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Now I'm really worried!

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    Now I'm really worried!

    You are doing the right, and best thing you can.:l
    ........and I thought I have problems.


      Now I'm really worried!

      Simey, The school is keeping it all confidential that I have anything to do with it. It is an alternative HS and it isnt uncommon for UA's to be done. They wont get dropped from school, just in the school drug rehab program. The principal promised me it would be kept confidental.

      The perscription drug they are gettin - so I hear is oxycotton. That is a super strong pain med used like on cancer pt's. It can be fatel. Slow the heart to stopping. Very addictive. It has a street value and kids like it. They are snorting and injecting it. Now I doubt thats what is goin on with my kids and am not even sure are even doin it. But how can I take the chance??? I damm sure cant talk to their dad about this. He is a loon himself!
      Gabby :flower:


        Now I'm really worried!

        Gabby, so sorry this is such a stressful situation. I would do whatever you can so that the boys feel safe and can trust you.

        Enlightened by MWO


          Now I'm really worried!



            Now I'm really worried!

            I just spoke with my friend . She said that you could file a cins....?...I think it means "child in need of supervision..." I'm sure your lawyer would know.
            You are right about him getting help...he has to want it.
            There are many kinds of programs. She was telling me about a policeman's son that is in one here. He is in a Christian based program. Six weeks of intense therapy and then a job. His job is going to be working in a chicken processing plant.
            THAT should cure him!

            God bless you in getting yours the help they need.

            :l Nancy
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Now I'm really worried!


              Also, who has legal costody? Is there a separation agreement regarding this? I am asking because I think you may have only until your oldest is 18 to INvoluntarily get him into rehab, which you may have to do...good question for your attorney.

              As for the issues with dad...I think...first priority is to make sure your son's are safe. (from drugs if not from him). If that means bringing dad in the loop, you may have to do it...especially if they are under his roof. Why don't you also call a adolescent drug facility and ask their advice...they may have some useful things to say...

              Just my thoughts...

              With love and prayers

              formerly known as bak310


                Now I'm really worried!

                God bless you Gab, It's not called Hilly Billy Herion for nothing. It's prescribed, but people are always willing to sell it. It was intially used by cancer patients. I know I have a cousin who abuses it. It is strong & addictive
                Love Ya Keep strong


                  Now I'm really worried!

                  Gabs, all I can say is I am sorry. The stress must be unbelievable. Hopefully the UA will be a good start. Sending you lots of hugs!!!
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Now I'm really worried!

                    Thanks guys for all your responses and support as here ya always know its available. Its been a hard weekend to be working with all this on my brain. I did however get to talk to my oldest son and MAYBE its not as bad as it seemed. brain is just on overload. Hopefully I have over reacted. At least he talks to me unlike my middle son. I figure my relationship will never be the same with him. So much is out of my hands.
                    Just hope GOD and his angels are on 24-7.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Now I'm really worried!

                      Wanna add something scary again.
                      On the phone to my bf late last night he said I said this...

                      "I just cant wait for the weekend to get over with so I wont want to drink beer anymore"

                      Now granted.....I was really tired and fallin asleep. And I do some silly talk a lot of times right before I nodd off. Often I think it may be my sub conscience talkin. But I dont wanna think that in this case. Usually its just funny stuff. But that statement scares me. Hate to think I am thinkin about drinkin. But then again.....with everything that is goin on.....I guess its just old hat. Stress = Drink...dont wanna let myself go there.

                      In just a few days I will have 10 months of sobriety.
                      Gabby :flower:


                        Now I'm really worried!

                        Hang in there Gabby, you are an inspiration to me and to others (almost 10 months AF) is (amost 10 months longer than me!). Be proud of yourself. I truly hope you are over reacting regarding your son, your brain must be in bits over it. Just sending you hugs and the wish for your mind to be at peace very soon.

                        Take care.

                        Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

