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Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

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    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

    Some good advice pourquoi and thanks for clarifying a senior members status, I thought it was someone appointed or elected by the web's administrator to help us young newbies in our quest to become AF, I didn't realize it was based solely on just the number of posts one has...By the way I love your bunnies!

    No worries one red shoe, I believe as Nelz says the situation will most definitely blow over, we have much more important things to attend to, like maintaining our sobriety, with of course a little help from our friends :l !
    On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

      breathe, 1000 breaths....count them. Take pause and realize this thing going on is bigger than ourselves.

      Stop the fire with cool water.

      Stop for the sake of the ones who come to MWO/ IT IS MY WAY OUT.




        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

        kuya;1492722 wrote: I have been told not to post any more on this matter, by Roberta Jewell herself ( or rather and administrator using RJs name). I did copy the PM into a post but that was deleted.......which is odd since I have NOTHING to hide.

        If I wanted to participate in thought suppression I would have joined an appropriate political party.

        I hardly even spoke to Hippyman, have no vested interest except as a fellow human being.

        I will be leaving MWO forthwith
        me too, this will be my very last post! Kuya had some very valid points, life , especially on these boards cant always be sweetness and light. I have been here years and learnt alot and made some good friends but my way out now is by leaving here for good.


          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

          kuya;1492722 wrote: I have been told not to post any more on this matter, by Roberta Jewell herself ( or rather and administrator using RJs name). I did copy the PM into a post but that was deleted.......which is odd since I have NOTHING to hide.

          If I wanted to participate in thought suppression I would have joined an appropriate political party.

          I hardly even spoke to Hippyman, have no vested interest except as a fellow human being.

          I will be leaving MWO forthwith
          Are people not allowed to express their opinion in a fair reasonable manner?And the only person who was censored was someone who asked for kindness and support for someone who obviously needs it?Btw most of the people who were most upset by "Hippy" changed their mind and agreed with Kuya once they got over their shock and thought it through.I thought this place was a community of equals but it is now starting to look like a dictator ship(albeit benign).I;m curious as to why Kuya was TOLD not to post .The one post that caused a negative reaction(and I get her sense of humour)was made in jest and she withdrew and apologised..Kuya was one of the best contributers here and we will all be poorer for her loss.
          AF since october 8th 2012:new

          How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

            Oneredshoe;1492780 wrote: Hey everyone....first off I would like to tell everyone here that I am so very truly sorry for this shit storm I have caused, but above all I would like to tell Hippyman/ evie lou how truly sorry I am to have caused such a rift and for the backlash that you have received due to my asking for clarification about the situation.
            I may receive some backlash for what I am about to write...but I am a big girl and have armored up by putting my big girl pants on, so say what you must.
            When I first questioned what was going on with the Hippy/evie lou situation I honestly thought that someone had high jacked Hippy's account and was playing some kind of a sick joke this is why I brought it to everyone's attention that it wasn't "our" Hippyman not because I thought Hippyman and evie lou was the same person; at the time the thought hadn't even occurred to me. I honestly didn't know what to think.
            Upon learning that Hippy and evie lou are actually the same person, well I felt foolish and deceived. But after taking sometime to time to think about it....really what difference does it make? None of us on this forum are perfect, if we were none of us would be here to begin with.
            We are all familiar with the complexity of alcohol abuse and how it changes us and I would venture to say it doesn't change the majority of us for the good either. I'd be willing to bet my lunch money that the majority of us has sort of an altered ego when we have had a few drinks in us, which in my opinion is kind of apparent in the obvious difference in the persona between Hippy's past post and her recent posts. It is obvious that hippy/evie lou is reaching out for help. I do not know evie lou as evie lou, I only know her as hippy, who offered support to many of us here in our times of need. So please let us not judge her, isolate her or continue any of this backlash. Please let us show her the same kindness as she has shown us as Hippy. Please, I beg you if you can't offer help or be supportive of her obvious spill off the wagon, then for goodness sakes please don't hurt her either.
            Again I am so sorry to have created such a ruckus.
            wonderful compassionate post Red.and to be fair it was hippy/evie who did cause this little molehill not you,so dont feel guilty.We are all here for the same reason and are a supportive bunch and this will soon blow over.There are too many good folks here to let this little hiccup upset or affect this great bunch of people.
            AF since october 8th 2012:new

            How to get Alcohol free in 6 minutes :H


              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

              Zenstyle;1492700 wrote: Stop it Kuya. That's enough. You can't lord it over people like this.
              Following a number of exchanges from members I WILL respond to this Zen.

              Firstly, thank you for, at last, saying what you honestly think.......instead of hiding behind the smokescreen of being concerned for my welfare. What you really feel is that I 'lord it over people'.........surely you must have learned in therapy that this is projection ???

              You have counselled me, at a mere 7 months sober, to 'work on myself' to 'look within'.
              Well, in this instance, I would counsel you to 'look within' as it would now appear that YOU had an unpleasant history with Evie.lou, which almost certainly explains your attack on me.

              What did YOU DO to have 30000 posts deleted and a temporary ban?........but here you are, back on MWO, pontificating and judging others......HOW DARE YOU !

              Thank you Patrick for your comments. My statement stands though.....if Evie.lou had come back on as Susie.sue no one would have cared.

              For the record I have had PMs wondering why I care so much about Hippyman......TBH I have hardly ever spoken to her, actually found her annoyingly jovial, but would defend ANYONE who is as supportive and kind as she was. THAT is who I am.

              What I do now is really in the hands of the administrators. I have defied their order and spoken my mind. I am content.


                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                My final say.
                No I don't remember the PM.

                Now I will go back to worrying about something real in my life. My godson and family in Boston.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                  I seen the pm last night posted and then it was gone and like Kuya said she was told to stop supporting hippy.
                  There are none of us here that can judge another we have all done things we are not proud off and we all come here looking help.
                  AF 5/jan/2011


                    Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                    kuya;1492878 wrote: Following a number of exchanges from members I WILL respond to this Zen.

                    Firstly, thank you for, at last, saying what you honestly think.......instead of hiding behind the smokescreen of being concerned for my welfare. What you really feel is that I 'lord it over people'.........surely you must have learned in therapy that this is projection ???

                    You have counselled me, at a mere 7 months sober, to 'work on myself' to 'look within'.
                    Well, in this instance, I would counsel you to 'look within' as it would now appear that YOU had an unpleasant history with Evie.lou, which almost certainly explains your attack on me.

                    What did YOU DO to have 30000 posts deleted and a temporary ban?........but here you are, back on MWO, pontificating and judging others......HOW DARE YOU !

                    Thank you Patrick for your comments. My statement stands though.....if Evie.lou had come back on as Susie.sue no one would have cared.

                    For the record I have had PMs wondering why I care so much about Hippyman......TBH I have hardly ever spoken to her, actually found her annoyingly jovial, but would defend ANYONE who is as supportive and kind as she was. THAT is who I am.

                    What I do now is really in the hands of the administrators. I have defied their order and spoken my mind. I am content.

                    I didn't have a temporary ban Kuya. And I asked the Forum Moderators to delete my posts. There was an incidence where a member on here contacted my next door neighbour... the stalking aspect freaked me out and I requested to have my posts deleted so my personal information wasn't "out there"... which they kindly did even although it was a very lengthy process.

                    Regarding me "projecting" and what I have learned in therapy... you couldn't be further from the truth. Lording it over people is far from being my issue... setting boundaries and speaking up for myself in a timely fashion instead of bottling things inside and having it reach a crisis point is my primary issue... almost the opposite end of the scale to what you suggested.

                    And I sincerely hope I don't "pontificate and judge others"... that would really worry me if I have been blinkered to it.

                    I can see you're very angry, and I think part of the anger you have towards me right now is actually towards the Moderators. But that's OK... I can understand.

                    madmans;1492896 wrote:

                    There are none of us here that can judge another we have all done things we are not proud off and we all come here looking help.
                    Amen to that Madmans.


                      Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                      Zenstyle;1492928 wrote: I didn't have a temporary ban Kuya. And I asked the Forum Moderators to delete my posts. There was an incidence where a member on here contacted my next door neighbour... the stalking aspect freaked me out and I requested to have my posts deleted so my personal information wasn't "out there"... which they kindly did even although it was a very lengthy process.

                      Regarding me "projecting" and what I have learned in therapy... you couldn't be further from the truth. Lording it over people is far from being my issue... setting boundaries and speaking up for myself in a timely fashion instead of bottling things inside and having it reach a crisis point is my primary issue... almost the opposite end of the scale to what you suggested.

                      And I sincerely hope I don't "pontificate and judge others"... that would really worry me if I have been blinkered to it.

                      I can see you're very angry, and I think part of the anger you have towards me right now is actually towards the Moderators. But that's OK... I can understand.

                      Amen to that Madmans.
                      Apologies for the misinformation ...... Too much to process.

                      So for the record, you and Evie.lou ??? I am intrigued.

                      Since I am now pretty certain who the moderator was, I am not angry, maybe a little disappointed. It should be moderation not suppression. Hey ho....them's the breaks


                        Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                        Hey, thought you'd be sleeping. I can never work out the times down there.

                        I'll PM you... rather keep it off the boards for obvious reasons.


                          Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                          Zenstyle;1492936 wrote: Hey, thought you'd be sleeping. I can never work out the times down there.

                          I'll PM you... rather keep it off the boards for obvious reasons.
                          After all the upset and gossip, the simple admission that there IS history explains it all.

                          Thanks Zen but PMing the details is really not necessary.

                          Perhaps after SIX years you could be the bigger person and campaign MWO to allow Hippyman/Evie, a fellow alcoholic, to return as an accepted member in her own right.

                          The gesture would be healing.


                            Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                            PMing the sordid details? OMG...

                            Kuya, you asked: "So for the record, you and Evie.lou ??? I am intrigued." and I responded that I would tell you off the boards. The reason I wanted it off the boards is to protect Hippy/Evie... not to protect myself. And the reason I even responded to your question at all is that I could see you were trying to "pin" something on me and make it sound like I did something wrong. In fact, your last post is of the same vein.

                            I am to "campaign"? To whom should I address my letter?

                            I'm done talking about this Kuya. It's gotten ridiculous.


                              Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                              I hope that Hippy/Evie comes back and this thread can just die.

                              I also hope that Kuya and Limers both stay. This will blow over and we need you both!!!

                              Please??? :h
                              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                                Can someone please explain the Hippyman / evie lou situation??????

                                Wow! I'm on the med thread, but I do look at all the other threads to greet newcomers. I do this because Kuya was the first to greet me minutes after my first post.

                                I was disappointed when a saw the first "troll" post, when I saw people being rude to each other and when I realized moderators deleted posts. Then I realized that THIS IS LIFE! Most of us, if not all of us, are lied to and have our trust broken in our day to day lives. I understand why we might expect MWO to be different. But, it's not--it's made up of humans just like the world.

                                I appreciate that posters have worried about newbies getting turned off by the tone of this thread. When I take a newbie under my wing I address these sorts of things in a PM.

                                Maybe the med thread is a little rougher and I'm used to it. Maybe it's because Evie was before my time and I don't have emotional energy invested. I don't know, but I do know that this will pass. I'm wishing everyone peace with this issue.

