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    Good morning friends--

    I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I had a lovely afternoon with Byrdlady over in Wilmington yesterday.
    I could not be more grateful to have found a friend like her. She is a terrific person that I will always cherish. We had a great afternoon.

    I must admit I have a new guitar coming this week, and a jam is happening on Friday night---the "admit" part is this--I have been thinking about drinking since I have not faced the jam group sober. (Rarely)
    Usually I stop the drinking thoughts right away but this time...well...I let them go to the point where I was going "Maybe I could take beer and water and alternate; maybe I can limit it to 6 total and be OK to drive the 4 miles home; etc etc." SO DANGEROUS FOR ME.
    Thanks to Byrdlady and her composed example of how to BE I will not be doing that. I am not going to mess up my 2013 goal for that. In deciding whether to go or not, sober, I think it's time to go and play some music and sing and be happy without the STUPID STUPID alcohol. Noone else there drinks a lot and I just think it't time to get on with all aspects of my life SOBER.

    Taking my antabuse and forging ahead. This is what I use it for-when my reason is compromised by addictive bullshit.

    Thank you all for being here-especially the delightful Byrdlasy-my friend,

    Peace and love


    Wow, Ann...I am moved to tears! Hang on a second....there goes the mascara!

    I keep thinking about our time, too, I just can't understand how 4 hours went by so quickly. As we were walking by the restaurant with people outside with beers and such at lunchtime...I asked you about it, but then I went on to tell you that the past year or so, I'd started drinking on the weekends from morning to night. You said you didn't drink every day and you didn't know how folks did that. I was JEALOUS of you! I drank til passing out every day. I admired your willpower! I guess the bottom line is that for us, AL is toxic and that's just the way it is. You got to live your life and muddle thru. It's only that first time that is odd and animated...after that 'you got it'. Last night I went out with my step daughter, her bff and hubs, and my hubs. All ordered drinks and I got water with lime. I laughed and told stories just like I used to when I had my 'liquid courage'. If what I saw yesterday was any example of the person you got NUTHIN to worry about! You are a winner!! She sings, she plays music, she BEADS!!! Get back here soon and we'll take that carriage ride! Sorry we got downwind of the horses.....XXOO, Byrdie
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest



      Wow, Ann Carolina! I could have written that myself. I don't think I've ever played out sober. Maybe once or twice. And we can't count stuff under the age of 17.

      I've got a jam-of-all-jams coming up in August. I'm traveling with my husband to my cabin?14 hours away from where I live. We're going to overnight it in Milwaukee, and all my professional musician Facebook friends want me to jam downtown.

      I used to play a lot, but now I can't even remember the last time I turned on my keyboards. Must be months. I'm only 1 week sober, and like you, thanks to Antabuse, intend to remain that way.

      JUST DO IT! We can't let our creativity die just because a part of us feels like a fish out of water! Sing and play your heart out, and have good memories (that you can actually remember!) the next day, and a warm fuzzy feeling in your heart. :h
      "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

      —William A. Ward



        Thank you Nichau

        You are right! We can do music SOBER! I am pretty sure I'm going.

        I don't "forget" lyrics when I'm sober and end up ad-libbing bullshit into songs LOL

        I have a friend who wants to come over and play today. Not used to that either but I'll manage. I know he can show me a bunch of stuff.

        Have a wonderful day and thanks again for responding


          HAPPY SUNDAY

          Wow Ann! Wow Byrdie!


          You two meeting is so...inspirational :h I have often wondered what would be like to meet some of the people here, almost having our favorite characters from books or films come to life! :l

          It's wonderful you live close to one another: you have Double Support!

          Now as far as The gigs and playing sans AL, Ann and Nichaui I was thinking as I read your posts about Sedona, one of the twins. Every night she was getting 'into' my guitar and trying to play it. It's way to big for her but she would sit on the couch with this thing basicaly draped over her self trying to pick out 'Down to the River to Pray' or strum Bad Moon Risin...

          When she would get close to getting the chords or the melody she is just BESIDE herself with joy. She looks just like this: :yay:

          She wants to lean this instrument so badly I never have to tell her to practice (though the clarinet is a different story...:H) it's really amazing. Though my son is also very musical, he just won't practice like this, everything's a chore and of course he wants instant gratification which I understand is part and parcel of being 14....

          Still watching him just toodle around aimlessly with his talent compared to Sedona sitting here night after night picking out those notes...

          Last week she and I were in one of my favorite consignment shops (I'm completely addicted to second hand! ) and in one of the booths are a row of guitars. She looks up and says, 'Mom, can I see if I can play that one?' Well it is her size so I get it down and she starts to play it! It's a Washburn so nothing fancy but really good shape and good sound.. Still it's 150.00 and I had no intension of spending that much money that day!

          But her little face is just lit up like a laser beam so I bring it up to the counter and tell Sedona that if the seller accepts 100.00 for it than it's hers...

          Well, honestly, I'm thinking the guy will never come down that much but low and behold....!!!! He says, "Sure!!!'
          And Sedona just goes wild, like she's at a Springsteen Concert or Something...

          I don't know why I thought of all this as I was reading your stories, you guys, but maybe it's just the pure, basement joy or reasons you all started playing in the very beginning of it all...

          I want to be able someday and fly out and see you both playing! Wouldn't that just be Da Bomb? Double MWO support with dinner and a Show! !

          Well believe it or not Sedona just walked in and is playing Down To the River To Pray again...and there goes my husband with his guitar. I get a Concert in bed this morning!! That's pretty cool.

          Ode To Joy on one side Allion Krauss
          on the other.
          LIFE IS GOOD...:l
          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
 tool box
 newbie nest


            HAPPY SUNDAY

            WOw Kradle

            That is terrific! I did not know you play!

            I am getting ready to pick up my best guitar and see if I feel like playing today.
            Kinda feeling down a bit but we'll see.


              HAPPY SUNDAY

              I don't play like my husband, or you..Or Nichaeu... You guys are professional, in the bands, up on the stage people. I'm a sit around the campfire kinda Gal...

              If I got up on a stage I'd have a stroke :H I have NO idea how you guys do that..I'm amazed when my kids get up there! :wow:

              I wish I had SKype or those Video Phones so you could watch these 2 playing at the end of the bed...I've got my husband playing Pure Prarie League on one side and Sedona trying to Play Smoke On the Water on the other's hilarious :H

              Can you call up a friend to come play with you at your house? Maybe that's less uncomfortable. :l

              PS- I mentioned to Sedona that was talking about her to a friend on the Web and she called me A stalker!
     musicians...what's a lowly mortal to do?
              On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
              *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
     tool box
     newbie nest


                HAPPY SUNDAY

                Hey Kradle

                Just called a friend who is coming over. He is bringing the guitar that I have coming so I can play it and see what I'm getting. He is happy with it and he's way better than I so I know it will be good.

                He is also bringing a really great Martin too that I almost bought for 1k but did not. Can't afford it HAHA

                I think that is way cool for your daughter. Google Kaki King and show her this chick-AMAZING


                  HAPPY SUNDAY

                  That's Awesome Ann! Wish I could be there...

                  I'll google Ms King.

                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    HAPPY SUNDAY

                    I wish I could be there, too! I wanna hang out with yall'all! I don't play anything, dang it. I admire anyone with musical abilities! All I can do is hum. xo, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      HAPPY SUNDAY

                      Just chucked this together Ann..glad you both had a good time!

                      Do you feel you want to play,
                      After you and Byrdies yesterday,
                      A great time had by both you two,
                      A friendship born through and true

                      A guitar, a tune,some words in line,
                      To commit to song your great time,
                      Another reminder if you ever think,
                      That you cant go on without a drink.

                      So just recall with smile and a cheer,
                      The fun you had without any beer,
                      And without its influence your life begins,
                      Full of hope with lots of wins
                      af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                        HAPPY SUNDAY

                        Oh my gosh! I'm going to have to save this entire thread!
                        Mick, that is beautiful! How did everyone get so much talent around here???
                        I am so moved by all this...what a great weekend it has been!!
                        It is amazing the strength and ability we have when we stick close to our friends....
                        Wow. B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          HAPPY SUNDAY

                          Hi everyone,looks like you are having a good time,great stuff,my weekend was great too,l finally slept good last night,l don,t know if it,s time or the sun that is making life great,this weekend l felt alive,maybe getting rid of this monkey on my back is gonna do me a lot of good,l bought a few books that are very interesting,from a used new book store,anyway one is called eating right to stay sobber,great book,the others are wake up calls by Eric Allanbaugh,PhD.and managing your mind,if you like reading you may like them,just thought l,d share,as well as my hubby and l went kayaking in Port Perry yesterday first time out was great,setting up pool as well,went for walk ,had a lot of fun in the sun,so LM happy,it's my first weekend l am doing really good,l want it to keep up,next sat is the party l am going to ,but a few people won,t be drinking so should help,have a great Sunday and week,talk soon ,keep up the great work of not drinking,!!


                            HAPPY SUNDAY

                            Byrdlady;1501680 wrote: I wish I could be there, too! I wanna hang out with yall'all! I don't play anything, dang it. I admire anyone with musical abilities! All I can do is hum. xo, B
                            Byrdie you just crack me up ! :H:H And make my day sunny and bright...:l
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest


                              HAPPY SUNDAY

                              OH WOW

                     friend came over and brought 2 guitars. One was the one I have coming on Tuesday. I am very impressed with it and can't wait to get mine.

                              I had him help me with a song I wrote, then he played a song he wrote. Embarassing!
                              His song was terrific! Alternating bassline-varying dynamics-just a great piece. He says he will teach it to me. If I learn it I would be thrilled.

                              So...happy Sunday evening!

