Our son knew the deal. We talked the talk. Gave statistics, examples and an important reminder in our family that he himself was a product of a teen age pregnancy (birth mom was 15 when she had him). So, he was educated about the risk of pre-marital sex and how to use birth control...but despite all of this was just impulsive and downright stupid. Not even 16 and is going to be a father. GF is 17. Both are real mature in some ways but he is immature in many others (finances, work ethic, etc.). Still wants to sleep till noon, doesn't even have a real job yet and even if he did, doesn't have a driver's permit to get there...too young! Yet he thinks he's old enough to be a parent.
So, I have found a wonderful couple that are more than ready in every aspect to adopt but these kids want to keep the baby. He says he wants to help her when the baby is born as she'll be sleep deprived so wants to move in at her house. Her dad says the only way that can happen is if they marry. My thought is no. If dad supports her keeping it then she can live at home with him, our son will remain here and we'll support them financially and emotionally and in every way we can (babysitting, etc.) but our son won't be sleeping there and marrying her.
As an adoptive mother myself, I know how difficult placing a baby can be (heartbreaking for the birthmother). Had many failed adoptions because as the baby started to move, kick, etc. more than one mother changed her mind and decided to keep the baby.
For anyone who has been here, either as a teen in the same predicament or a parent, what does one do? I hate to force adoption even though I think it's the best plan for baby and for them as they are too young to understand the work, stress, etc. of a baby. Yet my brother who was in the same situation helped his dtr and has never regretted it as having the grandbaby has been the best blessing. However, I can't let my selfishness (joy of being a grandparent) get in the way of the right decision.
Anyone who can relate and willing to share life experiences will help. This is so heartbreaking.