I hope everyone has had a great weekend. I had a lovely afternoon with Byrdlady over in Wilmington yesterday.
I could not be more grateful to have found a friend like her. She is a terrific person that I will always cherish. We had a great afternoon.
I must admit I have a new guitar coming this week, and a jam is happening on Friday night---the "admit" part is this--I have been thinking about drinking since I have not faced the jam group sober. (Rarely)
Usually I stop the drinking thoughts right away but this time...well...I let them go to the point where I was going "Maybe I could take beer and water and alternate; maybe I can limit it to 6 total and be OK to drive the 4 miles home; etc etc." SO DANGEROUS FOR ME.
Thanks to Byrdlady and her composed example of how to BE I will not be doing that. I am not going to mess up my 2013 goal for that. In deciding whether to go or not, sober, I think it's time to go and play some music and sing and be happy without the STUPID STUPID alcohol. Noone else there drinks a lot and I just think it't time to get on with all aspects of my life SOBER.
Taking my antabuse and forging ahead. This is what I use it for-when my reason is compromised by addictive bullshit.
Thank you all for being here-especially the delightful Byrdlasy-my friend,
Peace and love