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My little story from last night!~

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    My little story from last night!~

    :H He MWO friends! Just thought I'd touch base with all of ya and let you know about my CD story. I went to listen to the CD's (Hypnotic I think) and got all ready...which means I dimmed the lights very low.... Got very comfortable on my bed, put headphones on and began my journey. I was getting very into that hypnotic state and low and behold I start to feel the ocean breeze on my upper body, I had to open my eyes to find my son right in my FACE@!! I littlerly had a heart attack and almost killed him! (hes 14) Your so in a trance that something like that to wake to is VERY alarming to say the least! He was trying to listen to what music I was hearing, not knowing I was going under I had to explain to him what it actually was....(obviously after I collected myself!!!) He now understands completely of the hypnotic cds and not to go near MOM! tee hee
    Anyway, I really think they are helping me. I see little changes comming on. Going by the liquor store and no inckling to go in. No real cravings either. I feel I could maybe even go to a party and feel pretty good about abstaining....well see. I am going to an aa meeting tonite....its a potluck and there will be speakers tonite at the alono club. Also alanon family is welcome. I'll talk with you tomorrow and let you know how it for now and good luck to all of you!!!:thumbs:

    My little story from last night!~

    Hi Shitz, the fist time that listened, my 10 year old daughter climbed in bed with me, so I found myself holding her hand all the way through it, but I think that that helped. I do find myself reminding myself of it at weak moments, so yes It definitely helps xx


      My little story from last night!~

      Hey, How do I post " my mood" like you did "mellow"???


        My little story from last night!~

        It's part of what you get if you subscribe, I think that it's really worth it xx


          My little story from last night!~

          That story cracked me up....I could just see myself doing it. Poor child was probably scared to death. You both have a funny memory now....


            My little story from last night!~

            Too funny! My almost 5 yo has been in this phase lately of waking up before 5 every other morning or so & comes in our room & stands in front of my face & scares the crap out of me every morning.
            :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


              My little story from last night!~

              I love the way you guys make me laugh. Thanks... its important, as is sharing.:h
              A BushBaby with Attitude

