When I am offered a drink or tempted to pour myself one, my new response (to myself of course) is, "Drinking makes you crazy."
I don't mean crazy drunk, crazy silly or crazy in the head; I mean even if I only have one (and that had often been the case recently), I spend the next few days berating myself, obsessing, planning my next abstention and generally driving myself crazy until the next go-round.
I don't think a drinking problem can only be defined by how much you drink. My drinking problem has more to do with what drinking does to me psychologically. I don't know if it's because of my mother being an alcoholic or my son's struggles with it or what, but I haven't had drinks lately simply because I can't waste any more valuable time re-enacting the drama that follows inevitably.
That is where I am at and I hope I've finally 'matured' to the point where I stop the craziness permanently and get this life REALLY started at age 56.