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New Thead frm a confused arse.

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    New Thead frm a confused arse.

    I am only writing this because I got so much feed back from the last one I wrote. I felt really important and intelligent and special, I even got a PM from the Higher power, Roberta Jewel. god almighty, i am beginning to think I am ok. .....Those of you who are of a sensitive nature, please turn away now............................................... ..................................

    I have been drinking with my husband at the pub. ( I wish I was allowed to smoke in the house) He is still there. Thats why I'm able to get in touch with you guys. He dosen't like me to be on line. I have mentioned that I get SO MUCH from MWO..

    I have to start a new paragraph because I am drunk and I know that I am all over the place but trying to be ( a word I can't even spell!!!) so I think It is best if I keep it simple. Paul has come home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! have to call it a day. If I have my way, "I WILL BE BACK!!!!"

    New Thead frm a confused arse.

    Come back Bella and be well! We are here for you no matter what, that's what we are about!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      New Thead frm a confused arse.

      Hi Bella,
      Im new here,so if im speaking out of turn, please anyone let me know!
      I once had a husband just like yours " dont do this", dont do that",
      talk to him about how much you enjoy visiting MWO, he might support you all the way then you will be free to visit any time you like xx
      ( i divorced mine on grounds of mental cruelty )


        New Thead frm a confused arse.

        Big hugs to you Bella, take care.

        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


          New Thead frm a confused arse.

          Hi Bella.
          Look after yourself.
          You're a special lady.


            New Thead frm a confused arse.

            Hey Bella. you know where we are if you need us..

            Louise xx
            A F F L..
            Alcohol Free For Life


              New Thead frm a confused arse.

              Hey Fan, You are steadfast person. Straight and to the point your answers are always a bulls eye!
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                New Thead frm a confused arse.

                Damn him. Come back when he's at work. You're doing something good for yourself here, and I like reading your posts.

                :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:

