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Are you a functional alcoholic?

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    Are you a functional alcoholic?

    I found this interesting article worth reading..
    I think whoever wrote it must know me personally!!

    Many people think of alcoholics as disheveled, homeless winos who have lost everything, but there are people who meet the criteria for a medical diagnosis for alcohol dependence who are highly functional in society and still have their jobs, homes and families. This type of drinker is known as a functional alcoholic.

    They rarely miss work and other obligations because of their drinking, although it does happen occasionally, and they usually excel at their jobs and careers. Typically, they are clever and witty individuals who are successful in many areas of their lives. To all but those who are closest to them, they give the outward appearance of being perfectly normal.

    Denial Is a Problem
    One of the main reasons that alcoholics seek help for their drinking problems is the eventual negative consequences of their alcohol consumption. When the pain or embarrassment gets bad enough, they can no longer deny that their drinking needs to be addressed.

    For the functional alcoholic, the denial runs deep, because they have yet to encounter outward negative consequences. They go to work every day. They haven't suffered financially. They have never been arrested. They have never been hospitalized. They don't have a problem!

    But Here Is the Problem:
    The functional alcoholic consumes as much alcohol as any "full-blown" alcoholic, they just don't exhibit the outward symptoms of intoxication. This is because they have developed a high tolerance for alcohol intake to the point that it takes more for them to feel the effects, this is an abnormally high tolerance, which creates alcohol dependency and over the years this dependency creates alcohol addiction.

    This slow build-up of alcohol tolerance means the functional alcoholic is drinking at dangerous levels that can result in alcohol-related organ damage, cognitive impairment and alcohol dependence. Chronic heavy drinkers can display a functional tolerance to the point they show few obvious signs of intoxication even at high blood alcohol concentrations, which in others would be incapacitating.

    Are You a Functional Alcoholic?
    Could it be that you are an alcoholic even though you continue to function well in society? Could your drinking have slowly increased to the point that you have become alcohol addict without even knowing it?

    Below is a profile of typical functional alcoholic behavior. See if any of these actions seem familiar.:

    He Drinks Like He Did in College - When he was in college, he was the first to arrive and the last to leave the party. He could drink everyone else "under the table." Most of his friends graduated, grew up and stopped the partying. Now in his mid-30s or early 40s, he still drinks like a freshman away from home for the first time.

    He Can Hold His Liquor - He can drink as much or more than anyone, but rarely appears intoxicated. He seldom staggers or slurs his speech. He is more than likely a "happy drunk," rarely getting unpleasant or out of control when drinking.

    Drinking Is a Big Part of His Life - He talks about drinking a lot and he is often the driving force behind office parties and drinking gatherings after work. He tends to avoid events where no alcohol is available. He buys the economy sizes, just a few beers here and there but he always makes sure there is "enough" alcohol available.

    Friends Ignore the Symptoms - Because he is generally well liked and fun-loving, those around him also laugh off his drunken escapades.
    He is so much fun to be around because of his care free attitude and he gets invited to a lot of parties where he enjoys becoming the center of attention. But close friends and relatives know he has a problem. They talk behind his back. But rarely is he confronted directly about his drinking.

    He Begins to See the Negative Effects - Although he continues to be functional, it begins to get more difficult to do. He begins to notice withdrawal symptoms when he's not drinking, such as the shakes or nervousness. Hangovers begin to take their toll.

    A Dangerous State
    Unfortunately, even when functional alcoholics begin to recognize that they have a drinking problem, they still resist reaching out for help. By the time they admit the problem, their withdrawal symptoms - which can begin within a few hours after their last drink - have become more and more severe.

    Signs and symptoms
    This list is intended to be used as a guide and not as strict diagnostic criteria.
    1. Drinking patterns

    When they have one drink, they experience a craving to have more and cannot predict what their alcohol intake will be
    They obsess about the next time they will be able to drink alcohol
    They behave in ways that are not characteristic of themselves while drunk and continue to repeat these behaviors and patterns
    Surround themselves socially with heavy drinkers
    Getting drunk before arriving at social engagements
    Setting drinking limits (e.g., only having three drinks, only drinking three days per week) and not being able to adhere to them
    Driving drunk and not getting arrested or involved in an accident
    Always having to finish an alcoholic beverage or even another person's unfinished beverage
    Using alcohol as a reward
    Having memory lapse due to excessive drinking (blackouts)
    Taking breaks from drinking and then increasing alcohol consumption when they resume drinking after a period of time
    Not being able to imagine their life without alcohol in it

    2. Denial

    Have difficulty viewing themselves as alcoholics because they do not fit the stereotypical image and because they feel their lives are manageable
    Avoid recovery help

    3. Professional and personal life

    Well respected for job/academic performance and accomplishments
    Can maintain a social life and intimate relationships

    4. Double life

    Appear to the outside world to be managing life well
    Skilled at living a compartmentalized life (i.e., separating professional, personal and drinking lives)

    5. Hitting bottom

    Experience few tangible losses and consequences from their drinking
    May hit a bottom and not recognize it clearly

    Are you a functional alcoholic?

    this is pretty much me
    I just won't anymore


      Are you a functional alcoholic?

      This is somewhat me, as well. I just joined yesterday. I am 42 years old and work full time and divorced, and have no kids. So I am very lonely and drink at home. My ex- boyfriend drank everyday, too, and broke up with me because of my drinking, cause if I drink too much, I turn into a different person. Ughhh


        Are you a functional alcoholic?

        I would have to say that FA defined me pretty well. But no more.
        I don't drink now.

        ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


          Are you a functional alcoholic?

          I really did not hit a "bottom". But I grew up with a father who drank straight from the bottle starting at 7am and died as a direct result of drinking at the age of 56. I saw myself slowly going down that same path.....If I had told a "normal" person in my life that I drank at least a bottle of wine every night, they would have been completely shocked. Even my husband didn't know the extent of it until I told him...told him because I thought I was alcoholic and was scared.....and even then he had a hard time believing me. Now, he does believe me because he sees me NOT drinking anymore. ....something he tells me he never thought I would be capable of. I am so fortunate to have made this decision. My teenaged sons see me not drinking anymore too. So while I was highly functional, it was just a matter of time before everything would have come crashing down in one form or another.
          I just won't anymore


            Are you a functional alcoholic?


            Thanks for this post. It's very telling. I'd call myself a previous high functioning alcohol dependent woman.
            As I went down this list I came up with the following:

            I didn't drink like I did in college and I didn't have a high tolerance to alcohol.

            I was a happy drunk at parties and with friends. On occasion I was not so kind to my ex (Imagine that!). I surrounded myself with friends who drank like me.

            I didn't spend lots of time thinking about drinking. It just became a nightly habit to have a bottle of wine alone.

            Friends ignored the negative effects. I didn't have withdrawals, but I was not really alive. I was just getting through life.

            1. Drinking patterns: yes to every one
            2. Denial: I had it off and on through the years
            3. Professional and personal life: yes, no one would have guessed
            4. Double life: yes
            5. Hitting bottom: yes. I hit bottom numerous times in over 30 years but always managed to get out of it or gloss over it

            I'm thrilled that's all in my past. Thanks again for the reminder.


              Are you a functional alcoholic?

              Guilty of all of them except denial. I was pretty convinced I had a problem.....:H
              Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                Are you a functional alcoholic?

                Guilty.......on all counts your honour.........

                Living AF life - again - is just supercalafragalisticexpialadoshus!!
                It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                Mother Theresa


                  Are you a functional alcoholic?

                  Who stole my memoirs ? :H:H


                    Are you a functional alcoholic?

                    Me all over the place for a very long time. Since I didn't have an AF day all 7 years of university, including summer school and interuim-baaghhh.

                    And I received good grades. And held down 3 jobs at all times. - bagggghhhh



                      Are you a functional alcoholic?

                      kronkcarr;1493194 wrote: supermario,

                      Thanks for this post. It's very telling. I'd call myself a previous high functioning alcohol dependent woman.
                      As I went down this list I came up with the following:

                      I didn't drink like I did in college and I didn't have a high tolerance to alcohol.

                      I was a happy drunk at parties and with friends. On occasion I was not so kind to my ex (Imagine that!). I surrounded myself with friends who drank like me.

                      I didn't spend lots of time thinking about drinking. It just became a nightly habit to have a bottle of wine alone.

                      Friends ignored the negative effects. I didn't have withdrawals, but I was not really alive. I was just getting through life.

                      1. Drinking patterns: yes to every one
                      2. Denial: I had it off and on through the years
                      3. Professional and personal life: yes, no one would have guessed
                      4. Double life: yes
                      5. Hitting bottom: yes. I hit bottom numerous times in over 30 years but always managed to get out of it or gloss over it

                      I'm thrilled that's all in my past. Thanks again for the reminder.
                      This is a Tea...

                      Sorry...WAS me...
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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