded me of Evie Lou at times, if I was to pick out a member here who was Evie LOu in disguise it would have been you!!
                              LOL! now that's funny shit! I'd die before I would pretend to be someone else. LOL
                              Psalms 119:45

                              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

                              St. Francis of Assisi

                              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                                RingingCedars;1492636 wrote: LOL! now that's funny shit! I'd die before I would pretend to be someone else. LOL
                                I know, im sorry, you just reminded me of her

