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Army Thread Thursday 9th May

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    Army Thread Thursday 9th May

    One last thing !

    Molls - check where the Mick fella is - never raids the fridge anymore - miss him :upset:

    I'll leave you with this ......... ommmmmmmmmmmmmm !:H


      Army Thread Thursday 9th May

      Great going on the initiative and determination getting to the meeting yesterday Reccy and 9 units over isn't too bad I don't think (is a unit a standard drink, like 1oz?). Well done Inchy!... you sound good. ) Belated congrats on the 150 days Spidey! Sorry to hear about the slip Foxy... have you thought any more about getting into a programme like Reccy is doing? The AB is maybe a good idea and all? Glad things are improving with Mr A Chez Whizzy. Good luck with yer Mum Tipps. And I'm happy you're happy that Joey's back Mollers... and yer lappers back and all... happy days! )

      mollyka;1503435 wrote: Wasn't calm in work today however -- zen went out the shagging window!
      Feckin did NOT!!! I was very well behaved and didn't even get shhhhh'd... Scandal monger that ye are!

      *waves* to the rest of the troops. Hope I didn't miss a'body. I have really stingy, swollen eyes from using bleach (should have known feckin better) and reading back was a bit of a blur.

      I've discovered Hersheys sugar free chocolate syrup and my blender's going bonkers today making chocolate milk shakes. A moment on the lips and a lifetime on the hips. Never mind, I'll call 911 again and see about using that liposuction pass... they haven't heard from me for a few days and I'm sure they're missing me and worried about my innerthighitis. I'll give them an update on Jack's chubbykneeism while I'm at it... it's good to keep them in the loop I think.


        Army Thread Thursday 9th May

        Ach that's lovely Mollers, and a big relief for you to see him behaving well again. Ye'll need to talk to the mate's dad to see what's been goin on behind the scenes...

        Aye, sugar free is all right but not so sure about the full fat milk and the ice cream! Ach well. It was a month anniversary quitting the twaks (again!) on the 7th so I deserve a splurge. (Whaaaa? Sounds rational enuff to moi!) :H


          Army Thread Thursday 9th May

          Nanna nap overran a tad. Orff to readeth backeth.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Army Thread Thursday 9th May

            Evening Zen Molly and satz and anyone i missed. Wild windy and cold here now. I'm making an appointent with my gp tomorrow about the antibuse and campral if thats available and see whats best for me to take. Back to AA also. Zen there is a couple of places i'm looking in to. Last one didn't tho the people were. Of coarse i'll let you all know how i get on.


              Army Thread Thursday 9th May

              Xpost evening Jc.


                Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                evening all
                I have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again

                To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.



                  Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                  Gosh, things really did come together quickly with Joey Mollers. Haha... there IS a God after all! )

                  Hellooo Jack in the Box, FoxyLoxy and Incheroo!

                  Foxy... yeah, keep us posted. I hope there's something good available by you... :l

                  How's you two Incheroo and Jacks?


                    Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                    Now then had a read back.
                    Heard from the Dark Orchard Tart on the day on the bombs in Boston but nothing since. I do miss her :upset:

                    I likes what I reading about antabuse and campral. Lots of success looking round the boards. Give it a go Foxy.

                    Fecking delighted for you and the young 'un Molls.

                    Determined Pandaman, aren't you Reccy. 105 units will be done.

                    Yoooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooos and wavings to the rest of youse.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                      My aches and pains have aches and pains on top of them today. I've taken to the couch and yer wan indoors is making spaghetti bolognese for dinner. I'm still fecked from all the deck and yard work and it's getting on me last nerve. 10 years ago it wouldn't have phased me in the slightest. (


                        Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                        And I have a day off tomorrow.
                        One of them proper days when I don't have to 'nip' out to the shops or anywhere.
                        A proper day of just pootling, bimbling and just general farting about.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                          What the feck's a "bimble" when it's at home?


                            Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                            Zenstyle;1503485 wrote: What the feck's a "bimble" when it's at home?
                            Learnt that one of the missing Mick.

                            Bimbling's very like pootling. Doing nothing in particular.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                              mollyka;1503487 wrote: I genuinely cannot remember the last day I could do that - like literally, cannot remember - there's always 'something' -- most of the time it doesn't bother me - but sometimes it does. I've mentioned it at Aftercare - just being honest really that I find the whole programme pretty demanding alongside a fulltime job etc. sometimes I feel they are 'reading between the lines' when there's nothing to read - I'm saying it as it is.... the alternative is to NOT mention it..... bit of a conundrum really
                              It was good you actually pulled that sickie the other week. I'm positive pootling is good for our health. Wonder if you can get it on prescription.

                              I don't know how you do it.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Army Thread Thursday 9th May

                                :hiya: Hi honey I'm home !!!!!
                                Fed, noice cuppa, feet up - great !

                                Zens have we the same pains ?

