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Just a hi to everyone!

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    Just a hi to everyone!

    Hi again MWO friends! I am just checking in to say good morning to all! I had a good day yesterday still AF. I am not having such cravings like I did, just on my mind everyday, but I guess thats normal because I am doing alot of reading and CD's and all. I am attending a meeting (AA) tonite for my second time. The first did not click so I will try again. I do feel a little under the weather, but we will see how I feel later today. I really need to get a sponsor. The meeting tonite is a womens meeting. So hopefully someone will be there to help me. I was told my sponsor has to be a women......well, everyone have a great day and keep up the good works!

    Just a hi to everyone!

    Goodmorning. I hope your meeting goes well.



      Just a hi to everyone!

      Let us know how you get on with your woman's meeting tonight.

      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


        Just a hi to everyone!

        I will, I am also attending a meeting tomorrow with alanon members as well as aa members for a speaker meeting. I am inviting my mother (who is now attending Alanon)
        Now its a family thing! (not really by my choice, though!!) although, I do want her to attend.


          Just a hi to everyone!

          Hi, hope you have a great day and a great meeting. Let us know how it goes.
          "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


            Just a hi to everyone!

            Hello to you too shitzulover.
            I hope it went well for you.

