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Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

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    Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

    nicelife;1508261 wrote:

    Yep, I'll run some suitable costumes up for our lads when I get a second or two. Both in stunning shades of pink....perhaps with a few glittery, sparkly, dangely type thingies.....don't worry, I won't go overboard. They will be stylish, eye catching and nooiiiiccce......
    David Bowies? Ziggy Stardusts?:H

    Hope your tomorrow is better than today, nicelife. Always enjoy your posts.:h
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

      Whatever you do, do NOT read the article in the SMH about is really disturbing and just makes this day feel just as it is.....not quite right!!!
      It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
      Mother Theresa


        Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

        tawnyfrog;1508221 wrote:

        Techie - sorry, can't invite you for pizza. You might trip over and hurt yourself. No way will my Public Liability insurance cover you. (Hope you're on the mend)

        Thanks Frog. I needed a laugh.

        Hey Bird. Re your trip and your young one possibly not being able to go....are you able to speak with the school and nip it in the bud, or head the situation 'orf at the pass' so to speak? Surely the school can be a bit flexible here given your big trip? Best wishes with it. Keep the dream alive I say (sticking my fat nose in)!

        Well Undies. Today went well. There was an issue with me being late to work now and then that they were getting a bee in their bonnets about, and fair enough except I was staying back and making up the 10 minutes late anyway. Whats the bloody diff? eh?! Especially when i'm in at 8.50 rather than 8.40 a.m. (my start hours) Anyway, all good. They are arranging 3 sessions around 'performance' which will be around being on time and probably some minor admin stuff. I reckon there was one (my manager), who wanted me to get a written warning for some reason, but common sense prevailed and it is a 'win win'. I was proud of them as I announced with pride....'I'm impressed, Thankyou'.

        Thanks Roo's for your words of encouragement and support too. It's always appreciated.

        Now, should be some of that fandangled cheese left in the fridge that I received mysteriously in the mail last week..........

        Hey Jonesy......:l:h:h No particular reason.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

          nicelife;1507983 wrote: Well Ragsy, I'm just in the door and the fire is still being installed. Only a few minutes to go and I'll be heated..... It looks fanmazing and I'm stoked....pardon the pun!

          I've rediscovered my absolute adoration of mahjong.....

          Think of me while you warm your tootsies.

          Can you play Mahjong? I haven't played for years. I have a mahjong set that is just sitting in the cupboard gathering dust.


            Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

            Guitarista;1507976 wrote: Struth Techie!

            Well, today at kung fu class, our teacher showed us how to fly across city rooftops. It wasn't as hard as I first thought. It was the running up walls ending with a backflip that was the biggest challenge. Not bad for 17 bucks a lesson I suppose.

            Geez, you'll be giving Techie a run for his money next.


              Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

              Gee Zuzz Mr G.
              What keeps you working there. Bastards.


                Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                Rags;1508371 wrote: Gee Zuzz Mr G.
                What keeps you working there. Bastards.
                Hiya Rags,

                Well, I love the job, and my immediate team are good people, and there is so much to do in the municipality which is a real growth area. The current manager will be moving on when our original/more normal one returns from maternity leave in September. Just gotta sort of keep me head down until then hehe.

                How are ya mate?

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                  Cheeses twice!

                  YAY! The eagle has landed. Replacement arrived without detour. I splatted off an email to the (my perception) 15-year old manager to inform her of same and suggested that it might be a good PR gesture, should this ever happen again, to include a small token pressie with the replacement order to which she replied "That's a great idea, we'll look into it". Fusk me rigid. I despair. Enough of me ...

                  Birdy - I'm really wishing that your girl is just anxious and will pass and all of you will fly to Alaska. From memory, this trip was to be with your birth mother? I so want this for you all and I believe it will happen.

                  Nicey - now ... did you get that job application in? Sounds to me like a change might be as good as a fusking long holiday. And thanks for telling me NOT to read the SMH. Wish I'd listened. GACK!

                  Mr.G - I once had a 9-5 job but turned up at 8 every morning because I could get so much more done in the quiet before the phones started ringing etc. but felt quite within my rights to knock off at 4.30. I got the strap. Pfffft. Miserable, humourless academics they were.

                  Rags - snowflake's chance in hell of finding your new cultured butter around them here hills.

                  The best thing I've built today are six creme brulee's, two of which are just waiting for a sprinkling of sugar and a blast of the blow torch. And tomorrow, just for a change, we're going to Arabloodyrat for an appointment with an "ist".

         ... I ask?


                    Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                    Guitarista;1508372 wrote: Hiya Rags,

                    Well, I love the job, and my immediate team are good people, and there is so much to do in the municipality which is a real growth area. The current manager will be moving on when our original/more normal one returns from maternity leave in September. Just gotta sort of keep me head down until then hehe.

                    How are ya mate?
                    Yep, Enjoying your work and knowing you are doing good and helping people can make up for a lot of workplace issues.


                      Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                      tawnyfrog;1508382 wrote: Cheeses twice!

                      YAY! The eagle has landed. Replacement arrived without detour.

                      Nicey - now ... did you get that job application in?

                      And thanks for telling me NOT to read the SMH. Wish I'd listened. GACK!

                      Mr.G - I once had a 9-5 job but turned up at 8 every morning because I could get so much more done in the quiet before the phones started ringing etc. but felt quite within my rights to knock off at 4.30. I got the strap. Pfffft. Miserable, humourless academics they were.

                      Rags - snowflake's chance in hell of finding your new cultured butter around them here hills.

                      The best thing I've built today are six creme brulee's, two of which are just waiting for a sprinkling of sugar and a blast of the blow torch. And tomorrow, just for a change, we're going to Arabloodyrat for an appointment with an "ist".

             ... I ask?
                      I'm going to RFS trg. tomorrow so I guess I can cross out going via Woddsy's place, which is just as well as I'll be going via western Sinny.

                      The Illawarra is similarly devoid of cultured butter (and all sorts of other culture. )

                      I love creme brulee. Do you use your oxy acetylene welder on it?

                      Yes, I was going to ask Nicey about the new job application too. How goes it?

                      I used to often go in early to work. No phones or people asking questions. Got about 3 hours work done in that time.

                      What was in the SMH other than it seems to be turning into a rag?

                      Tawn, anything happening holiday/trip wise with Nigel?


                        Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                        Rags;1508395 wrote:
                        Tawn, anything happening holiday/trip wise with Nigel?
                        Vietnam too long a flight, even if we went Business Class, so working on doable nice things within Oz. Will have more of an idea after seeing the Onc. tomorrow.


                          Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                          I saw that Vietnamunfortuantely had to be cancelled. If you're coming over this way, there's a couple of beds for you both and I'd love to show you around, buy you lunch or lend you the happy car. (Nicey, you've made that one stick... now I call the yellow Getz the happy car).


                            Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                            Evening all, just taking time to read properly.

                            Looks like you had a good outcome there G and just think only 4 months till your nice manager gets back, hang in there.

                            Birdy, agree with the Frog, everything crossed for the Alaska trip to still come off.

                            Knackered and I dont know why. Even missed Revenge last night in favour of an early night...then googled to find a catch up episode and got ahead of the plot so I now know too much...cannot tell Bridge...


                              Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                              myhappyplace;1508405 wrote: Even missed Revenge last night in favour of an early night...then googled to find a catch up episode and got ahead of the plot so I now know too much...cannot tell Bridge...
                              OK - just tell ME then ...


                                Underoos - May May be a gentle month ...

                                tawnyfrog;1508407 wrote: OK - just tell ME then ...
                                Can't - what if she exacts REVENGE of her own?? I scared...

