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The bad old days

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    The bad old days

    not day 1 at all - just a hiccup

    you'll get there mate, you are strong and you want to (more to the point).


    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


      The bad old days

      Hey Paul my man, yup, gotta give you a mixture of Melon-Tawns, grin ... You've had more AF days than piss days, but mate pull yourself together. You can do it. Now's not the time to tell yourself i can't do it! A nice kick up your butt! You can do it mate. You got a nice wife, and that nice grand-daughter of yours. Don't let them and yourself down.

      And we love you and stand by you, too. No matter what!
      Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


        The bad old days

        So glad to have you back and fighting Popeye! Bottle that feeling you had a couple of days ago and pull it out any time you feel tempted - it may just remind you of why you're not going to again!

        Many :l to you and your wife - she's also a real trooper!
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          The bad old days



            The bad old days

            Hi Popeye,
            I was working all day yesterday so didn't see your post,
            you are a such an inspiration to everyone, so dont let this
            mistake get you down, we all make them.
            love Paula xx


              The bad old days

              Hi Popeye,

              Well, from all the posts you know we all love you and are here to help.
              We need Tawny type people don't we, else we'd all take advantage of the soft posts and not get off the lounge. Eat your spinach, give Mrs Popeye a big thank you for being there for you, and wow, here you go on a whole new day. (Her name isn't Olive is it?)
              Please don't beat yourself up over this when it happens. Accept that you may occassionally slip over. But where your greatness lies is that you start all over again. And count the number of AF days you've had.......... they far outnember the other.
              Just keep your goal in sight, even if it gets a bit tarnished.


                The bad old days

                Popeye, just look down the right side of these posts and see where your messages of support are coming from. All over the effing world. All over the world, friend. It's what I mean when I talk about our long arms.


                  The bad old days

                  The thing is, if giving up this demon was easy, we'd all have done it ages ago. But it bl**dy isn't ! We're as strong as we can be for as long as we can be then, for whatever reason, and some times (for me anyway) for no reason at all, we don't have the strength that day...and Popeye, you've been strong for a long time, and for a lot of people.

                  But, we get back on the horse, kick our butts, whatever metaphor you fancy and we try again...with the help of each other.

                  Keep strong everyone


                    The bad old days

                    Wow, there really are a bunch of humans out there! Real people who have real lives, who make real mistakes and who have real feelings.
                    Thank God for this place.
                    We love you Popeye!
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      The bad old days

                      Popeye - Keep at it freind! You can do this!


                        The bad old days

                        Quote: Originally Posted by bestlifeldms
                        As long as I can remember there has been this empty, sad, place of fear and darkness inside. When I drink it is anesthetized, temporarily. Only to return made worse by the guilt, that I had failed, once again

                        I could have written that.
                        It's that sentiment that makes me keep going with this.
                        I can't understand why we do this to ourselves.
                        I so want to break the cycle. I will.


                        The above is what you wrote to me last week, whein I slipped, and it helped me so much! You so want to break this cycle, and YOU WILL!

                        Hugs, :l

                        "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                          The bad old days

                          It's amazing...five pages of posts from all over the world. You have many many people who believe in you! No one is perfect. We'd be pretty darn boring if we were!
                          Take care,


                            The bad old days

                            Good on ya, Paul. That's the Popeye we know. Get that spinach down your belly mate! :goodjob:
                            Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                              The bad old days

                              Hiya Mate,

                              I can just agree with whats been said...I just wanted to let you know i'm behind you aswell..This is such a tough thing to do..I think thats why we all respect eachother so much...Right i'm gonna go before i start chanting or summet
                              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                                The bad old days


                                Here's a testament to your value...I have been checking posts (every post) daily for over a month. The response to your original post was phenomenal. And here is the clincher. There were
                                A LOT of people who responded (who obviously read everything but don't post often because there were A LOT of names I didn't recognize) but they did respond for YOU!!!
                                You are on your way to a happier life. Believe that with effort and SUPPORT you will get there. You are an inspiration!


