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Army Thread Monday 22nd April

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    Army Thread Monday 22nd April

    Good morning, folksies

    Welcome to a new week.

    Off to the dentist with me. I reckon a root canal treatment will make me look forward to whatever the rest of the week might hold in store :H

    Have a lekker day!
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009

    Army Thread Monday 22nd April

    GoooOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooD morning Troopsters!

    At me folks this morning before I head off to the posh skool for a brand new term with the posh sprogs. Can't wait. So as some of you will know, me tinternet still aint up and vrooming and this wont be the case until, I think, Friday this week. So apologies for the lack of brekkie. But I have been down with the MAN FLU :egad: this past week - I balme work colleagues and immune system being down after the marathon (Whizzy, does our immune systems lower after running marathons?) - so prolly best I wasn;t cooking anyway

    To make up for this (you've been on the gruel, yeah?), I've got an extra speeshal slap up breakfast to get the week going:

    Full English/Scottish/Irish is cooking away.
    Smoked Salmon and scrambled duck eggs is our special treat... or if you want me to do an Eggs Benedict as a gesture to our POPE EMERITUS, this can be done also. There's stale bread and water for our POPE FRANCIS followers. (Satz, did I just mention the POPE?)
    Continental for our European friends (croissants, crackers, breads, cheeses, bowls of hot chocolate, preserves, conserves and loadsa butter)
    Bacon, waffles and maple syrup for a bit more of a North American dish.

    Plenty of coffee and tea and a pack of Benson and Hedges for those who prefer a sup and a breath of fresh air for their brekkie *snigger*

    So, how are we? JC? You doing good? Keeping Mr JC in order? How was your buffday? Hope you was treated like a lady all day long.

    Molls... you ok? How's all with the shop and your sprogs? How's the joey doing?

    Doc Satz... Skiverville busy these days? How's ol' noseyhole? Ever thought about a screensaver for your compooper at work that gave an urban dictionary definition of noseyhole?!? Actually, urban dictionary doesn't have a definition for noseyhole... but it does have one for noseyitis - here 'tis: NOSEYITIS

    Whizzy!! Again well done on London marathon... I'm so looking forward to Windermere and seeing you there . Feet up girl, rest relax and rejuvenate.

    Peapants - How's it going pardner?! See you popped in last night - always good to see you and yer wide words of wisdom.

    Inchy - you doing alright? You've been doing some cracking work with fighting the AL. Keep it up mate, and mind we all have your back here. This is one of the wisest places in MWO imvho. Keep trucking.

    Tipps - what do you south africans have for breakfast by the way? Or maybe that aint on your mind if you have to go to the dentist.... eek... root canal? Ow? Hope it's not a stressful affair. Like most, I cannae stand the dentist, but have to make appointment today since chipping a tooth on Friday

    Reccie - you ok? Was catching up on the thread (on me shagginfone... arrrgh!!) you seem to be making some positive decisions about the ol' AL there. Gonna see someone, is that right? Hope you're feeling good about the way forward. Thinking of you mate and sending you lots of good positive vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (arsey vibes) ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! :l for ya mate.

    Tabbers - you ok? where you at? Hope you're doing good!

    Bhoggyy - you ok? How's the writing mate? And what kind of writing do you do? (I love writing... but never really done it proper... though did write a few journalistic articles once for a Channel4 website... way back when)

    Waggy - yo! how's it going?

    Pinkie! Studying still? How's that all going? You're gonna be a qualified Delphic Oracle before long!

    Pingu! How ya doing there? How's the cello and Tigger's flute? Bit of practice and reckon youse both can be playing last night of the proms before long! Or youse could start our own Army Orchestra. I've got a ukelele.... and I can sure see Molls and Satz on a pair of Kazoo's :H

    Mamabear - you alright?

    Zen - where you at, ya bint in the usa! :H decking was looking good there. Next you'll be giving your home a whole new roof. Thought about starting up a local business? "Decked by Zen" ... Means a totally different thing in Glasgow. :H

    Mr Mario - hey mate, you alright? How's arthur? Hope he's been kept at bay and not causing any grief. When's yer next hollybags to top up that tan?!

    Right... sorry folks if I've forgotten someone...?!? Gotta shower, stuff my gub, n head to posh skool very soon. Do have a lekker day y'all.


      Army Thread Monday 22nd April

      Hi tips and RC

      Enjoy the dentist Tigger

      Yes RC immune system hammered after a marathon if you run it full steam:goodjob:

      Hunger woke me up at 5 so just eaten a full packet of biscuits.

      Off for another jaunt around London highlight being the Pompeii and Herculaneum exhibition.

      Managed to raise a bit more money for Macmillan as everyone seemed to be watching London yesterday .

      Loving this sober life it is not perfect but it sure beats alcohol


        Army Thread Monday 22nd April

        Good morning Mr tips ,anon and Rc ;-)

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          Army Thread Monday 22nd April

          Morning Tipps RC and Anon. Hey RC you left this Irish girl outout: bet you be glad to get your tinternet back this friday. I've never had root canal treatment Tipps so proabaly some discomfort for a while but if the results are worth and a tooth is saved. I need a checkup at the dentist so mustn't put it off too long. Well done Mrs A again a whole pk of biscuits? With all the running i'm sure you can eat what you like and burn it off. I'm eating too much choc and sweets lately so i have to cut that down and eat more fruit. I do have a sweet tooth and because i'm off the wine i crave sweet things more. Guess more exercise is in order which i'm not a fan apart from brisk walking which i don't so enough. Anyways another coffee is needed before i tackle the guines pigs cage. The cats are out and fed. Have a marvelous monday.:cupajoe::wavin:


            Army Thread Monday 22nd April

            Morning Firefox :-)

            Ok Army of on out to see whats happening in mario's world.

            I need a holiday.

            :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

            Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
            I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

            This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


              Army Thread Monday 22nd April

              Xpost morning Mario you probably gone by now but have a good day.


                Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                Good morning Tipperooo, Runners, Our Whizzy, Mariooooooooo, Foxyloxy, Mollymoo.

                How luvverly to see you, Runners. You're going to wish you hadn't asked how I am. I'm off to the doctors this morning. Think I may have a chest infection. Feel like a right clever so and so as I booked the appointment on line.

                Ahh Tippers, the only thing about my root canal was it took sooooooooooooooooooo long. Even I had trouble keeping me mouth open that long.

                Welcome home , Mario.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                  A sore toe, shouldn't laugh but :H:H

                  It took an age to do the signing in and logging in, nearly as bad as the blessed kindle.

                  With all the user names, passwords etc etc. I'm thinking of getting a notebook with PASSWORDS written on the front. It'll save any burglars ripping the house apart.

                  Been feeling a bit chesty (make that a lot) and just dog tired the last week so off I'll trot. Seeing the nice Irish doctor.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                    morning all, good to see you RC (think that may be the most epic collective post I've seen xD) and Mario.

                    Off to work in 10 minutes, just a fly by to check in. Setting wednesday as a quit date again. Having some trouble with the other half last night, he half knows the situation but not properly, enough to feel very sorry for himself and not be very happy with me, not enough to realise that asking 'why don't you just have one a night' is a stupid question. Try and explain and he gets more upset, don't explain and he thinks I'm somehow putting it on. *sigh* what can you do eh?

                    catch ya'll later
                    I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                    To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                      Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                      Good morning Mr T, Arsey, MrsA, Foxy, Mario, Molls, Jacks and all

                      Arsey- good to see ya even if its a quick check-in, missin ya loads, so as Molls says roll-on Friday

                      Good luck to Mr T at the dentist, and Jacks at the docs and Molls at Blanch :l

                      Well done again Mrs A. Hope you enjoy rest of your time in London xx

                      Foxy, ive been the same lately with too much choc, never really had a sweet tooth til quitting, gonna have to address that sometime soon for sure.

                      Good to see you back Mario, hope you enjoyed the hols

                      Hey Inchy :l

                      Gotta get some brekkie (tink I'll have the full Irish Arsey!) then dress and head homewards for the day, see ya's later folks, have a good day all :hallo:


                        Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                        mollyka;1495391 wrote: OK - first rant today - why do ARSEHOLES on tele who are talking about diets - describe salads as 'yummy' or 'lovely' --- now come on - lets face it - they aren't talkin about salads with parmesan or croutons or crispy bacon or mayonnaise or all the things that achully DO make them tasty - I challenge ANYONE to tell me that lettuce tomato and cucumber is either yummy OR lovely ---- so there!!!
                        :H Scallions or red onion add to the taste but your right Molls, mines need a drop of salad cream to make it really tasty.


                          Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                          mollyka;1495390 wrote: Well, as I've no money, no assets, no secrets - I've just got the same password for everything pretty much!! I do put the odd digit on the end of some of them - but.... I'm sure the nice Irish doctor will sortya!!

                          Come to think of it I've got bugger all as well. They can have me over draft. Maybes I'm hoping for Robin Hood burglar that steals yer passwords and puts money into the account.

                          mollyka;1495390 wrote:
                          How well put Inchy - that's what Joe was like for YEARS - it used to do my head in - but I now realise that alcoholism is virtually indecipherable to the ordinary people - it's difficult tho - and that's why this place helps a lot - I can speak in 'alkiespeak' and everyone knows what I'm talkin about:l
                          Puzzled, that's how I'd say Mr JC. He really, really wanted and tried to understand but just couldn't.

                          mollyka;1495391 wrote:
                          OK - first rant today - why do ARSEHOLES on tele who are talking about diets - describe salads as 'yummy' or 'lovely' --- now come on - lets face it - they aren't talkin about salads with parmesan or croutons or crispy bacon or mayonnaise or all the things that achully DO make them tasty - I challenge ANYONE to tell me that lettuce tomato and cucumber is either yummy OR lovely ---- so there!!!
                          Salads have to have mountains of salad cream and boiled eggs and crisps and cheese and beetroot and pickled onions and more cheese and a big fat slice of baked ham. I have spoken.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                            mollyka;1495395 wrote: Hi wee peapie! - porridge for me ---- LOVELY --- YUMMY - ah I do quite like it, but I'll hold off and have it as brunch. Re. the sweet things, I've cut them down this week and don't feel the same cravings already - so I think it MAY be a bit like the grog.
                            Enjoy your day at home xxxx
                            Quite like porridge meself, has to be Flahavans tho. Im seriously gonna hafta start cutting down on the sweet stuff or will have no teeth left and no clothes left that fit!

                            Hope work goes... was gonna say ok, but maybe quick would be the best thing


                              Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                              Morning Mushy,

                              Forgot the scallions.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

