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Army Thread Friday 19th April

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    Army Thread Friday 19th April

    Hey, hey, it's Friday!

    The weekend is upon us, folksies. It looks like a fairly busy one, though. Both cubs are participating in a sports day at school. The eldest playing hockey and the youngest netball. I also have to take my nephew shopping for clothes. I can't give him the money, because he's likely to spend it on his GF or booze instead. Bloody uni students - can't be trusted Mum arriving tomorrow night, and then an 80th birthday party for Mrs. T's uncle at our house on Sunday.

    Have a lekker Friday, everyone!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Friday 19th April


    Have a grand day

    Tiggers git her first flute lesson today and very excited...
    I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way

    They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....


      Army Thread Friday 19th April

      Morning folks, good luck on the wit gathering Molly, lost mine ages ago.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        Army Thread Friday 19th April

        Am told by DW it's always best to keep them about our person lest we mislay them.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          Army Thread Friday 19th April

          Sorry Molly I was outside in the beautiful spring morning with the madras looking at all the new growth. Well I was looking, they were sniffing stuff. Was rewarded with the sight of the first magnolia flower of the year, lovely.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Army Thread Friday 19th April

            Goods morning Tipperoo, Pinguuuuuuuuu. Mollymoo, Tabbers

            Wish I'd got here a bit earlier you could have gone and looked for my wits, I'll just manage without them today.

            Today going to do something very unusual. Something I haven't done for yonks. I'm going to the bank to .........wait for money in. Got a luvverly cheque from my Pa and Ma in law for my birthday.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Army Thread Friday 19th April

              Morning army woke up to a mix of sun and cloud and still not so warm for April. Not much planned today just catch up on the rest of the houswork and an AA meeting this evening. Sounds like a busy wkend for you Tipps. Oh money pressies love those tho the odd time i do get money it rarely goes in the bank more like retsil therapy. Your garden sounds lovely tabbers some of my pots survivred the winter but the grass is starting to grow fast now so thats another job to tackle over the weekend and early nxt wk. And the windows and doors need cleaning just been too cold to start anything outside not that i'm anxious too just has to be done. Well have a good friday whatever your plans are.:flower::lilflower::leaf:


                Army Thread Friday 19th April

                Hi guys - worried sick for my friends in Boston. The city is in lockdown. The first suspect killed, the second one on the loose supposidly armed with explosives. What the hell is wrong with people. Sorry if someone else mentioned this. I don't have time to read back now. Please keep the people in Boston in your prayers and good vibes. This is a nightmare.
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Army Thread Friday 19th April

                  Hi Waggy i do hope and and pray your friends in Boston are safe what a terrible situation i hope they are all caught and sentenced soon. The world is a crazy place so much happening. Sometimes its hard to see the good out there but there is.:wings:eace:


                    Army Thread Friday 19th April

                    I have friends in Boston, too. They aren't allowed to leave their house.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Army Thread Friday 19th April

                      Blimey, just seen the news. Hope everyone is and remains safe and that the police get the second suspect before he can do any more harm.


                        Army Thread Friday 19th April

                        Forgot to say good afternoon army. :hallo:

                        I've decided to take zenny's advice and referred myself to the county Drug and Alcohol Action Team this morning. Waiting to see what happens next.


                          Army Thread Friday 19th April

                          Afternoon all sunny but bit chilly here. Well done Reccie on taking that step its a good start and i hope something positive comes of it. I tried a similar one near me here but it didn't work as they pused aa 12 step meetings and sponsers too much so that place wasn't for me but i heard of another which i will chwck out and see how this one goes. I guess its trying out differant methods places things etc. At the moment i'm back at AA meetings which is a start. I'm day 6 again for the umpteenth time but as some one said on mwo never quit quiting. Good luck to you Inchy Questy and anyone else struggling like me.:groupluv:


                            Army Thread Friday 19th April

                            Good FRIDAY morning Army!
                            Not much to say here along the Wasatch Front. It's upposed to be a nice weekend, hopefully I can get out and ride my bike!
                            To those in pain or suffering, I offer my prayers of peace and comfort.
                            Stay strong!

                            ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                              Army Thread Friday 19th April

                              Greetings from Skiverville

                              All 's well here in the workhouse
                              It's Friday and noseyhole has slinked off home - he is such a lazy fecker honestly.

                              Well done Reccie :thumbs:
                              It's the right thing to do - the drinking is not making you happy.

                              May be a very simplistic but I have come to believe that we need to strive to be as happy as we possibly can in this life -
                              so if AL is not helping towards that - but hindering instead - it's time to rethink things eh ?:l

                              Think about taking AB Reccie - it is a great tool - honestly.
                              Molls sent me some last year when I started out and they have literally saved me from myself many times.

