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Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

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    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

    no offense whatsoever taken Limers:l
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

      K9Lover;1492575 wrote: True...but most of us have never intentionally DECEIVED anybody along the way. We come here, we are what we are...we make mistakes, we admit it, we move on. Forgiveness would have overflowed if only the truth had been told. I have yet to see a simple "I'm Sorry"....
      I know but the deception was UN intentional.....from what I know the male persona was a mistake which had to be lived with......if a female name had been chosen would ANY of this furore be happening?????

      The more I think about this the more I wonder if SEXUALITY is at the bottom of ALL these complaints. Hippyman NEVER hit on or flirted with anyone ( I was immediately aware of how asexual 'he' was, so the truth when I later heard it was NO surprise).

      Could the real problem here be that some members HAVE, at least in their minds, FLIRTED with Hippyman ??????

      OMNFG .........LOLOLOL .....too fucking funny ! :H:H:H

      So let's get this clear.....actually people are upset cos THEIR sexuality feels threatened????

      GET OVER YOURSELVES ............. Hippyman needs our help, Evie Lou hasn't been on MWO since 2009.


        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

        kuya;1492691 wrote: I know but the deception was UN intentional.....from what I know the male persona was a mistake which had to be lived with......if a female name had been chosen would ANY of this furore be happening?????

        The more I think about this the more I wonder if SEXUALITY is at the bottom of ALL these complaints. Hippyman NEVER hit on or flirted with anyone ( I was immediately aware of how asexual 'he' was, so the truth when I later heard it was NO surprise).

        Could the real problem here be that some members HAVE, at least in their minds, FLIRTED with Hippyman ??????

        OMNFG .........LOLOLOL .....too fucking funny ! :H:H:H

        So let's get this clear.....actually people are upset cos THEIR sexuality feels threatened????

        GET OVER YOURSELVES ............. Hippyman needs our help, Evie Lou hasn't been on MWO since 2009.
        Stop it Kuya. That's enough. You can't lord it over people like this.


          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

          Zenstyle;1492700 wrote: Stop it Kuya. That's enough. You can't lord it over people like this.
          Thank you for saying what I wanted to say Zenny
          Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

            kuya;1492691 wrote: Could the real problem here be that some members HAVE, at least in their minds, FLIRTED with Hippyman ??????

            OMNFG .........LOLOLOL .....too fucking funny ! :H:H:H

            So let's get this clear.....actually people are upset cos THEIR sexuality feels threatened????

            GET OVER YOURSELVES ............. Hippyman needs our help, Evie Lou hasn't been on MWO since 2009.
            That was NOT appropriate.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

              Kuya - it appears that you're the only one going there. I agree with Zen, Nelz, and K9... you are way out of line with your comments, your language, and your analysis.


                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                oh apologies folks---- tis just an observation ---- and my sense of humour ----lighten up and let us all move on with life.


                  Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                  I agree K9, very unusual comments.

                  As a newbie who has been on MWO for a short period of time I have noticed that,in the last couple of days there have been some very strange going ons, a very different tone and aura has emerged, I wonder if there is perhaps a full moon around the corner...

                  For the senior members, just a reminder that we look up to you, and require positive guidance .......

                  Many of us newbies are VERY, VERY desperate and are desperately trying to remove the chaos/drama in our lives caused by AL, that is why we have sought out multiple avenues to assist us and have turned to a positive, supportive MWO for help. I am so thankful I found such a community that understands the struggles of AL, and I feel that the last thing we should do is alienate those who are right now perusing and reading the site wondering if it will be helpful...
                  There will always be differences and varying opinions and my motto has always been "Be polite and respectful and carry on......"
                  I hope everyone has a great AF week
                  On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                    kuya;1492691 wrote: I know but the deception was UN intentional.....from what I know the male persona was a mistake which had to be lived with......if a female name had been chosen would ANY of this furore be happening?????

                    The more I think about this the more I wonder if SEXUALITY is at the bottom of ALL these complaints. Hippyman NEVER hit on or flirted with anyone ( I was immediately aware of how asexual 'he' was, so the truth when I later heard it was NO surprise).

                    Could the real problem here be that some members HAVE, at least in their minds, FLIRTED with Hippyman ??????

                    OMNFG .........LOLOLOL .....too fucking funny ! :H:H:H

                    So let's get this clear.....actually people are upset cos THEIR sexuality feels threatened????

                    GET OVER YOURSELVES ............. Hippyman needs our help, Evie Lou hasn't been on MWO since 2009.
                    I agree HippyEvieManLou needs our help. I'm embarrassed my initial reaction was one of shock and confusion. I further admit that thinking of Hippy as man when she's really a woman is a bit of a mind shift. But certainly one I can get over. I just hope Hippyeviemanlou stays nice and doesn't get nasty. That I won't tolerate.

                    Hippy/Evie - You have been supportive of me, so you have my support. Please get yourself sober and rejoin the community and become as loved as you were - as yourself. We loved how happy you seemed to be while sober and I personally want you to be that happy again

                    This issue has become so divisive. Can we please all embrace an attitude of gratitude and cling to the ones we love and who we know love us? There is no better defense than to embrace one another. I love you all. I have gained something from every single person on this board.

                    Peace to you all - always and forever.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                      halo;1492710 wrote: I agree K9, very unusual comments.

                      As a newbie who has been on MWO for a short period of time I have noticed that,in the last couple of days there have been some very strange going ons, a very different tone and aura has emerged, I wonder if there is perhaps a full moon around the corner...

                      For the senior members, just a reminder that we look up to you, and require positive guidance .......

                      Many of us newbies are VERY, VERY desperate and are desperately trying to remove the chaos/drama in our lives caused by AL, that is why we have sought out multiple avenues to assist us and have turned to a positive, supportive MWO for help. I am so thankful I found such a community that understands the struggles of AL, and I feel that the last thing we should do is alienate those who are right now perusing and reading the site wondering if it will be helpful...
                      There will always be differences and varying opinions and my motto has always been "Be polite and respectful and carry on......"
                      I hope everyone has a great AF week
                      Well, you have come to a very supportive place. However every once in a while a thread or a topic will really get some legs and run. It, as expected, will divide the community because we all have differing opinions.

                      Just stay close, ride out this newest wave, and expect one in the future. Anytime a group of people converge, differences will happen. We may be at each others throats at the moment, but we are indeed one big happy family.

                      I know I used to fight everyday with my brothers......:H
                      Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                      DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                        I have been told not to post any more on this matter, by Roberta Jewell herself ( or rather and administrator using RJs name). I did copy the PM into a post but that was deleted.......which is odd since I have NOTHING to hide.

                        If I wanted to participate in thought suppression I would have joined an appropriate political party.

                        I hardly even spoke to Hippyman, have no vested interest except as a fellow human being.

                        I will be leaving MWO forthwith


                          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                          Everyone count to 1000, slowly. Remember why MWO is here.

                          Think of all the possible newbies in crisis who come here and see all these comments.

                          There was a recent returnee who was hesitant to post because of these types of problems in the past.

                          Please, cool your jets, regain your positive mindset and be here for those who want to talk about MWO.

                          Pour water on the flames, rather that oil.

                          Please, for the sake of the new people whom have turned away because of this sparring.



                            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                            This makes me so sad. I pm'd you with my personal details Kuya. I hope you see that.
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                              halo;1492710 wrote: I agree K9, very unusual comments.

                              As a newbie who has been on MWO for a short period of time I have noticed that,in the last couple of days there have been some very strange going ons, a very different tone and aura has emerged, I wonder if there is perhaps a full moon around the corner...

                              For the senior members, just a reminder that we look up to you, and require positive guidance .......
                              Halo...I usually stay out of these "full moon threads" but your post tugged at my heart strings. When I first joined MWO it was a "new moon phase" and I had a "breaking in" period before things like this happened.

                              I just want to say that "senior member" ONLY means someone's posted 1,000 times. No more no less....


                                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                                So sorry to have cause such a S*** storm

                                Hey everyone....first off I would like to tell everyone here that I am so very truly sorry for this shit storm I have caused, but above all I would like to tell Hippyman/ evie lou how truly sorry I am to have caused such a rift and for the backlash that you have received due to my asking for clarification about the situation.
                                I may receive some backlash for what I am about to write...but I am a big girl and have armored up by putting my big girl pants on, so say what you must.
                                When I first questioned what was going on with the Hippy/evie lou situation I honestly thought that someone had high jacked Hippy's account and was playing some kind of a sick joke this is why I brought it to everyone's attention that it wasn't "our" Hippyman not because I thought Hippyman and evie lou was the same person; at the time the thought hadn't even occurred to me. I honestly didn't know what to think.
                                Upon learning that Hippy and evie lou are actually the same person, well I felt foolish and deceived. But after taking sometime to time to think about it....really what difference does it make? None of us on this forum are perfect, if we were none of us would be here to begin with.
                                We are all familiar with the complexity of alcohol abuse and how it changes us and I would venture to say it doesn't change the majority of us for the good either. I'd be willing to bet my lunch money that the majority of us has sort of an altered ego when we have had a few drinks in us, which in my opinion is kind of apparent in the obvious difference in the persona between Hippy's past post and her recent posts. It is obvious that hippy/evie lou is reaching out for help. I do not know evie lou as evie lou, I only know her as hippy, who offered support to many of us here in our times of need. So please let us not judge her, isolate her or continue any of this backlash. Please let us show her the same kindness as she has shown us as Hippy. Please, I beg you if you can't offer help or be supportive of her obvious spill off the wagon, then for goodness sakes please don't hurt her either.
                                Again I am so sorry to have created such a ruckus.
                                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                                ~Author Unknown
                                AF since February 4, 2013

