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WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

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    WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

    What about the possibility of pulling out of Iraq, letting Iran invade and lose resources fighting their own kind,
    and then come in and mop up the dregs?

    WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

    I think most members of MWO have decided that politics is not something we discuss.



      WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

      So difficult morally. I used to think that we should wall off New York City and dump all the druggies and alcoholics in there and let them fight it out. And here I am an alcoholic.
      What about all the innocent children?
      I have many jewish friends who say that America ignored The Holocast for far too long. Well, the Holocaust existed in Iraq and we went in to do something, and we did, and are doing it. 911 was Pearl Harbor, only worse. The men who were at Pearl Harbor were soldiers who knew they might have to give their lives for their country, and had made that commitment. The people who were killed on 911 were children, mothers, old and young, innocents who had no chance to fight for their lives, and no training. These people won't even let Americans adopt war orphans, unlike Vietnam. They want them to grow up homeless, and without love. Maybe we shouldn't get into politics. I know full well I am the dregs of society. Frequently I need to be mopped up.


        WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

        It's OK nemo....if you are sincere member bring this up..It weighs heavy on us all
        Personally I am opposed to jsut about every policy the Bush admin has instituted. There are some here on this who have sons, husbands, loved ones in Iraq.
        I personally do not think politics is out of boundaries here.


          WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

          alcoholics / politics ?

          Agree.. I would have thought such a wide ranging, interesting and important topic as politics is perfectly acceptable... alcoholics discussing politics! why it happens all the time here in sunny Canberra!


            WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

            Giles - excellent point!


              WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

              I could write lots and lots about the relationship of war/politics and alcohol from a personal point of view. My neighbor, a vietnam vet, has shared with me his addiction problems after returning from service, and I have knocked on his door at 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve when my son was home for the first time in 3 years (after joining the marines and doing 2 tours in Iraq) was.....instead of following the prescribed traditional Christmases past I had laid out for him and his younger sisters, was having flash backs brought on by the crackling fire and quickly getting drunk. I didn't realized just how much the war was a trigger for me until I had been doing quite well on the MWO program, was enjoying one of my first AF evenings, was contentedly watching the news. in bed, saw news of another local boy being killed overseas, and without even thinking, had thrown the covers back and was headed for the wetbar. I think a lot about absolution. How do I find absolution for the ways in which my alcoholism has hurt my youngest daughter who has turned to cutting herself because I have, at the very least, been emotionally absent from her while deep in the bottle? How do I seek absolution for what my son----a child I brought into the world----has done to innocent people----in a war that I believe is so very, very wrong? I've heard some of the things he and his platoon have done. What they have been charged with doing from their officers. It sickens me. And I know what it has done to my precious son. And I know he will never be the same. How do I seek absolution? I haven't found it in the bottle. It has certainly only damaged my relationship with my other children. Oddly enough, I have even thought about adopting an Iraqi child after my youngest graduates, wondering if that will help me find peace.
              Whew! Didn't mean to write this much!
              Yes, politics is certainly a touchy subject. I hope I didn't offend anyone.


                WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

                Nemo, have to say a definite different first time post for a new member. Care to share a little bit more about yourself?
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

                  I once went to a christening of a relative in an evangelical church, just as the news of a particularly horrible massacure in Vietnam was publicized. The preacher ranted and raved for a long time about how all these people were going to go to hell. The next week, at my church, the same supject. I thought, oh great.
                  But the message was entirely different. God had already forgiven them for their sin. Now, it was up to them to forgive themselves. An entirely different view on the same issue. I believe God is with me in my struggles, and as the old saying goes, he's not finished with me yet.
                  You don't hear about the wonderful things we have accomplished over there, the women who are free to go to school, to walk around without fear.
                  It was my parents , uncles and aunts who went to WW11, and my generation who went to Vietnam. I am proud of them, whether either war was right or not. Be proud of your son, be there for your daughter now. Like one of you said to me the first time can't go back. Start moving forward. It was good advice. Anemone


                    WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

                    Nemo.....I agree that is a very different 1st post!
                    Are you or someone close to you involved in this war?
                    It is personal for me and my family. My son is a Marine Reserve and went to Iraq in 2003. His unit was involved in getting the money-banking system back up and running. He personally guarded a bank from the roof. They even slept there.
                    Many people have served by going to help the Iraq people...not to hurt them.
                    I do hope and pray that all our troops can come home a hero's welcome for doing their job...
                    I like you can sit here and say this because we live in a free country...


                    SEMPER FIDELIS ( Always faithful )
                    "Be still and know that I am God"

                    Psalm 46:10


                      WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

                      I am with Chysa. 100%


                        WAR - US vs Iran from Iraq

                        I don't think there is true freedom anywhere. I don't feel particularly free and I don't think many people do - whether in a democracy or not. We are all restricted and manipulated by culture, by politics, by multinationals, by fashion even... And now Australia has, in the name of the "War on Terror" has gone and put through a whole lot of draconian laws that limit our feedom even more ( in fact more new laws curtailing civil liberties here than in the USA since 9/11).

                        Not to say that ordinary people don't fight hard and long for freedom, just that politicians can override anything in the name of political expediency.

                        My ex-politics dept Adelaide Uni 2 cents worth!

                        "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

