Hiya everyone else :hiya:
Thats me off now for a few days :yay: Want to go see me Da but he has banned visitors for now as says he's still contagious, hates any fuss over him too, i might disobey orders tho and take a spin down in few days.
Tis great to see the sun shining at long last, had planned more painting for my days off but the garden is looking tempting too and is crying out for a bit of attention, so will see

Satz loved those clips- v funny! Ah and remember Glenroe? Wot ever became of Biddy, Miley, Dinny et al.? Them were the days:H
Good luck Arsey and MrsA for the windemere mara- should be good craic for the two of ye.
Hi Jacks sorry yer son didnt get the job, but thats were it ends- lucky sod jettin orf to Florida- iz v jealous!
Need to go find something for me dinner bloody starvin ere xx