This is DAY FOUR for me! Hooray!
I really thought about drinking today. Instead, I went to the pantry where "my little friend" is?the Rx bottle that I drew a skull and crossbones so no one else would mistake it for something else?and now I'm relieved.
I have so much to achieve in my life...I went from "being someone" financially to working a little shit job at a Mom & Pop place. I can't even get 40 hours there, the people treat me like crap, and my soul dies a little more every day.
BUT!!! I am moving forward to get out of the hole I dug for myself, and it had to start with AL.
My goal is to go back to school full-time in the fall. Pretty weird, being 51 years old. But I refuse to work a crap job for chump change for the rest of my life. My other goal is to stay AF until I'm out of school, whether that be an associates, a bachelors, or a masters.
But for now, today is enough. :thumbs: