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Army Thread Monday 22nd April

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    Army Thread Monday 22nd April

    mollyka;1495525 wrote: Howdo! Quick check in from shitville - sorry bout toof Tipps - chest jacks hi boggy and congrats on 100 days our Benjy!!!

    Greetings from Skiverville to Shitville.
    We should have a Twinning Ceremony LOL :H:H

    Oh go on so lets CELEBRATE :

    :rockband:100 Days for Satzerooney


      Army Thread Monday 22nd April

      the third smiley in is me, playing a congratulatory bass riff xD well done satz
      I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

      To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



        Army Thread Monday 22nd April

        InChains;1495537 wrote: the third smiley in is me, playing a congratulatory bass riff xD well done satz
        Ah thanks Inchy :h
        How are you ?
        Been reading your journal - are you ok ?:l


          Army Thread Monday 22nd April

          I'm ok yeah, I should be happier than I am but thats al for you haha. Falling off the wagon after 3 days, well that thing just went and ran right over me didn't it? hope one day to be able to say something a little more positive, I worry about being the emo kid in the army xD
          I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

          To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



            Army Thread Monday 22nd April

            InChains;1495540 wrote: I'm ok yeah, I should be happier than I am but thats al for you haha. Falling off the wagon after 3 days, well that thing just went and ran right over me didn't it? hope one day to be able to say something a little more positive, I worry about being the emo kid in the army xD
            Hi emo kid !
            I know the Army can seem like it's for AFers only .
            But that's not true. What would be the point of that in fairness. I for one would not be still here if I thought that was the case.
            I do think some who have fallen off the wagon stop posting - but I hate to think about that - and keep calling out for them every so often.:upset:
            We are here to HELP each other - otherwise we may as well all take this happy smiley sober bus over to Facebook and be done with it :H
            But we won't !!!


              Army Thread Monday 22nd April

              Back again

              This time last year I couldn't do 1 day AF - never mind 3 Inchy !
              The fact that you are even giving your attention to the fact that you have a problem with alcohol is the very first step imho.

              Concentrate on what life would be without it and keep that in the front of your mind all the time.

              ( bear with me )
              Do not give your attention to the bad 'stuff' - don't look back on yesterday for instance - brush yourself down each day and the changes will come .

              It will happen eventually.:l


                Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                Now I must away off home to my 'other' life
                This involves doing something with FISH :yuk: - don't ask :H

                Safe to say it's the cooking of it - not the catching of it !

                Adieu for now mon amies :bye:


                  Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                  Afternoon army :hallo:

                  Congratulations on your century, satzy. :goodjob:

                  Hope the army wounded are feeling better soon, tips with the sore tooth, Jackie with the chest infection...and molly with the sore toe

                  Good to see arsey showing his face.

                  Dunno where you get all your energy from, whizzy. I imagine most people would would want to rest the day after a marathon, not go gallivanting round London. Anyway...I hope you had a good time.

                  Finally got my car properly fixed. Hoping to get another 2 years out of it, then it'll be time to send it to the knacker's yard. I've always bought new in the past, but I'm not terribly keen on spending so much money now that I'm not working. Does anyone have any experience of buying 2nd hand cars?


                    Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                      An emo kid let loose with crayons late at night... no wonder the barracks is in need of a lick of paint

                      :goodjob: on your triple digits, Satzerooney :l
                      I'll do whatever it takes
                      AF 21/08/2009


                        Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                        mollyka;1495553 wrote: 2nd hand cars are grand these days reccie according to joe - cos of havin to do regular NCT/mot tests - and great value in this country anyway - if uve 2 yrs left in urs - DON'T PROJECT!!!! :-)
                        My will to live is gone - the only thing keep
                        Thanks for the input molly. Joe made a very good point which completely hadn't occured to me. Regarding the 2 takes me AGES to organise anything so I HAVE to project! Decision making isn't exactly my forte either. :upset:


                          Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                          Hewwo twoops!

                          I hope the tooth and chest get better soon Tipps & Jacks. Congrats on the 100 Days Benjerooney! Congrats on the race Whizzy and glad you got your car back Reccy.

                          I have sunburnt shoulders and me feckin lower back is giving me gyp but the deck is officially finished, thank feck! Rainy and dull here today so I think yard work is off the table this arvo... I might just have to do some dratted ironing... gah...


                            Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                            Reccie: I've only bought a brand new car once before. They tend to lose a whack of their value the minute you drive them off the showroom floor. You can normally get a good deal on a demonstration model or a 1 y/o with low mileage. Just don't opt for a former fleet vehicle. They can be lemons. In Saffaland at least, you can save up to 30% compared to the price of a new vehicle.

                            It also depends on how much you drive. I do upwards of 30 000km a year, so need to buy low mileage. If you do much less than that, you can easily buy a 4 y/o car and still get many years of reliable service out of it.
                            I'll do whatever it takes
                            AF 21/08/2009


                              Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                              Xpost...hiya tips


                                Army Thread Monday 22nd April

                                I'm imagining one of the episodes of those home makeover programs on telly when I think of your deck project, Zennie :H.
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

