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    Hi Friends

    Two things on my mind this morning--

    I went to dinner last night with 3 people from work. It was great to arrive and depart sober. As I tend to do I noticed what people were drinking. One guy had one glass of wine, the other guy had one beer, and the woman with us, my good frined, had 3 glasses of wine. I know-it's weird to take note of this but well... you know how it is.
    I had water. I had a hint of a thought of drinking yesterday so I promptly took my AB and went on my merry way.
    Again-this sober life-I love it...

    ALSO--my sister I have mentioned who drinks wine every night is now having to face the music as they say.
    Blood work last Friday show very elevated liver function tests. Her doctor is alarmed and she is having a CT today. The values were very high, higher than mine years ago when I had Hepatits C. I feel sure that it's due to drinking. She sent an email and asked if this could be caused by meds, diet etc and my answer was one word-ALCOHOL.
    I know she didn;t want to hear it. She went back to the doctor and he told her to get the CT ASAP (today) and not to drink alcohol. She is trying to pretend that it could be infection,cancer among other things.
    I spoke to her duahgter about it, who I thought was smart, but the daughter said she "just drinks wine, not hard liquor." WTF? I said it makes NO difference; the liver metabolizes alcohol all the same!
    I can hear in my sister's voice the fear, not that the answer will be cancer or something, but that she is going to absolutelyu have to stop drinking. I know she has half-heartedly tried before and could not stop.
    SO...though she is something of a hateful twit I want to help her and support her. Frankly I think it is going to be a hard road for her and I'd like to be supportive.

    So that's my morning stuff. Thank you all for being here

    Peace and love


    I hope she has not done irreparable damage Ann, that would be sad, especially for her daughter.

    It may be a chance for you both to change your relationship, but I also have a sister I dislike so know how mixed these emotions can be.

    On a lighter note last night I went to my son's for dinner, fab fun evening stayed till 2am watching hilarious youtube clips and howling with laughter, so very very good to be sober. These things could never happen before. Simple sober fun



      Hi Ann!

      My sister also had elevated liver tests results (I love my sister very much, she's my BFF!). I believe she has one or two drinks every night. You know what her friend told her to do about her liver tests? "Drink higher quality alcohol". Nice. I said, "Or just drink the coke without the rum in it...?" I think she has cut down a lot, but her friends suggestion was typical. ANYTHING but quitting, right?

      I notice other people's drinking habits a lot too now. 2 weeks ago we went to a concert and I didn't see ANYONE drinking. Maybe it's because the crowd was "older" and we all had to work the next day. LOL

      TGI Thursday!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



        Hey guys

        Well....she had the CT today. I talked to a bunch of CT people in my office and looked at some images of various diseased livers, just to see if what I thought was correct.
        I hope they give her the results tomorrow instead of Monday. But really, either way, she has to stop drinking. It could be possible to reverse the damage in areas that are not cirrhotic, if any even are to that point.

        I told her daughter about my antabuse and she said she should quit too. I said WHAT? I thought you didn't drink much at all. THen she goes "Oh no I do." SO hell who knows?
        I just hope the sister will quit. I told her daughter that maybe if her mom quit then it would improve her personality and mood etc. She said NAH I doubt it. But you never know.

        I am not working tomorrow so my weekend starts in one hour.




          Wow. I don't know much, but when my liver readings started going wacko I did pay attention! You only get one liver, and while there ARE transplants, they don't give them to ALKs...that got my attention, too. It is never too late to turn the ship around. I hope that your sister (and niece?) can put AL in their past. You are leading by example...that's as good as it gets.
          I am jealous that your weekend has begun...supposed to be great weather, too! Enjoy it!! We will be anxious to hear updates on this. Byrdie
          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
          Tool Box
          Newbie's Nest



            HELLO PEEPS

            Beautiful Friday here in NC. All is well.

            No word from the sister's CT yet. I am hoping for the best, meaning that she will realize she needs to quit.

            At the risk of sounding like a know it all, I will say that I think she will struggle with sobriety, and I think she would be a good candidate for antabuse. She and I used to drink together and I know how she is, I also know that she has half-heartedly tried to quit before. She is weird about taking medications but we'll see.

            I think that when patients deny to their doctors their alcohol intake reality, the doctor typically knows what is going on. Having worked in a clinical setting for years I have seen this a lot. The shame associated with excessive drinking, as we all know, is pervasive and conducive to lying about it.

            So we will see. I hope everyone has a terrific weekend

            Peace and love guys



              Ann Carolina;1497354 wrote: I think that when patients deny to their doctors their alcohol intake reality, the doctor typically knows what is going on. Having worked in a clinical setting for years I have seen this a lot. The shame associated with excessive drinking, as we all know, is pervasive and conducive to lying about it.
              And there's where the hypocrisy comes in. Drinking to black out is glorified on TV...but then to admit it to your doctor is shameful. To admit that you're doing exactly what is portrayed as "OK" on TV is a bad thing.
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.



                I agree NINER

                I just want for my sister the happiness I have found in sobriety. She is miserable all in all and I believe that quitting would be a great thing in many ways.

                If she does not quit then (not to be mean) I don't want to hear it when she wakes up orange from jaundice. Which is not far from the realm of possibility if she doesn't stop.

                And I admit, it's gratifying for me to be able to help people get sober. There are a few people that I have helped a lot, and that makes me happy too.



                  I was wondering if you'd heard from your sister today.
                  I tell you, when it comes to family, all bets are off! (see my rants in the !@#$%^& thread!). My heart goes out to've been on both sides and know what a difference getting sober makes. MindPeace IS all it's cracked up to be!
                  I'll be thinking of you...keep us posted. Maybe we'll see her around this site soon...usually if we can get them in, we can help! All the best on this beautiful Friday!! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest




                    HI friends

                    My sister called last night. She does not have the CT results yet, but she is not drinking.
                    She seems a bit nervous and out of sorts about it. Rather like she doesn't know what to do with herself, since she iss accustomed to drinking in the evening.

                    I would love for her to come here to MWO but she is not a computer person and doesn't have one at home.

                    I hope that if she really begins to struggle she will call me and I can help divert her to something else. I have no doubt that this will be hard for her and I'd like to help.

                    Have a wonderful Saturday!


                      THURSDAY GREETING/MUSINGS

                      I hope that this is a new beginning for your sister.


                        THURSDAY GREETING/MUSINGS

                        Thanks FLY

                        Me too! She is really deep down a good person. Alcohol has just crosded out the good
                        for so long....
                        I think that if she gets sober it will be a whole new world for her,as it is for me.

                        I wish I could get her to get a laptop and join us here. She has isolated, and she used to have friends. Now it's basically her daughters and work. And she is a bitch at work.
                        Snarky troublemaker. I think all this could change with sobriety.

                        I think I'll drive over today and drop in.

