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Army Thread Sunday 28th April

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    Army Thread Sunday 28th April

    Get what you mean about the evening turning errrrm louder. I don't mind tipsy but tbh drunks.

    Were we really that loud?

    It's just the lifts to the horsepital. The parking's a nightmare. I can frighten the bejaysus out of the rest of Noocastle with me driving.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Army Thread Sunday 28th April

      Bet you were on the last bus.

      4 halves of lager on a Saturday night, mebbees a touch of lime if there was enough money.

      A knicker-dropper (cherryb and cider) on pay day.

      I'll be singing Those were the Days if yer not careful.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Sunday 28th April

        Went for meal with himself and DD last night and ended up in pub.:egad:
        Drink one ok 2,3,4,5 , . They began to get messy. Rattled the car keys and they came home. T'was ok.
        There is like an unwritten understanding since Oz - Mam doesn't drink anymore!
        I know DD has had words with himself not to be always doing stuff that involves alcohol.
        But I will not be an object of pity for her. I am HAPPY!
        And I genuinely DID NOT WANT A DRINK last night. RESULT. !!!!!!


          Army Thread Sunday 28th April

          Morning army sleep fairy left me last night. i was awake at 3.30 and slept from bout 7am till 10.30 so not long up. Just started to rain here now. Was going to cut the grass out front but see how the afternoon goes. Not much planned except an evening AA meeting bout a 20 min walk away. Good luck with the fire walk rc you'r braver than me. Your walk sounded nice and relaxing Reccie i love nature and to walk near a sea coast. You and certainly had a nice time at the festival and a lovely fish dinner at the posh King Sitric:H. i don't like being around a lot of drunks either nothing as bad on a late bus with all the shouting and drunken singing. Anyway hope you all have a lovely sunday whatever you're plans.


            Army Thread Sunday 28th April

            Hi Satz sorry to hear your evening didn't go as well as planned i'm sure they will get used to the idea you don't want to drink. Well done on havin g the sterenth to sit there while they had x amount of drinks. Sometimes that can be hard for me bit it doesn't crop up often.


              Army Thread Sunday 28th April

              Morning all! Sending good thoughts to you and Mr. JC. Lots of love and healing!

              Hope everyone has a great day
              February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

              When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                Morning Waggers,

                60 days. :yougo::yougo:

                Ta for the vibes.

                Yoooooo hooooo Foxy.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                  afternoon all, hope everybody's well, been up about 2 hours xD Love sunday lie ins with the wife haha. Had a couple last night, but now have a super plan and keep an eye out coz I have a start day, goals and everything! Seriously, this one is going to work haha.

                  Arsey: Good luck with the fire walk dude, that is some scary stuff right there!

                  Satz: sorry your night wasn't too good.

                  Wagoneer: congrats, 60 days is totally bad*ss

                  wishing everyone a good sunday

                  I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                  To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                    Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                    Well done wags and sweetie I think you have passed some milestones. xx


                      Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                      Sorry to be AWOL so much. I have been feeling very tired this week.

                      Did loads of training for London Marathon when I was not fit enough and ran as fast as I could on the day. I am now SO tired and sleeping 11 hour nights and just trying to get my mojo back.

                      Still better than the booze:H

                      PS got interviewed at the end of the marathon and when asked what my secret was?I told them giving up alcohol. Never published!!


                        Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                        Hey folks :wavin:

                        Just back from shops, got this gun thing in b&q which need to work out how to use! Gonna try resealing round me shower....dont think it'll be today tho :no:
                        Today the plan is to declutter all the crap laying about the house and find a place for everything!! wish me luck

                        Molls Im exactly a year behind you, didnt catch that til looking at sunday shout outs!

                        On Friday night on me way home from work i stopped me car outside an offie:egad:
                        The thought of drinking entered my head earlier that day in work, not a physical craving but more like knowing i was gonna be off for a few days and have house to meself, like a learned behavior, even after 4 months.

                        Anyways, here was me sat outside the offie, contemplating and thinking, i asked self, did i really want a drink? why? what would it do for me? Being honest, i wanted that feeling of escape, escape from my thoughts and feelings... from myself tbh. I wanted to turn-off the negative voices and feelings for a while and just be there not thinking, not feeling Does that make any sense?
                        Thankfully caught meself on and drove home but i suppose what i need to learn is how to accept and learn to live with these negative voices/feelings in a positive way and start challenging them!

                        Sorry for rambling! This aint gonna get me work done :H


                          Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                          anon;1498185 wrote: Sorry to be AWOL so much. I have been feeling very tired this week.

                          Did loads of training for London Marathon when I was not fit enough and ran as fast as I could on the day. I am now SO tired and sleeping 11 hour nights and just trying to get my mojo back.

                          Still better than the booze:H

                          PS got interviewed at the end of the marathon and when asked what my secret was?I told them giving up alcohol. Never published!!
                          Good to see ya back MrsA

                          Who interviewed you?


                            Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                            mollyka;1498184 wrote: Hello mrsa!! How are you? Haven't hardly 'talked' since you were over here. Are you achey or anything after your heroics in London? What did you think of the Pompeii exhibition - I'd just love to see it!
                            Exhibition was BRILLIANT. x post btw

                            Mr A was on a mission so walked 8 miles that day.(day after a marathon)

                            At the posh meal at Marcus Wareing as I was not drinking champagne he made me a lovely cake instead:goodjob:


                              Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                              sweetpea29;1498188 wrote: Good to see ya back MrsA

                              Who interviewed you?
                              London Standard

                              Well done on the offie incident:goodjob:


                                Army Thread Sunday 28th April

                                howdy mrs a

                                and well done sweetpea, that is such a great thing to be able to do
                                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.


