Good afternoon everybody, and jeez for once it actually is, sun is shining, I'm feeling good and the wife has himself a job interview. It is officially Day 1 mark *cough*4*cough* today. 4th time lucky? xD Actually feeling good about it this time, got a plan (a proper one, with stuff to do and everything) and almost enjoying the idea of a clear head. Thanks Molly for remembering :l had time for a little read back:
Sweetpea: sorry about your father being ill, shingles does seem to be a major problem this year, hearing alot of our customers at work have had it.
LPC: wishing you all the best with exams, you sound like me when i was at uni - had 10 weeks to do exam prep work for our final show, I worked 18 hour days for 6 of the ten weeks, fell asleep on the bus most mornings I was so exhausted! I'd tell you to relax, but I know when people told me that I had no intention of doing so til the work was done haha.
JC: thats really lovely what you do with your knitting
Reccie: thinking of you today, sending you all the best. we seem to be sharing dates for taking big steps now don't we?
Hope everybody else is well, over half way through hump day here, which is actually my day off - to be real weird, Friday is hump day for me haha.
EDIT: regarding cvs, one of my friends recently got a job by answering the question 'how much experience do you have' with 'about as much as you need for this job' xD