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Army Thread Thursday 18th April

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    Army Thread Thursday 18th April

    Hey folks,

    On another coffee break, cant believe the feckin time:eeks:

    Zen- good luck for yer ultrasound, will keep me fingers crossed for ya xx

    Satz- can you listen to Kenny again on tinternet?- yer woman seemed to know what she was on about. And yeah they said it was a Europe wide prob.

    Hiya Pings

    Right away again :hallo:


      Army Thread Thursday 18th April

      Recluse;1493882 wrote: .

      Yep, and it's not a local problem either, sweetpea. The BBC website had an article about it a couple of weeks ago

      BBC News - Mislabelled fish slip into Europe's menus
      I KNEW it - knew there was something 'fishy' sorry !!!
      The old guy was right - that was about 4 years ago & I've been banging on about it ever since ! The feckers !!


        Army Thread Thursday 18th April

        pingu1997;1493929 wrote: Thank you. Tis much more productive not being drunk every night. In those days I achieved nothing...
        WAY TO GO PINGS !!!! :goodjob:
        How did we get anything done ???? :egad:


          Army Thread Thursday 18th April

          :waving: Zenners !
          I'm orf home now to have - yes - FISH !!!!
          Pollock masquerading as Cod :k

          Later gaters


            Army Thread Thursday 18th April

            Zenstyle;1493925 wrote: Look at this... Nelz's official "Quit Smoking" logo for Zenny... :H

            (Zenny looks like she had a rough night out!)

            p.s. Oh lewk! I'm sitting on me new deck!
            Musta been rough...what happened to your ears? Did Mike Tyson get ahold a ya???
            AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

            Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


              Army Thread Thursday 18th April

              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                Good luck with that fish Satz... :ey:

                Yep Red, how'd ya guess? He's a biter!

                Siren... I'm going to put my ones ears like that... they'd make pretty bunnies I bet... )


                  Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                  Okies, orf goeth I. Library and therapy in that order. Will catch yiz all later... X


                    Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                    Hi Honeys I'm home !!!:h


                      Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                      mollyka;1493968 wrote: I DEFINITELY missed a page - thought you were only goin home 5 mins ago
                      You missed a page. I missed me cup of tea and the whole afternoon for a mammoth nanna nap.

                      Off to read back.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                        Home - fed - Pollock incognito :H
                        Aren't they feckers all the same - we don't know what we're eating any more. anything for a quick buck :durn:
                        Stick to yer eggs Molls - least you know where they came from and what the hens are fed ?


                          Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                          Errrrrrrrrrrrmmmmmmmmmmm where's Our Whizzy.

                          I was just thinking she's running the London marathon this weekend. She must be gutted about Boston.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                            :wavin: Army

                            Just popped in to say goodnight. I have to get up at at fecking 4.30 to be sure I can get into the city. The freeway we use was closed today because of protests - they burned tires and threw rocks at cars. I'm hoping they'll still be asleep by the time I drive past the townships. Plus bus drivers are on strike, so more cars and minibus taxis on the roads. Just another day in sunny South Africa

                            See you on the morrow.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                              Nighty night, Tips.

                              I remember Mrs A was invited to something special. Can't for the life of me remember where I've got a memory like a sieve.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Thursday 18th April

                                Evening all

                                Watching master chef

                                And had a go at making ice cream earlier
                                I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

                                They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....

