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Just once a week?

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    Just once a week?

    I'm having a problem convincing myself that I can't drink, not even once a week.
    I went to rehab in January and did great for a few months. Recently, I think I can get away with drinking just one day a week. My brain is battling over this dilema. The "evil" side usually wins - damn that little devil! Has this ever happened to anyone and what did you do?


    Just once a week?

    Hello Roz

    I'm no expert - and I'm sure that many of the long time Abbers here will be able to give better advice but here's my tuppeny worth!!

    The key word in your post is 'Battling'. Normal people (in that I mean those who don't have an alcohol problem) don't 'battle' with thoughts about whether to drink or not drink. It isn't an issue for them like - shall I have a coffee tonight, or just stick with tea.

    For most of us with 'problems' it is that constant 'battle' that we want to get away from. To live normally and not spend hours and hours everyday thinking about alcohol and whether to drink or not. Well that's my case anyway.

    If you continue to drink (even if you can moderate to just one day a week and if you can - fantastic and go for it) will you still be constantly battling with yourself every day trying to decide whether or not you should drink that day? To me it's just so exhausting.

    I am now 16 days AF and still battling every day - but not whether to drink - I've made the decision that I won't - but with the craving too. I have now accepted that I won't drink (that in itself is a big relief) but my 'blue sky' is to wake up every day and not even think about alcohol or drinking - that it won't be an issue or something I will ever waste my waking hours on again.

    I hope you get the advice your need from others here - and good luck whatever you decide.
    Never put off to tomorrow what you can achieve today!


      Just once a week?


      not wishing to self promote, I'm not into that, but I posted a thread about the inner demons just yesterday. It might be interesting for you to read, it's my take on how I dealt with them...
      I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

      They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


        Just once a week?

        Roz, this has happened to everyone else. If you have been thru rehab and still battling it, I think you know the answer. One of the many powers of this site is that it keeps a record of our posts. I went back and grabbed one of yours from August 2007. Here is your post:


        Hi Everyone,

        Good topic Chilli. Moderation to me is to have 1-2 drinks and not want anymore. I'm a newbie so this is hard. I'm starting to think that this will never come to be but after reading this thread, and if I work hard at it, it could be a possibility. I do feel good that I'm not drinking 2 bottles of wine - 4 to 5 - days a week. I'm not feeling as good as I thought I would feel but I guess it just takes time and I have to wait it out. I do know, that I don't ever want to drink as much as I did. Life is too short. I also want to add that you guys have really helped me. For a good part of my life I have felt like an outcast who drank alone. After reading this thread I can see that I'm not the only one. We really shouldn't put ourselves down. We just happen to be the "lucky" ones who acquired a lousy gene (my dad and his dad). I always remind my husband how forunate he is to not have this gene. He's the poster guy for moderate drinking - I envy him. Chili- I'm trying to give myself goals (sometimes I make them sometimes I don't but I am trying). Next week my goal is to go AF Monday-Thursday and moderate on the weekend. If I find this is too hard I will try to go AF for awhile. Easy to say - right?

        So in the words of Dr. Phil....How is moderation working out for you? If you are like the rest of us....NOT SO GOOD. Fast forward 6 long years, and one rehab later....what do you think the answer is? You can't moderate addiction. BUT, here's the good news! Once you get that beast OUT of your is so much BETTER! I know it's unimaginable to consider going the REST OF YOUR LIFE without a drink, but believe me, it is 1000 times better than trying to making drinking work for you. I tried!! I tried to control it for 25 years! If what you have tried isn't working, why not try what you haven't?? Or we can be here in 6 more years having the same conversation. All you will have lost is 6 more years....losing AL is the BEST thing I ever did. I do not need it, but it takes TIME to learn this...AL FREE TIME. AL will tell you anything to stay alive. The sooner you start the sooner you can get this devil out of your life. I know that you prolly won't listen to my words, but go back and read your own. AL is out to get us....and it wins every time. Please join us over in the Newbie's nest and get started today! Don't lose another precious moment of life because of AL! All the best! Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
        Tool Box
        Newbie's Nest


          Just once a week?

          Well put, Byrdie!

          ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


            Just once a week?

            Thanks, BHOG, if I hadn't fought it almost to the death, I wouldn't have believed it myself....B
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Just once a week?

              Can you drink once a week and be fine with it?
              I think it all depends on whether you are addicted to alcohol or not..
              If you are addicted, then a couple of drinks are never enough, and you'll suffer from constant cravings when you are NOT drinking.. Your addiction is only satisfied until you've had enough, a couple of drinks are never enough, your cravings just intensify by a thousand.
              Good news! Cravings go away after being sober for a few months, maybe after 3, 6, 9 months.


                Just once a week?

                Hi Roz!

                For me, not drinking is easier than struggling to have 1 or 2 (which never happened, by the way). As Snap pointed out, a normal drinker doesn't have an inner-battle. Only those of us with a problem see it as a struggle. I don't spend all day thinking about brocolli, and normal drinkers don't spend all day thinking about alcohol. Byrdie always says that she never drank harder than when she was trying to moderate. Same here. Knowing I had a limit made me all the more determined to break it. Drinking once a week seems like a "tease", and you'll constantly be in the state of craving. Once you are completely AF, the craving DOES go away. Good luck and let us know how you are!

                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Just once a week?

                  Once a week idea

                  Speaking just for myself--once a week would become more often. And it became SO not worth it. I think it goes hand in hand with the idea of drinking being "fun".
                  As in thinking the once a week drinking will be the night for big fun.
                  I know; I've been there. I almost have 4 months (again) and I am determined to get to a year.

                  Thinking has to change. There has to be a realization that HEY --this shit isn't FUN.
                  For me it was far from it. I was becoming the known drunk at local bars and I'm done with it. The shame associated with such a reputation is staggering.

                  But that's just my deal. You of course are free to do what you want, but all in all it's continuing something destructive


                    Just once a week?

                    Whenever I tried to cut down, drink only once a week, I was always miserable.. Mind you just the thought of having that drink at the end of the week somehow cheered me up, just the thought of it.. then when the day finally came, I was ready to drink, boy oh boy, was I ready! Then I'd start the count down again.
                    But my cravings NEVER went away! Try being sober for a few months and you'll see your cravings diminish as times goes by, then once you have no more cravings, the real recovery can begin.


                      Just once a week?

                      Towards the end of my drinking days I remember how excited I would be getting prepared to drink...stock up on beer and cigarettes, rent a movie, put on my jammies and get all settled on the couch. By beer 2 or 3 I would start thinking "This is IT??" I guess I finally realized it wasn't fun anymore....
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Just once a week?

                        K9Lover;1493117 wrote: Towards the end of my drinking days I remember how excited I would be getting prepared to drink...stock up on beer and cigarettes, rent a movie, put on my jammies and get all settled on the couch. By beer 2 or 3 I would start thinking "This is IT??" I guess I finally realized it wasn't fun anymore....
                        That is soooo true!!! The anticipation of it was always way more exciting than the actual drinking. From the second drink I would race the drinks down my throat waiting for the awesome feeling, only to quickly get drunk, stupid and tired. Yeah that was great:upset:, yet I did it over and over again

                        I dont know what to tell you other than once our brains are wired to drink like that I dont see how you can undo it. After 2 years sober I can still get the craving to drink and I can feel my brain go into overdrive just wanting that first drink so it can get me back to the manic drinking. I am strong enough to understand what is going on and I redirect my thoughts to the reality of drinking. It takes time and practice but it gets much easier.
                        AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                        Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                          Just once a week?

                          Thanks to everyone for your feedback. You all really put it in perspective for me. Tomorrow WAS going to be my "drinking" day, but I have to start battling this alcohol crave! It just isn't worth it! To Brydlady: Wow, I don't even remember writing that. Yes, moderate drinking didn't work for me. And ever since that day it's been an ongoing struggle but I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. So, I will keep logging in and reading posts - it helped - Thanks!


                            Just once a week?

                            Not the "Good Ole Times"!

                            Thanks to everyone for your feedback. You all really put it in perspective for me. Tomorrow WAS going to be my "drinking" day, but I have to start battling this alcohol crave! It just isn't worth it! To Brydlady: Wow, I don't even remember writing that. Yes, moderate drinking didn't work for me. And ever since that day it's been an ongoing struggle but I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere. So, I will keep logging in and reading posts - it helped - Thanks!


                              Just once a week?

                              I did drink just one day per week for a while, but on that day I often consumed a whole bottle. It isn't worth the continued battle. I have much better things to do with my life and I feel much better without the alcohol.
                              My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

