But I didn't drink.
I thought of how I want to be *that* person or *that* person?people I see in public who clearly have it all together...jogging, well-dressed, looking happy?and thought that I was none of those things
But I didn't drink.
I thought of our money woes, and how my husband, though I love him very much, is a lazy drunk himself
But I didn't drink.
I mowed the lawn that was nearly up to my knees in some places
And I didn't drink.
I went grocery shopping and bought healthy food.
And I didn't drink.
I did the dishes?all of them?for the first times in months
And I didn't drink.
I gave myself a break about not suddenly turning into "Super Woman", like those people I see. I have a goal, I have a plan, and I am following it.
And I'm not drinking today.