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Army Thread 17/04/2013

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    Army Thread 17/04/2013

    JackieClaire;1493519 wrote: Ahh Satzuma, that is soooooooooooooo cute. :h

    I've really had the best day. I'm jiggered though.
    Ah it's a good honest tiredness after a great day :l


      Army Thread 17/04/2013

      mollyka;1493521 wrote: Delighted you had a good one!!!! Did YOU get the skirt et al or were they for Jenz?? Never had sushi -- really must do summat bout that!

      Love a good row me!!

      Evening everyone else as well as the birthday girl! Routine day here with no news really - Joe did mention paint - genuinely - Joe DID mention paint:upset:
      Jenz bought them.

      Maccy D's has arrived. I shall explode.

      I'll try and get back.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 17/04/2013

        mollyka;1493527 wrote: I would sell my SOUL for a Maccie D's - been awful good today - a banana, a pear, bit of brown bread with sardines in brine - another banana - and that's it really --- achully - that's awfully awful good!!!
        Well with the 5:2 diet Molls once you do your Fast day twice a week (500 calories) you can have a feed day. Maybe even a McDs ? And still overall lose weight !!:goodjob:


          Army Thread 17/04/2013

          Oh I have a mini challenge coming up Molls :egad:
          A week away with work - in UK :upset:


            Army Thread 17/04/2013

            Evening people! hope you've all had a good 'un
            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


              Army Thread 17/04/2013

              Away from home, airports , hotel rooms - travelling with lads only -
              my friend will be gone - her contract is up :upset: oh Gawd - I will get so restless I know it !!


                Army Thread 17/04/2013

                Evening all so glad to hear you had a lovely day with Jenz JC and the new clobber sounds fab. Never had sushi food as such only the prepacked stuff from the supermarket which they don't do anymore. I never found it very filling as a luch snack. Gale force winds here.


                  Army Thread 17/04/2013


                  Happy birthday Jackie. Hope you enjoyed your Japanese. And the Maccy Ds.

                  Hope the doc visits went ok zenny.

                  Hiya spidey


                    Army Thread 17/04/2013

                    Oops...xpost. Hiya satzy and foxy too. Good to see you back posting again foxy.


                      Army Thread 17/04/2013

                      mollyka;1493545 wrote: Evening Reccie - Foxy!

                      Righters -- decision time methinks! When is it? If you absolutely do not want to drink - just pop an antabuse - no choice, no decisions - nothing - can't drink for the whole week. So the 'challenge' happens before you even leave home ..... what do you feel about that?
                      YES SIR ! That's what I'll do Mrs :thanks:


                        Army Thread 17/04/2013

                        Ok, everybody-Sushi is WONDERFUL!
                        There is a place I stop at most Thursday nights. Costs me about 20.00 US$ for enought take-out for me and Mrs. BHOG. Owners know me, nice people, good food.

                        (Thursday night is my late night at work, so I really don't want to go home and cook.)

                        ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                          Army Thread 17/04/2013

                          :waving: Reccstar


                            Army Thread 17/04/2013

                            OK so !


                              Army Thread 17/04/2013

                              Evening folks

                              just nipping in to say nighters, hafta get into bath and ease the aching muscles, jazus im unfit!

                              Hope ye all have sweet dreams, see ya's tomorrow xx

