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Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

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    Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

    JackieClaire;1499231 wrote: I'd love to but there's no funds through work and very few courses.

    Luckily/unluckily I'm not sure which, when I reach 60 I should be able get into University of the Third Age. They might be able to help.

    Although by then I may have gone right off the idea of counselling and decide to do something simpler like Sistine Chapel painting or something easier.
    That's a shame about the lack of funds cos obviously you would be perfect for the job as a recovering alkie.

    And yeah, I know what you mean about the Sistine Chapel. I don't envy the counsellor I'll be seeing tomorrow. He is really going to have his work cut out with me. :upset:


      Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

      Recluse;1499239 wrote: That's a shame about the lack of funds cos obviously you would be perfect for the job as a recovering alkie.

      And yeah, I know what you mean about the Sistine Chapel. I don't envy the counsellor I'll be seeing tomorrow. He is really going to have his work cut out with me. :upset:
      The nice thing to know is they're not in it for the money and they've heard it all before and worse.

      Anyway Reccy, half the battle's done. You're willing to go and have a try.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

        Recluse;1499235 wrote: Not out of order at all satzy, in fact I'm not sure why you think you might be. Regarding the dieting, it's my firm belief that only permanent changes to one's diet and excercise routine can lead to permanent changes in weight. So if you make those permanent changes to your diet and exercise routine there's no real need for dieting (in the traditional sense of the word), your weight will change gradually over time.
        tbh I wasn't really talking about dieting Reccie - just making a comparison.......... but put simply like that it makes total sense:goodjob:
        Could the same logic be applied to alcohol ?


          Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

          mollyka;1499256 wrote: All abed then??
          Nope - I's here !


            Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

            mollyka;1499261 wrote: How'r'ya! I think what you're sayin is the gradual gettin to the point of finally ridding ourselves of the grog and setting up the support and behaviours rather than the 'big bang' as in YOU MUST STOP DRINKING NOW?? Is that what you mean?
            Yes I think so :H
            Have me self tied in knots here - trying not to upset anyone that will post later !!


              Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

              mollyka;1499268 wrote: I'd have liked to have had the luxury at the end of doing it 'my way' - just stuff got very heavy with Joe and the family - but I s'pose if the truth be told I may have been just putting off the inevitable - in my case the 'big bang' was prolly a blessing!
              I do think tho that going 'under cover' with my drinking escalated it at a rate of knots!!
              Anyways, enough of that - I'm sorta tired now - may head to the oul bed - sooo glad I'm on a late tomorrow - and we've a nice long weekend to look forward to. You got any plans? Joe's working so I'll be havin a quiet one hopefully!
              Ah sure night night Molls ........ talk tomorrow :l


                Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                satz123;1499257 wrote: tbh I wasn't really talking about dieting Reccie - just making a comparison.......... but put simply like that it makes total sense:goodjob:
                Could the same logic be applied to alcohol ?
                mollyka;1499261 wrote:
                How'r'ya! I think what you're sayin is the gradual gettin to the point of finally ridding ourselves of the grog and setting up the support and behaviours rather than the 'big bang' as in YOU MUST STOP DRINKING NOW?? Is that what you mean?
                That's a very interesting way of lookiing at it. I must have a think about that.


                  Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                  Recluse;1499275 wrote: That's a very interesting way of lookiing at it. I must have a think about that.
                  What time is your appointment Reccster ?
                  I'll be calling in favours from the Universe for you :l


                    Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                    satz123;1499278 wrote: What time is your appointment Reccster ?
                    I'll be calling in favours from the Universe for you :l
                    It's at noon satzy. I'll report back afterwards. Night molly.

                    Gonna go and watch a bit of telly now. Night satzuma.


                      Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                      mollyka;1499166 wrote: Pulled a sickie Zens - sod it, was worn out with the treadmill of trying to keep everything spinning in the air - this must be the first day I've ever done this really!!
                      You sound like such a ------ gardener:H Did a wee bit of that myself today -- bought some wee plants and made cuttings and such -- the sort of thing I can never do when I'm working -- I enjoyed it!
                      How's life?
                      Soz about that! I had to rush off... called the pedicure place and got straight in.

                      Yeah, I've been doing a fair bit of gardening. It'll all be done next weekend and won't need seeing to until autumn. I replaced the plants in the front with gravel so that's one thing I won't need to be re-doing all the time, tank feck!

                      Sounds like you had a nice day off!

                      Recluse;1499167 wrote: Hello zenny

                      Where DO you get all that energy from? Can you send some of that rain over here? My lawn desperately needs some. Gonna have to get the hosepipe out if we don't have some soon. And then we'll prolly end up with a feckin hosepipe ban!
                      I wasn't feeling very energetic today tbh... had to force myself. It's been a yawny day, think it's the heavy weather.

                      Hosepipe bans suck for gardens! I hate it when all my hard work is turning brown cos of that... gah!

                      How's your garden just now? Weren't you getting some fellers in to help clean it up?

                      And yer off on yer appointment tomorrow. You?ll have to let us know how it goes. Good luck with it? XXX

                      tiptronic_ct;1499179 wrote:

                      Do you talk to your plants, Zennerooney?
                      Not generally, but I swear at the weeds....

                      Yooo Hoooo Satzy!


                        Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                        Shite, just seen the time. I'm going to have to get me bum in gear to go to after care. Don't feel like it at all tonight, but needs must!

                        Will see yiz on the morrow... sleep tight... XXX


                          Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                          satz123;1499266 wrote: Yes I think so :H
                          Have me self tied in knots here - trying not to upset anyone that will post later !!
                          Yo doc. On me effin feckin fone, but quick pop in. Got what you were saying in earlier post. Tbh, sometimes I wonder whether others wisdom is only so good up to a point - and you is most wise and mighty, doc - but then each of us, you me molls JC inchy reccie zen and the rest of us, have to live and let learn by our actions... Even if the wise souls have been in similar places before and want to yell :no: by our decisions and actions.

                          I think it's more important to be as honest with ourselves as possible, and not hide or be in denial. But it is only ourselves that can do this.

                          I hate posting on me poxy good-fer-nuffink phone...

                          Hallo y'all :hallo:


                            Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                            Zenstyle;1499282 wrote: Hosepipe bans suck for gardens! I hate it when all my hard work is turning brown cos of that... gah!

                            How's your garden just now? Weren't you getting some fellers in to help clean it up?

                            And yer off on yer appointment tomorrow. You?ll have to let us know how it goes. Good luck with it? XXX
                            Yep they came round and strimmed and mulch mowed the lawns. I'm hopeful that the situation is recoverable. Need to get the mower out in the next couple of days and then prolly get the hosepipe out afterwards. Catch you tomorrow. :l


                              Army Thread Tuesday 30th April

                              Hosepipe! Good lawd! My sister, who was raised in Virginia, and now lives in North Carolina think's it's so funny when the natives call the garden hose, hosepipe. Now I know where it comes from--all those Scots-Irish who ran away from their lovely isles and settled in NC. I love finding out stuff like that.:thanks:

                              God save the queen!
                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

