Inchy - I am almost 60 days sober now. And MWO was what has helped me most. I listen to CDs, Apps, read everything and take my supplements. My family never thought I had a problem because I would never black out, drink and drive, did not miss work, go to bars, etc. Kept all the hangovers, anxiety, shame bottled up deep and kept a happy face. I was a completely functioning alcholic which to me, was the scariest thing. I could have just gone on till I died. It has not been easy. I think you know, I was sober 11 months and blew it after I almost lost my sister. Totally used that as an excuse. Stupid. Posting everyday and having people who really care, especially people like JC, Lil Michelle and Madmans, really helped. This place really saved my life and continues to. Since I am in the states, the timing is a bit off and often I miss lots of stuff, but I do not think I will ever leave and will continue to read and post. It really is a godsend. I think of you daily Incy, and hope that you can find the peace and sobriety that you deserve. AND YOU DO DESERVE IT. Life can be so wonderful without the cloud of alcohol. It's like when Dorothy opens up the door when she arrives in OZ. A new world.
Best of luck.